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Design of high-speed MUTC-PD with electric field regulation layer

XU JIan-bo LIU KAI DONG Xiao-wen DUAN Xiao-feng HUANG Yong-qing WANG Qi REN Xiao-min

徐建波, 刘凯, 董晓雯, 段晓峰, 黄永清, 王琦, 任晓敏. 具有电场调控层的高速MUTC-PD设计[J]. 188bet网站真的吗 . doi: 10.37188/CO.EN-2024-0030
引用本文: 徐建波, 刘凯, 董晓雯, 段晓峰, 黄永清, 王琦, 任晓敏. 具有电场调控层的高速MUTC-PD设计[J]. 188bet网站真的吗 . doi: 10.37188/CO.EN-2024-0030
XU JIan-bo, LIU KAI, DONG Xiao-wen, DUAN Xiao-feng, HUANG Yong-qing, WANG Qi, REN Xiao-min. Design of high-speed MUTC-PD with electric field regulation layer[J]. Chinese Optics. doi: 10.37188/CO.EN-2024-0030
Citation: XU JIan-bo, LIU KAI, DONG Xiao-wen, DUAN Xiao-feng, HUANG Yong-qing, WANG Qi, REN Xiao-min. Design of high-speed MUTC-PD with electric field regulation layer[J]. Chinese Optics. doi: 10.37188/CO.EN-2024-0030


  • 中图分类号: TN215

Design of high-speed MUTC-PD with electric field regulation layer

doi: 10.37188/CO.EN-2024-0030
Funds: Supported by
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    Author Bio:

    KAI LIU received a bachelor's degree in applied electronic technology and a Ph.D. in fiber optic communications and optoelectronics from the Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT), China, in 1994 and 1999, respectively. He wrote a postdoctoral project on the research of optical pumped 1.3 μm VCSEL at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA, in 2000 and 2001. He is an Associate Professor at the School of Electrical Engineering, BUPT. He is the author of more than twenty refereed journal articles and conference papers on optoelectronic technology. His research interests include optical interconnects, optoelectronics integration, and photonic devices for optical fiber communications. He has recently contributed to the single-mode VCSEL for optical interconnects and high-speed, high-power UTC-PD for radio on fiber systems

    Corresponding author: xxxxx
  • 摘要:

    本文提出了一种具有电场调控层的新型改进型单行载流子光探测器(MUTC-PD)。该光探测器中,崖层后新增的p型掺杂电场调控层能够优化收集层中的电场强度,使光生电子在收集层中以峰值漂移速度输运;同时能够增强耗尽吸收层中的电场强度,优化其中光生载流子饱和速度输运特性;并且,器件收集层中光生电子的峰值漂移速度输运特性可以进一步优化其寄生电容特性,从而显著提升光探测器的3 dB响应带宽。经过仿真优化设计,获得了响应度为0.502 A/W,3-dB带宽为68 GHz的MUTC-PD,可应用于100 Gbit/s光接收机。


  • Figure 1.  Epitaxial layer scheme

    Figure 2.  SMUTC-PD’s electric field intensity distribution at different doping concentrations in the electric field regulation layer

    Figure 3.  SMUTC-PD’s electron velocity distributions at different doping concentrations in the electric field regulation layer

    Figure 4.  SMUTC-PD’s hole velocity distributions at different doping concentrations in the electric field regulation layer

    Figure 5.  SMUTC-PD’s frequency response and parasitic capacitance with different collector layer thicknesses

    Figure 6.  SMUTC-PD’s photo-response bandwidth and parasitic capacitance with different doping concentrations in the p-doped absorption region

    Figure 7.  SMUTC-PD’s photo-response bandwidth and parasitic capacitance with different thicknesses of the p-doped absorption region

    Figure 8.  SMUTC-PD’s frequency response

    Figure 9.  SMUTC-PD’s responsivity

    Table  1.   Material parameters of the simulation

    Parameter InP InGaAs
    Electron mobility, μn 5400 cm2/Vs 12000 cm2/Vs
    Hole mobility, μp 200 cm2/Vs 300 cm2/Vs
    Conduction band density of states, Nc 1.1×1019 cm−3 7.7×1018 cm−3
    Valence band density of states, Nv 5.7×1017 cm−3 2.1×1017 cm−3
    Electron Saturation velocity 2.6×107 cm/s 2.5×107 cm/s
    Hole saturation velocity 5×106 cm/s 5×106 cm/s
    Electron and Hole lifetime 2×10−9 s 1×10−7 s
    Electron Auger coefficient 3.7×10−31 cm6/s 3.2×10−28 cm6/s
    Hole Auger coefficient 8.7×10−30 cm6/s 3.2×10−28 cm6/s
    Real refractive index 3.2 3.51
    Imaginary refractive index 0 0.106
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  • 收稿日期:  2024-09-26
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