0.2049 和0.0894 ,各项评价指标均优于对比方法。证明了所提方法能够充分挖掘了OAM光斑集合的特征,具有更好的识别效果。Abstract:To identify orbital angular momentum (OAM) with imbalanced label, a derived model based on global cost SMOTE and deep extreme learning machine (DELM) has been proposed. Different from typical machine learning methods, the proposed model can obtain the analytical expression of the mapping model. It will avoid the repeated parameter optimization process, thus building a suitable model for time-varying engineering applications. In the data generation stage, the inverse matrix of covariance is used to remove the dimension influence, and the differences of the same sample set are measured effectively. In the model selection stage, considering the transmission characteristics of light signal in atmosphere turbulence, the DELM is adopted to quantify the mapping relationship between light spots and labels. Then the FISTA algorithm helps to calculate the analytical expression of the model. Experiments are carried out on different intensity atmospheric turbulence data sets. The representative comparative methods include WELM and K-nearest neighbor. Experimental results show that the root mean square error(RMSE) of the proposed method achieve
0.2049 and0.0894 , which are superior to the comparison method under different turbulence intensities. It is proved that the proposed method can fully explore the characteristics of OAM spot collection and has better recognition effect. -
表 1 所提方法伪代码
Table 1. The pseudocode of proposed method
(3) 根据式(12)计算马氏距离;
添加新样本到样本集合中sample=[sample s];
(10)返回输出层权重的解析解$ {{\boldsymbol{\beta }}_j} $和OAM模态估计值。表 2 混淆矩阵
Table 2. The confusion matrix
真实结果 预测结果 正例 反例 正例 TP (真正例) FN (假反例) 反例 FP (假正例) TN (真反例) 表 3 消融实验
Table 3. The ablation experiment
深度ELM SMOTE-DELM $ C_n^2 = {10^{ - 14}} $ 0.2552 0.2049 $ C_n^2 = {10^{ - 15}} $ 0.0924 0.0894 -
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