Application of dual-wavelength nanosecond laser cleaning technology on stone artifacts
传统的清洗方法不能对文物表面较小污染颗粒进行清洗,并且容易造成文物表面不可逆的损伤。为提高清洗污染物的能力,金宝搏188软件怎么用 清洗技术逐渐应用于不同类型文物的清洗。本文研制了纳秒金宝搏188软件怎么用 清洗系统并对故宫博物院的大理石模拟样品和大理石碎片进行清洗,清洗的对象是黑色结壳污染物。为了避免变黄效应,采用波长为
1064 nm近红外光与355 nm紫外相结合的方法对大理石模拟样本进行金宝搏188软件怎么用 清洗。当两者的能量密度比值为3∶2时,显微观测系统的照片显示有较好的清洗效果。将此比值应用于大理石碎片样本,利用显微拉曼光谱仪对清洗效果进行分析。实验结果证实了金宝搏188软件怎么用 清洗的优势,也为金宝搏188软件怎么用 清洗大理石表面污染物提供参数和评价方法参考。本文研究也为金宝搏188软件怎么用 清洗技术在其他石质文物表面的清洗提供借鉴。-
- 金宝搏188软件怎么用 清洗技术 /
- 大理石 /
- 双波长
Abstract:Traditional cleaning methods can not clean small pollution particles on the surface of cultural relics. Moreover it can easily cause irreversible damage. In order to improve the ability to clean pollutants, laser cleaning technology has been gradually applied to the cleaning of different types of cultural relics. In this paper, we develop a nanosecond laser cleaning system to clean the simulated marble samples and marble fragments in the Palace Museum. The object of the cleanout is black crust pollutants. To avoid the yellowing effect, a dual wavelength combination of
1064 nm near-infrared and 355 nm ultraviolet light is used for laser cleaning of simulated marble samples. When the energy density ratio of these two wavelengths is 3∶2, photos from the microscopic observation system show a good cleaning effect. This ratio (3∶2) is then applied to marble fragments samples. The micro-Raman spectrometer is utilized to evaluate the cleaning effect. The experimental results confirm the advantages of laser cleaning and also provide reference parameters and evaluation methods for laser cleaning of pollutants on marble surface. At the same time, it also offer insights for the application of laser cleaning technology to the cleaning of other stone artifacts.-
Key words:
- laser cleaning technology /
- marble /
- dual-wavelength
图 8 无污染物的大理石、有污染物大理石未经清洗、单独用
1064 nm近红外光清洗(FIR=90 J/cm2)、单独用355 nm紫外光清洗(FUV=26 J/cm2)及1064 -nm和355-nm(FIR/FUV=3/2)双波段金宝搏188软件怎么用 清洗后的拉曼光谱Figure 8. Raman spectra of marble without crust, marble with crust, laser cleaning separately with
1064 nm (FIR=90 J/cm2), laser cleaning separately with 355 nm (FUV=26 J/cm2), laser cleaning with1064 nm and 355 nm (FIR/FUV=3/2) at the same time表 1
1064 nm金宝搏188软件怎么用 清洗污染物不同部位的单脉冲能量、能量密度及损伤概率表Table 1. Single pulse energy, energy density, and damage probability for cleaning different parts of pollutants by
1064 -nm laser单脉冲能量(mJ) 能量密度(J·cm−2) 损伤概率(%) 0.89 52.06 100 0.73 42.7 100 0.46 26.91 90 0.28 16.38 90 0.09 5.26 70 0.07 4.09 60 0.06 3.51 60 0.05 2.92 40 0.04 2.34 0 表 2 355 nm金宝搏188软件怎么用 清洗污染物不同部位的单脉冲能量、能量密度、损伤概率表
Table 2. Single pulse energy, energy density, and damage probability for cleaning different parts of pollutants by 355-nm laser
单脉冲能量/mJ 能量密度(J·cm−2) 损伤概率(%) 0.154 81.07 100 0.105 55.27 100 0.07 36.85 70 0.056 29.48 40 0.042 22.11 20 0.036 18.95 20 0.021 11.05 0 -
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