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Influence of SA recovery time on orthogonally polarized dissipative solitons

HE Xiao-ying,ZHANG Chuan,ZHANG Yin-dong,RAO Lan

何晓颖, 张川, 张银东, 饶岚. 饱和吸收体恢复时间对正交偏振耗散孤子的影响[J]. , 2024, 17(3): 714-723. doi: 10.37188/CO.EN-2023-0032
引用本文: 何晓颖, 张川, 张银东, 饶岚. 饱和吸收体恢复时间对正交偏振耗散孤子的影响[J]. , 2024, 17(3): 714-723.doi:10.37188/CO.EN-2023-0032
HE Xiao-ying, ZHANG Chuan, ZHANG Yin-dong, RAO Lan. Influence of SA recovery time on orthogonally polarized dissipative solitons[J]. Chinese Optics, 2024, 17(3): 714-723. doi: 10.37188/CO.EN-2023-0032
Citation: HE Xiao-ying, ZHANG Chuan, ZHANG Yin-dong, RAO Lan. Influence of SA recovery time on orthogonally polarized dissipative solitons[J].Chinese Optics, 2024, 17(3): 714-723.doi:10.37188/CO.EN-2023-0032


  • 中图分类号:O436.3

Influence of SA recovery time on orthogonally polarized dissipative solitons

Funds:Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61675046, No. 61935005)
More Information
    Author Bio:

    He Xiao-ying (1981—), female, born in Jingzhou, Hubei. She received her Ph.D. degree from the Huazhong University of Science and Technology in 2009. She now works as an associated investigator at the Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. Her main research interests include semiconductor optoelectronic devices, neural synaptic devices, fiber mode-locking lasers, and beam shaping. E-mail:xiaoyinghe@bupt.edu.cn

    Corresponding author:xiaoyinghe@bupt.edu.cn
  • 摘要:

    偏振在脉冲锁模时,对其塑形和稳定起着至关重要的作用。本研究开发了一种用于产生正交偏振耗散孤子的被动锁模石墨烯光纤 器的正交偏振数值模拟。重点是分析由偏振依赖的石墨烯微光纤饱和吸收体引起的净正常色散双折射腔对正交偏振孤子的影响。研究结果表明,这种饱和吸收体的恢复时间显著影响正交偏振耗散脉冲的特性,如能量、脉宽、时间带宽乘积和啁啾。结果显示,其恢复时间为120飞秒时最佳,产生两个具有大啁啾的正交偏振的窄耗散孤子脉冲,分别约为7.47 ps和8.06 ps。这对于开发紧凑、高功率、偏振耗散孤子光纤 系统具有重要意义。

  • Figure 1.Schematic diagram of polarization-locked mode-locked fiber laser

    Figure 2.Change of the output pulses and spectrum calculated with an increase of the net cavity dispersion from 0.01 ps2to 0.1 ps2. (a) Output pulses ofX-polarized. (b) Output spectrum ofX-polarized. (c) Output pulses ofY-polarized. (d) Output spectrum ofY-polarized

    Figure 3.Results from numerical simulation of orthogonally polarized dissipative soliton showing the temporal evolution of the pulse in the cavity

    Figure 4.(a) The influence of recovery time on the pulse width of the two orthogonal polarization components. (b) The effect of recovery time on the modulation depth for the two polarization directions. (c) The impact of recovery time on the output pulse energy of the two polarized pulses. (d) The effect of recovery time on the output pulse chirp in two polarization directions

    Figure 5.Pulse formation mechanisms with different recovery times. (a) The recovery time of 70 fs. (b) The recovery time of 120 fs. (c) The recovery time of 1700 fs

    Table 1.Different cavity lengths and their corresponding total net cavity dispersion

    Entire Cavity
    Net Cavity
    2 3 5 0.01
    2.8 3 5.8 0.058
    3.2 3 6.2 0.081
    3.55 3 6.55 0.1
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    Table 2.The output pulse parameters associated with different cavity lengths

    Net Cavity
    3 dB pulse
    3 dB pulse
    3 dB spectrum
    3 dB spectrum
    0.01 9.52 10.18 12.34 12.15
    0.058 10.43 11.2 13.83 13.94
    0.081 11.17 11.69 13.04 14.06
    0.1 11.94 11.87 15.13 14.67
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