Double Fano resonance and refractive index sensors based on parallel-arranged Au nanorod dimer metasurface arrays
doi: 10.37188/CO.EN-2023-0008
为了研究超表面结构的耦合及折射率传感特性,设计了一种由两种长度不同的纳米棒组成的二聚体结构,并研究该结构的透射光谱,共振峰处的电场和电荷分布以及结构参数对透射光谱的影响。本文采用有限元法对光学性能进行仿真分析,采用准静态逼近模型解释了平行双纳米棒结构的耦合机理。在共振波长上模拟电场分布,分析电子振动模式,在透射光谱中出现了不对称线型的双Fano共振。结果表明,双Fano共振是由纳米棒和衬底之间的耦合作用产生的,可以通过结构参数和周围介质的折射率来调控,且基于Fano共振的折射率灵敏度最大可达1.137 μm/RIU。这些研究结果为设计等离激元传感器提供了理论依据。
Abstract:In order to study the coupling and refractive index sensing properties of a metasurface, asymmetric parallel nanorod dimers consisting of two nanorods with different lengths was proposed and designed. In this paper, the finite element method is used to simulate the optical properties and a quasi-static approximation model is used to explain the coupling mechanism of double parallel nanorods. The transmission spectra, electric field at the resonant peak, charge distribution and the influence of structural parameters on the transmission spectra are studied. The electric field distribution is simulated at the resonance wavelength, the electron vibration mode is analyzed, and asymmetric double Fano resonance appears in the transmission spectrum. The results show that the double Fano resonance is generated by the coupling between the nanorods and the substrate, and the double Fano resonance can be regulated by the structural parameters and the refractive index of the surrounding medium. The sensitivity of the refractive index based on the Fano resonance can reach 1.137 μm/RIU. These results provide a theoretical basis for the design of a surface plasmon refractive index sensor.
Key words:
- plasmonic metasurfaces /
- Au nanorods /
- double Fano resonance /
- refractive index sensor
Figure 5. The distribution of the normalized square of electric field (|E|2) and the charge density of the double parallel nanorods for symmetry structure at the peak E, G, I and dips F, H, J with the parameter s = 80 nm at λE = 2.26 mm (a), λF = 2.30 mm (b), λG = 2.36 mm (c), λH = 2.90 mm (d), λI = 2.98 mm (e), and λJ = 3.00 mm (f).
Table 1. Comparison of sensitivity of different methods
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