Pointing accuracy research of liquid crystal phase array based on variable period grating method
液晶光学相控阵被广泛应用于金宝搏188软件怎么用 雷达、金宝搏188软件怎么用 通信以及金宝搏188软件怎么用 武器中,进行金宝搏188软件怎么用 光束的扫描控制。为了实现液晶相控阵的最优设计和金宝搏188软件怎么用 光束高精度控制,本文重点研究工作波长、像素数、像素尺寸及有效灰度数对光束指向精度的影响规律。首先,根据液晶相位调制原理,仿真分析了周期光栅法和变周期光栅法的有效扫描角度和衍射效率;然后基于驱动电压灰度等分相位调制量,仿真分析指向误差随工作波长、像素数、像素尺寸以及有效灰度数的变化规律,推导出多变量普适公式;接着,仿真分析了驱动电压灰度非等分相位调制量时的指向精度,并和等分相位调制量的结果进行对比分析;最后,实验验证了有效灰度数、像素数和指向误差的关系,初步证实了经验公式的有效性。本文的研究结果可为液晶相控阵的设计提供理论依据。
Abstract:Liquid crystal optical phased array (LC OPA) is widely used in lidar, laser communication and laser weapons to scan and control laser beams. In order to realize the optimal design of LC OPA and high-precision control of laser beam, this paper focuses on the influence of working wavelength, number of pixels, pixel size and effective grey levels on beam pointing accuracy. Firstly, according to the principle of liquid crystal phase modulation, the effective scanning angle and diffraction efficiency of the period grating and the variable period grating methods are simulated and analyzed. Secondly, assuming the phase modulation is equally divided by the driving voltage, the variation law of the pointing error with the working wavelength, the number of pixels, the pixel size and the effective grey levels is simulated and analyzed, and the multivariable universal formula is derived. Thirdly, the pointing accuracy of the nonuniform phase modulation is simulated, analyzed, and compared with the results of the uniform phase modulation. Finally, the relationship between the effective grey levels and the pointing error is verified by experiments, and the validity of the empirical formula is preliminarily confirmed. The research results can provide a theoretical basis for the design of LC OPA.
表 1 随机选取的液晶相控阵多变量数据
Table 1. Random selection data for the multivariable of liquid crystal phase array
组别 PS/μm PN NG λ/μm 1 10.0 1000 50 1.000 2 5.0 800 40 0.800 3 8.0 900 60 0.500 4 12.0 512 80 0.635 5 15.0 700 32 0.444 6 9.2 600 64 0.900 7 16.0 888 76 0.456 8 14.0 666 86 0.707 9 18.0 500 90 1.180 10 9.0 1200 100 1.300 -
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