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A novel methane and hydrogen sensor with surface plasmon resonance-based photonic quasi-crystal fiber

LIU Qiang,ZHAO Jin,SUN Yu-dan,LIU Wei,WANG Jian-xin,LIU Chao,LV Jing-wei,WANG Shi-miao,JIANG Yu,PAUL K CHU

刘强, 赵锦, 孙宇丹, 刘伟, 王建鑫, 刘超, 吕靖薇, 王诗淼, 蒋宇, 朱剑豪. 基于表面等离子体共振的光子准晶体光纤甲烷氢气传感器[J]. , 2023, 16(1): 174-183. doi: 10.37188/CO.EN.2022-0006
引用本文: 刘强, 赵锦, 孙宇丹, 刘伟, 王建鑫, 刘超, 吕靖薇, 王诗淼, 蒋宇, 朱剑豪. 基于表面等离子体共振的光子准晶体光纤甲烷氢气传感器[J]. , 2023, 16(1): 174-183.doi:10.37188/CO.EN.2022-0006
LIU Qiang, ZHAO Jin, SUN Yu-dan, LIU Wei, WANG Jian-xin, LIU Chao, LV Jing-wei, WANG Shi-miao, JIANG Yu, PAUL K CHU. A novel methane and hydrogen sensor with surface plasmon resonance-based photonic quasi-crystal fiber[J]. Chinese Optics, 2023, 16(1): 174-183. doi: 10.37188/CO.EN.2022-0006
Citation: LIU Qiang, ZHAO Jin, SUN Yu-dan, LIU Wei, WANG Jian-xin, LIU Chao, LV Jing-wei, WANG Shi-miao, JIANG Yu, PAUL K CHU. A novel methane and hydrogen sensor with surface plasmon resonance-based photonic quasi-crystal fiber[J].Chinese Optics, 2023, 16(1): 174-183.doi:10.37188/CO.EN.2022-0006


  • 中图分类号:O433

A novel methane and hydrogen sensor with surface plasmon resonance-based photonic quasi-crystal fiber

Funds:Supported by the Hainan Province Science and Technology Special Fund (No. ZDYF2022GXJS003); Youth Science Foundation of Northeast Petroleum University (No. 2019QNL-17); Postdoctoral Scientific Research Development Fund of Heilongjiang Province (No. LBH-Q20081);Local Universities Reformation and Development Personnel Training Supporting Project from Central Authorities, City University of Hong Kong Strategic Research Grant (SRG) (No. 7005505)
More Information
    Author Bio:

    LIU Qiang (1980—), Male, born in Tailai, Heilongjiang, Ph.D, Professor, graduated from Harbin Engineering University in 2012, and is mainly engaged in optical fiber sensing technology. E-mail:nepulq@126.com

    LIU Chao (1978—), Male, born in Mulan, Heilongjiang, Ph.D, Professor, doctoral supervisor, graduated from Harbin Institute of Technology in 2008, and is mainly engaged in micro-structured optical devices. E-mail:msm-liu@126.com

    Corresponding author:msm-liu@126.com
  • 摘要:

    设计了一种用于同时检测甲烷和氢气的基于表面等离子体共振(SPR)的新型光子准晶体光纤(PQF)传感器。在该传感器中,在银膜上分别沉积Pd-WO3和掺杂聚硅氧烷的笼型分子E薄膜作为氢气和甲烷的敏感材料。采用全矢量有限元方法对PQF-SPR传感器进行数值分析,结果证明该传感器具有良好的传感性能。在0%~3.5%的浓度范围内,氢气的最大检测灵敏度和平均灵敏度分别为0.8 nm/%和0.65 nm/%,甲烷的最大灵敏度和平均灵敏度分别为10 nm/%和8.81 nm/%。该传感器具有同时检测多种气体的能力,在设备小型化和远程监测方面具有很大的潜力。

  • Figure 1.Cross-section of the PQF-SPR sensor

    Figure 2.Dispersion relationships of the X-polarized core mode and SPP mode, confinement loss spectra, and electric field distributions forC_H2=2.5%: (a) X-polarized core mode at 1875 nm, (b) X-polarized core mode at the phase matching point, and (c) X-polarized SPP mode at 1875 nm.

    Figure 3.Dispersion relationships of the Y-polarized core mode and SPP mode, confinement loss spectra, and electric field distributions forC_CH4=2.5%: (a) Y-polarized core mode at 1570 nm, (b) Y-polarized core mode at the phase matching point, and (c) Y-polarized SPP mode at 1570 nm.

    Figure 4.CL spectra of the core mode for (a) hydrogen and (b) methane with different concentrations

    Figure 5.Relationship between the gas concentration and wavelength shift for hydrogen and methane

    Figure 6.(a) CL spectra of the core mode for different air hole diametersdwhen the hydrogen concentration is 3.0%. (b) Resonance wavelength versus hydrogen concentration (t1=t2=30 nm,h1=1.5 μm,h2=2.17 μm, andC_H2=3%)

    Figure 7.(a) CL spectra of the core mode for different air hole diametersdwhen the methane concentrations are 2.0% and 2.5%. (b) Resonance wavelength versus methane concentration and average sensitivity (t1=t2=30 nm,h1=1.5 μm, andh2=2.17 μm).

    Figure 8.(a) CL spectra of the core mode for different metal film thicknessest1at a hydrogen concentration of 3.0%. (b) Resonance wavelength versus hydrogen concentration and average sensitivity (d=1.58 μm,t2=30 nm,h1=1.5 μm, andh2=2.17 μm).

    Figure 9.(a) CL spectra of the core mode for different metal film thicknessest2when the methane concentrations are 2.0% and 2.5%. (b) Resonance wavelength versus methane concentration and average sensitivity (d=1.58 μm,t1=30 nm,h1=1.5 μm, andh2=2.17 μm).

    Figure 10.(a) CL spectra of the core mode for the methane gas channel with different heighth2when the methane concentrations are 2.0% and 2.5%. (b) Resonance wavelength versus methane concentration and average sensitivity (d=1.58 μm, t1=t2=30 nm, andh1=1.5 μm).

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