Infrared and visible image fusion guided by cross-domain interactive attention and contrast learning
- 红外与可见光图像融合 /
- 对比学习 /
- 跨域交互注意力机制 /
- 对比约束损失
Abstract:Aiming at the problems in existing infrared and visible image fusion methods, such as the difficulty in fully extracting and preserving the source image details, contrast, and blurred texture details, this paper proposes an infrared and visible image fusion method guided by cross-domain interactive attention and contrastive learning. First, a dual-branch skip connection detail enhancement network was designed to separately extract and enhance detail information from infrared and visible images, using skip connections to prevent information loss and generate enhanced detail images. Next, a fusion network combining a dual-branch encoder and cross-domain interactive attention module was constructed to ensure sufficient feature interaction during fusion, and the decoder was used to reconstruct the final fused image. Then, a contrastive learning network was introduced, performing shallow and deep attribute and content contrastive learning from the contrastive learning block, optimizing feature representation, and further improving the performance of the fusion network. Finally, to constrain network training and retain the inherent features of the source images, a contrast-based loss function was designed to assist in preserving source image information during fusion. The proposed method is qualitatively and quantitatively compared with current state-of-the-art fusion methods. Experimental results show that the eight objective evaluation metrics of the proposed method significantly outperform the comparison methods on the TNO, MSRS, and RoadSence datasets. The fused images produced by the proposed method have rich detail textures, enhanced sharpness, and contrast, effectively improving target recognition and environmental perception in real-world applications such as road traffic and security surveillance.
表 1 TNO数据集42组图像的客观评价指标均值
Table 1. Mean values of objective evaluation indices for 42 groups of images in the TNO
方法 评价指标 AG EN SD VIF SF MI PSNR SSIM Time RFN-Nest 2.669 6.963 36.897 0.559 5.874 2.113 62.193 0.649 0.249 U2Fusion 5.023 6.997 37.697 0.619 11.864 2.005 62.808 0.605 0.354 PIAFusion 3.828 6.814 37.141 0.740 9.620 3.352 61.776 0.468 0.682 SuperFusion 2.421 6.558 30.663 0.422 6.275 2.330 60.979 0.753 0.715 SwinFusion 3.560 6.819 34.825 0.658 8.985 2.297 62.577 0.686 0.553 SeAFusion 4.980 7.133 44.244 0.704 12.253 2.833 61.392 0.628 0.604 TarDAL 2.998 6.840 45.212 0.539 7.959 2.802 62.304 0.597 3.159 DIVFusion 5.560 7.593 47.526 0.625 13.463 2.217 59.979 0.408 2.149 DDFM 5.111 6.854 37.081 0.629 12.952 2.048 63.466 0.618 3.517 LRRNet 3.600 6.838 39.499 0.551 9.331 2.515 62.656 0.546 0.927 SFCFusion 4.324 6.700 31.297 0.675 11.401 1.997 63.133 0.687 2.578 Coconet 4.612 6.695 33.669 0.578 11.643 2.256 62.150 0.758 1.597 本文方法 5.601 7.443 50.879 0.792 14.742 3.374 62.875 0.831 0.593 表 2 MSRS数据集40组图像的客观评价指标均值
Table 2. Mean value of objective evaluation indices for 40 groups of images in MSRS
方法 评价指标 AG EN SD VIF SF MI PSNR SSIM Time RFN-Nest 1.557 5.209 25.976 0.555 4.725 2.498 67.123 0.565 0.428 U2Fusion 2.409 5.332 25.303 0.555 7.709 2.244 66.599 0.595 0.536 PIAFusion 3.598 6.536 46.263 1.008 10.945 3.825 64.464 0.545 0.892 SuperFusion 3.598 6.468 43.469 0.913 9.464 3.999 64.851 0.545 0.874 SwinFusion 3.598 6.491 44.209 0.913 9.712 4.173 64.821 0.545 0.724 SeAFusion 3.598 6.547 42.902 0.952 10.047 3.776 64.570 0.581 0.647 TarDAL 3.598 3.312 26.792 0.162 13.973 1.245 63.544 0.278 4.589 DIVFusion 4.313 7.406 54.228 0.784 11.575 2.545 56.314 0.243 3.248 DDFM 1.848 5.642 21.144 0.561 5.922 2.414 67.088 0.705 3.774 LRRNet 3.508 6.780 25.976 0.852 10.058 3.202 58.759 0.685 1.938 SFCFusion 3.759 5.933 30.836 0.636 11.407 2.002 66.788 0.526 2.549 Coconet 2.114 5.586 30.836 0.399 6.727 2.090 65.110 0.632 2.874 本文方法 4.731 7.331 56.891 1.138 13.216 4.215 66.821 0.732 0.698 表 3 RoadSence数据集221组图像的客观评价指标均值
Table 3. Mean value of objective evaluation indices for 221 groups of images in RoadSence
方法 评价指标 AG EN SD VIF SF MI PSNR SSIM Time RFN-Nest 3.362 7.336 46.025 0.500 7.852 2.738 61.366 0.617 0.357 U2Fusion 6.099 7.183 40.092 0.564 15.282 2.578 61.366 0.696 0.684 PIAFusion 4.308 6.981 42.702 0.681 12.132 3.557 61.680 0.659 0.534 SuperFusion 4.469 6.990 41.358 0.608 12.185 3.562 62.107 0.566 0.824 SwinFusion 4.516 7.000 44.067 0.614 16.720 3.334 61.297 0.529 0.545 SeAFusion 6.491 7.330 49.645 0.600 16.625 3.022 61.714 0.584 0.657 TarDAL 6.691 7.550 59.398 0.418 16.123 2.191 59.566 0.552 3.924 DIVFusion 5.010 7.539 54.188 0.572 13.295 2.900 61.779 0.441 2.842 DDFM 3.952 6.868 33.551 0.532 10.174 2.845 64.484 0.660 3.667 LRRNet 5.692 7.526 54.772 0.631 15.223 3.510 62.025 0.730 1.259 SFCFusion 6.304 7.222 41.496 0.591 15.994 2.842 63.781 0.670 1.842 Coconet 4.407 7.059 37.356 0.577 11.417 2.896 64.440 0.728 2.067 本文方法 6.924 7.596 60.891 0.703 16.810 4.027 62.303 0.804 0.573 表 4 10组场景消融实验客观评价指标均值
Table 4. Mean values of objective evaluation indices in 10 groups of ablation experiment scenes
模型 AG EN SD VIF SF MI PSNR SSIM 实验1 7.328 7.248 52.314 0.652 16.257 3.628 54.217 0.766 实验2 5.628 6.995 48.302 0.563 18.005 3.495 57.457 0.501 实验3 6.715 7.137 45.541 0.589 18.186 3.214 56.259 0.627 实验4 6.357 7.033 50.249 0.637 17.894 3.455 57.224 0.643 实验5 7.780 7.324 52.413 0.633 17.924 3.527 58.149 0.702 本文方法 8.326 7.421 61.672 0.709 18.259 3.989 59.248 0.791 -
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