为了实现高精度、高可靠性的动态场景模拟,设计了一套短波中波多波段折反射式共口径光学系统。该系统结合了反射、折射和共口径光路的优势,分为主光学系统、短波光学系统和中波光学系统独立设计,根据理论计算得到光学系统的初始结构,再通过光学设计软件对光学参数进一步细化,最后,按照光瞳匹配原则,组合各分系统,并对系统的成像质量作进一步优化设计,通过调制传递函数(Modulation Transfer Function,MTF)和畸变等指标的仿真验证了系统设计的合理性。所设计的短波光学系统视场角为±0.107°、焦距
2500 mm、入瞳尺寸300 mm,MTF达到衍射极限,畸变小于0.3%;中波光学系统的视场角为±0.65°、焦距750 mm、入瞳尺寸300 mm,MTF接近衍射极限,畸变小于1%。该系统成像质量好,体积小,实用性强,在光电跟瞄和空间探测等领域具有较大应用潜力。Abstract:In order to simulate dynamic scenes with high accuracy and high reliability, a short-wave infrared (SWIR) and mid-wave infrared (MWIR) multiband catadioptric common-aperture optical system is designed. The system combines the advantages of reflection, refraction and common-aperture optical path, and is independently designed into the main optical system, short-wave optical system and mid-wave optical system. The initial structure of the optical system is obtained according to theoretical calculation, and the optical parameters are further detailed by optical design software. Finally, according to the principle of pupil matching, the sub-systems are combined. The image quality of the system is further optimized and the rationality of the system design is verified by the simulation of modulation transfer function (MTF) and distortion. The designed short-wave optical system has a field angle of ±0.107°, a focal length of 2500mm, an entry pupil size of 300mm, MTF reaches the diffraction limit, and the distortion is less than 0.3%. The field angle of the mid-wave optical system is ±0.65°, the focal length is 750mm, the entry pupil size is 300mm, the MTF is close to the diffraction limit, and the distortion is less than 1%. The system has good image quality, small size and strong practicability, and has great application potential in the field of photoelectric tracking and space detection.
Key words:
- scene simulator /
- optical design /
- SWIR/MWIR imaging /
- common-aperture optical system
表 1 折反射式共口径光学系统主要参数
Table 1. Main parameters of catadioptric common-aperture optical system
Num. Specification Short-wave system Mid-wave system 1 Wave band/ μm 1.0-1.7 3.7-4.8 2 Channels 1 3.7-4.0,4.1-4.35,
4.35-4.6,4.55-4.83 FOV/ω ±0.107° ±0.65° 4 Focus/mm 2500 750 5 Entrance PD/mm 300 300 6 Exit PD/mm 1300 1300 7 Image size / The same size/4 8 Distortion ≤0.3% ≤1% 注:Entrance PD= Entrance Pupil Diameter,入瞳尺寸;Exit PD=Exit Pupil diameter,出瞳距离。 表 2 主系统光学设计数据
Table 2. Main system optical design data
Num.Curve radius
/mm1 − 1500 −900 170 300 2 300 40 −58 表 3 中波主系统光学设计数据
Table 3. Mid-wave main system optical design data
Num.Curve radius
/mm1 − 1500.00 −900 170.00 300 2 300.00 40.00 −58 3 207.93 19 33.33 KBR 4 −128.33 0.50 33.10 5 −754.76 10 32.36 SILICON 6 776.51 0.50 32.13 7 234.00 20 32.19 KBR 8 −89.34 0 31.84 9 −89.34 17.20 31.84 GAAS 10 −148.50 200 35.36 表 4 短波后端系统的光学参数
Table 4. Optical parameters of short-wave back-end system
Num. Specification Short-wave system 1 Wave band/ μm 1.0-1.7 2 FOV/ω(°) ±0.54 3 Focus/mm 500 4 Entrance PD/mm 60 5 Image size / 6 Distortion ≤0.3% 表 5 短波后端光学系统设计参数
Table 5. Short-wave back-end optical system design parameters
Num.Curve radius
/mmMaterials 1 229.09 20 50.61 H-LAF55 2 −192.78 4.31 49.90 3 −177.10 12 48.22 H-LAF50B 4 − 1950.66 6.70 46.73 5 −533.78 11 45.87 H-ZF88GT 6 476.42 35.99 45.19 7 − 4768.94 10 45.16 H-LAF55 8 −329.67 436.70 45.19 表 6 中波后端系统的光学参数
Table 6. Optical parameters of mid-wave back-end system
Num. Specification Mid-wave system 1 Wave band/ μm 3.7-4.8 2 FOV/ω ±3.23° 3 Focus/mm 150 4 Entrance PD 60 5 Image size The same size/4 6 Distortion ≤1% 表 7 中波后端光学系统设计参数
Table 7. Mid-wave back-end optical system design parameters
Num.Curve radius
/mmMaterials 1 168.31 29.02 47.50 SILICON 2 229.17 9.64 42.54 3 6736.72 15.00 41.43 GERMANIUM 4 773.91 102.20 40.61 5 820.84 26.25 35.63 SILICON 6 −330.43 7.58 34.56 7 −214.63 18.00 31.30 GERMANIUM 8 −446.58 0.10 31.49 9 79.49 22.50 30.22 SILICON 10 69.43 230.28 23.24 表 8 加工与装调公差
Table 8. Machining and fitting tolerances
Num. Tolerance classification Tolerance value 1 Aperture 2 2 Thickness (spacing)/mm 0.02 3 Refractive index 0.0003 4 Dispersion coefficient 0.005 5 Local aperture 0.2 6 Single-mirror tilt/(′) 1 -
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