Modeling of piezo-positioning system and sliding mode inverse compensation control
doi: 10.37188/CO.EN-2024-0012
为了提高压电定位系统(Piezo-positioning system)的控制性能,对迟滞特性产生的影响及其补偿控制方法进行了研究。利用Hammerstein模型表征压电陶瓷定位器的动态迟滞非线性特性,分别以Prandtl-Ishlinskii(P-I)模型和Hankel矩阵系统辨识法求得的模型表示Hammerstein模型的静态非线性部分和动态线性部分。此模型对于200 Hz以内的典型输入频率具有较好的泛化能力。在此基础上,还提出了基于P-I逆模型与积分增广的滑模逆补偿跟踪控制策略。实验结果表明,相较于PID逆补偿控制和无逆补偿的滑模控制,滑模逆补偿控制具有更加理想的阶跃响应,无超调且调节时间仅为6.2 ms,在频域内系统闭环跟踪带宽达到119.9 Hz,且扰动抑制带宽达到86.2 Hz。所提控制策略实现了迟滞非线性的有效补偿,提高了压电定位系统的跟踪精度与抗扰性能。
Abstract:In order to enhance the control performance of piezo-positioning system, the influence of hysteresis characteristics and its compensation method are studied. Hammerstein model is used to represented the dynamic hysteresis nonlinear characteristics of piezo-positioning actuator. The static nonlinear part and dynamic linear part of the Hammerstein model are represented by models obtained through the Prandtl-Ishlinskii (P-I) model and Hankel matrix system identification method, respectively. This model demonstrates good generalization capability for typical input frequencies below 200 Hz. A sliding mode inverse compensation tracking control strategy based on P-I inverse model and integral augmentation is proposed. Experimental results show that compared with PID inverse compensation control and sliding mode control without inverse compensation, the sliding mode inverse compensation control has a more ideal step response and no overshoot, moreover the settling time is only 6.2 ms. In the frequency domain, the system closed-loop tracking bandwidth reaches 119.9 Hz, and the disturbance rejection bandwidth reaches 86.2 Hz. The proposed control strategy can effectively compensate the hysteresis nonlinearity, and improve the tracking accuracy and anti-disturbance capability of piezo-positioning system.
Table 1. Model test errors at different frequencies
Frequency (Hz) RMSE (μm) RE 1 0.1835 0.0121 10 0.3141 0.0214 30 0.3538 0.0244 50 0.3106 0.0219 70 0.2557 0.0185 100 0.2289 0.0173 130 0.2572 0.0201 160 0.3717 0.0297 200 0.4345 0.0365 -
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