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Investigation of stimulated Brillouin scattering in As2S3photonic crystal fibers at the mid-infrared waveband

SUN Hui-jie,HOU Shang-lin,LEI Jing-li

孙慧杰, 侯尚林, 雷景丽. 中红外波段As2S3光子晶体光纤中受激布里渊散射的研究[J]. , 2022, 15(4): 835-844. doi: 10.37188/CO.EN.2022-0003
引用本文: 孙慧杰, 侯尚林, 雷景丽. 中红外波段As2S3光子晶体光纤中受激布里渊散射的研究[J]. , 2022, 15(4): 835-844.doi:10.37188/CO.EN.2022-0003
SUN Hui-jie, HOU Shang-lin, LEI Jing-li. Investigation of stimulated Brillouin scattering in As2S3 photonic crystal fibers at the mid-infrared waveband[J]. Chinese Optics, 2022, 15(4): 835-844. doi: 10.37188/CO.EN.2022-0003
Citation: SUN Hui-jie, HOU Shang-lin, LEI Jing-li. Investigation of stimulated Brillouin scattering in As2S3photonic crystal fibers at the mid-infrared waveband[J].Chinese Optics, 2022, 15(4): 835-844.doi:10.37188/CO.EN.2022-0003


  • 中图分类号:O437.2

Investigation of stimulated Brillouin scattering in As2S3photonic crystal fibers at the mid-infrared waveband

Funds:Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61665005); HongLiu First-class Disciplines Development Program of Lanzhou University of Technology
More Information
    Author Bio:

    SUN Huijie (1997—), male, was born in Zibo, Shandong province. He received his bachelor’s degree from Shandong University of Science and Technology in 2019. His research interests are on stimulated Brillouin scattering in mid-infrared fibers. E-mail:sunhj1997@foxmail.com

    HOU Shanglin (1970—), male, was born in Tianshui, Gansu province. He received his Ph.D degree from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications in 2008. Currently, he is a professor in School of Science on Lanzhou University of Technology. His research interests are on optical information transmission and fiber optic communication. E-mail:houshanglin@vip.163.com

    Corresponding author:houshanglin@vip.163.com
  • 摘要:

    通过有限元方法研究了As2S3光子晶体光纤在2 μm至6 μm波段的受激布里渊散射。数值结果表明,当空气占空比小于0.6时,所提出的光子晶体光纤可保持单模工作。布里渊频移主要受泵浦波长和光纤结构的影响,泵浦波长从2 μm增加到6 μm时,布里渊频移减小了4.16 GHz;而当空气占空比由0.5增加到0.6时,布里渊频移变化量仅为兆赫兹量级。布里渊增益谱的半高全宽取决于声子寿命,泵浦波长为2 μm时布里渊增益谱的半高全宽是泵浦波长为6 μm时的9倍。在空气填充率为0.5和0.6的情况下,提出的光子晶体光纤的最大布里渊增益分别为2.413×10−10m/W和2.429×10−10m/W。在光纤有效长度相同的条件下,布里渊阈值与泵浦波长正相关,在空气填充率为0.5和0.6的光子晶体光纤中,使用6 μm泵浦时的布里渊阈值比使用2 μm时分别增大了27.8%和19.6%。这些数值结果对于中红外波段设计和制造基于所提出光纤的光学设备或光学传感器具有重要意义。

  • Figure 1.The cross-section of the As2S3PCF

    Figure 2.Spatial distributions of FOMs with different AFFs at pump wavelengths of (a) 2 μm, (b) 4 μm and (c) 6 μm

    Figure 3.The effective mode area of FOMs with different AFFs at pump wavelength from 2 μm to 6 μm.

    Figure 4.(a) The spatial distribution of the FSM. (b) The dispersion of the refractive index of FSMs with different AFFs

    Figure 5.The normalized frequencyVversus pump wavelengths at different AFFs

    Figure 6.The effective refractive index of FOMs with different AFFs at pump wavelengths from 2 μm to 6 μm.

    Figure 7.Spatial distributions of acoustic modes with different AFFs and pump wavelengths. The acoustic modes in each case in the figure are L01-like, L02-like and L03-like modes from left to right

    Figure 8.BGS at an AFF of 0.5 and a pump wavelength of 6 μm

    Figure 9.BGS at an AFF of 0.5 and a pump wavelength of 2 μm

    Figure 10.The BGS for interaction between the L01-like acoustic mode and the FOM as a function of pump wavelength for PCF with an AFF of (a) 0.5 and (b) 0.6. The 0 dB in (a) and (b) respectively correspond to 2.413×10−10m/W and 2.429×10−10m/W.

    Figure 11.The relative Brillouin threshold for PCFs with AFFs of 0.5 and 0.6 versus the pump wavelength.

    Table 1.Material parameters of As2S3

    Physical property As2S3
    Densityρ(kg/m3) 3210
    Young modulusY(GPa) 16.2
    Poisson ratiovp 0.285
    Photo-elastic tensorp11 0.25
    Photo-elastic tensorp12 0.24
    Photo-elastic tensorp44 0.005
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