Design of dynamic L-type impedance matching network in RF excited fast axial flow CO2 lasers
针对高功率轴快流CO2金宝搏188软件怎么用 器射频放电阻抗匹配问题,本文设计了低反射率、高动态匹配范围的阻抗匹配网络,实现了射频激励轴快流CO2金宝搏188软件怎么用 器在不同放电结构下的射频功率高效利用。基于射频电路阻抗匹配理论,构建了多电极等效电路模型,提出向匹配网络中引入可调高压陶瓷电容的方法,设计了适用于高功率射频激励轴快流CO2金宝搏188软件怎么用 器的动态L型匹配网络。模拟的动态L型匹配网络可实现向16根放电管注入60 kW射频功率,在总负载阻抗12.81 Ω~49.94 Ω的范围内实现反射率小于1%;并搭建了单管射频放电实验装置,实验测得动态L型匹配网络在4 kW注入功率下反射率小于1%,与仿真结果相符。证明了引入可调高压陶瓷电容的动态L型匹配网络能够实现高动态范围内的阻抗匹配,基本满足高功率射频激励轴快流CO2金宝搏188软件怎么用 器匹配电路设计要求。
- 轴快流CO2金宝搏188软件怎么用 器 /
- 射频激励 /
- 阻抗匹配 /
- L型动态匹配
Abstract:In order to solve the problem of RF discharge impedance matching of high-power fast axial flow CO2 lasers, an impedance matching network with low reflectivity and high dynamic matching range was designed to realize the efficient utilization of RF excited fast axial flow CO2 lasers under different discharge structures. Based on the impedance matching theory of RF circuits, a multi-electrode equivalent circuit model was constructed, a method of introducing tunable high-voltage ceramic capacitors into the matching network was proposed, and a dynamic L-type matching network suitable for high-power RF excited fast axial flow CO2 lasers was designed. The simulated dynamic L-type matching network can inject 60 kW RF power into 16 discharge tubes and achieve a reflectivity of less than 1% in the range of total load impedance of 12.81 Ω~49.94 Ω. A single-tube RF discharge experimental device was built, and the reflectivity of the dynamic L-type matching network was measured as less than 1% at 4 kW injection power, which was consistent with the simulation results. It is proved that the dynamic L-type matching network with adjustable high-voltage ceramic capacitors can achieve impedance matching in the high dynamic range, which meets the design requirements of high-power RF excited fast axial flow CO2 laser matching circuits.
Key words:
- fast axial flow CO2 laser /
- RF excitation /
- impedance matching /
- L-Type dynamic matching
表 1 金宝搏188软件怎么用 器工作参数
Table 1. Laser operating parameters
电源功率 射频频率 内径 外径 电极长度 电极面积 工作气压 工作温度 60 kW 13.56 MHz 24 mm 28 mm 300 mm 5.37×10−3 m2 10 kPa 400 K -
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