Design and analysis of the double-interface liquid lens based on a combination structure
2.1254 、成像分辨率最大可达101.5937 lp/mm。本文设计的基于组合结构的双界面液体透镜具有结构简单紧凑、界面可调控性强、成像分辨率高的优点。Abstract:In order to improve the image quality and variable range of focal length of liquid lenses, a double-interface liquid lens based on a combination structure is designed utilizing dielectrophoretic and hydraulic drive mechanisms, which mainly consists of a dielectrophoretic double-liquid lens and a PDMS membrane liquid lens. First, the liquid lens model is established with Comsol software, the surface profile changes of droplets and PDMS membrane under different voltages are studied, and the surface profile data of two surfaces are derived. Second, the aspherical expression is used to fit with Matlab software, and the interface profiles of droplets and PDMS membrane under different voltages and the corresponding aspherical coefficient are obtained. Finally, the corresponding double-interface combined liquid lens optical model is built with Zemax software, and the image plane is selected as the Gaussian image plane. The simulation and experimental data are compared and analyzed through the corresponding device’s fabrication and the preliminary experimental research. The results show that the variable focal length range of the designed double-interface liquid lens based on the combined structure of the simulation is consistent with that of the experiment. Additionally, the results show that the zoom ratio and the imaging resolution can reach
2.1254 and101.5937 lp/mm, respectively. The double-interface liquid lens based on the combination structure has the advantages of a simple and compact structure, strong interface adjustability, and high resolution imaging.-
Key words:
- liquid lens /
- hydraulic drive /
- dielectrophoretic effect /
- double interfaces /
- PDMS membrane
表 1 不同电压下的液滴中心高度
Table 1. Heights of droplet center under different voltages
电压/V 高度/mm 0 1.703 40 1.711 80 1.736 120 1.777 160 1.835 200 1.888 表 2 双界面组合液体透镜光学模型的结构参数(200 V,0.05 mL)
Table 2. Structural parameters of the optical model of the double-interface combined liquid lens (200 V, 0.05 mL)
表面类型 曲率半径 厚度/ mm 材料 通光孔径/ mm b c d e f Object(标准面) 无限 无限 0 1(标准面) 无限 0.7 BK7 6.5 2(标准面) 无限 1.888 甲基硅油 1.6 STO(偶次非球面) 无限 2.112 去离子水 1.6 −0.195 −0.995 0.744 −0.234 0.025 4(标准面) 无限 0.7 BK7 6.5 5(标准面) 无限 10.760 去离子水 6.5 6 (偶次非球面) 无限 14.737 6.5 −0.018 −5.56×10−6 −6.28×10−9 9.19×10−11 −1.09×10−12 IMA(标准面) 无限 5.281 -
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