本文设计了一种高灵敏度温度和压力传感器,该传感结构利用膜片将压力传递给双铰链杠杆结构,采用光纤布拉格光栅(FBG1)作为应变传感器实现压力的测量,由于双铰链杠杆的引入有效提升了传感器的压力测量灵敏度,仿真和实验测量结果证实,该传感器在0~18 MPa的测量范围内,灵敏度达到453.16 pm/MPa。同时,将另一支光纤布拉格光栅(FBG2)粘贴在杠杆上,消除压力测量过程中的温度交叉敏感问题,实现温度和压力的同时测量。在25~65 °C测量范围内,温度灵敏度为10.41 pm/ °C。由于光纤传感器的抗电磁干扰特性,该类传感器可用于苛刻环境中的温度和压力测量。
Abstract:In this paper, a high-sensitivity temperature and pressure sensor is designed. The sensor structure is based on the double-hinged lever structure and diaphragm to transfer pressure, adopting fiber Bragg grating (FBG1) as the strain sensor to realize the measurement of pressure. The introduction of the double-hinged lever effectively improves the pressure measurement sensitivity of the sensor. The measuring range of sensor is 0−18 MPa and the sensitivity is 453.16 pm/MPa. At the same time, another fiber Bragg grating (FBG2) is pasted on the lever to eliminate the temperature influence in the process of pressure measurement and realize the simultaneous measurement of temperature and pressure. The temperature sensitivity of the sensor is 10.41 pm/°C in the range of 25−65 °C. Due to the anti-electromagnetic interference characteristics of optical fiber sensors, they are usually used to measure temperature and pressure in harsh environment.
Key words:
- pressure sensor /
- fiber Bragg grating /
- hinge lever structure /
- temperature sensor
表 1 与最近报道的同类传感器性能对比
Table 1. Comparison of the designed sensor and those reported recently
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