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Microwave photonic RF frequency multiplying phase shifter with tunable multiplication factor and a full 360-deg tunable range

YAN Ying,MA Jian-xin

燕颖, 马健新. 基于马赫曾德尔调制器的倍频因子和输出相位可调的微波光子移相器[J]. , 2023, 16(4): 948-960. doi: 10.37188/CO.EN.2022-0019
引用本文: 燕颖, 马健新. 基于马赫曾德尔调制器的倍频因子和输出相位可调的微波光子移相器[J]. , 2023, 16(4): 948-960.doi:10.37188/CO.EN.2022-0019
YAN Ying, MA Jian-xin. Microwave photonic RF frequency multiplying phase shifter with tunable multiplication factor and a full 360-deg tunable range[J]. Chinese Optics, 2023, 16(4): 948-960. doi: 10.37188/CO.EN.2022-0019
Citation: YAN Ying, MA Jian-xin. Microwave photonic RF frequency multiplying phase shifter with tunable multiplication factor and a full 360-deg tunable range[J].Chinese Optics, 2023, 16(4): 948-960.doi:10.37188/CO.EN.2022-0019


  • 中图分类号:O482.31

Microwave photonic RF frequency multiplying phase shifter with tunable multiplication factor and a full 360-deg tunable range

Funds:Supported by the Fund of State Key Laboratory of IPOC (No. IPOC2020ZT06)
More Information
    Author Bio:

    YAN Ying (1997—), female, born in Shanxi Province, master student. She obtained a bachelor’s degree from University of Science and Technology Beijing in 2016, and now is a master’s degree candidate at the Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China. She is mainly engaged in microwave photonics technology. E-mail:13263209188@163.com

    Ma Jian-xin (1977—), male, born in Henan Province, Ph.D., professor and doctoral supervisor. He received the Ph.D. degree in optical communication from the Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China, in 2007. He is currently a Professor at the Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. He has authored or coauthored more than 100 scientific publications appearing in journals or international conferences. His research interests include microwave photonics and optical communications. E-mail:majianxinxy@163.com

    Corresponding author:majianxinxy@163.com
  • 摘要:

    提出一种倍频因子连续可调,且相位连续变化的微波光子移相系统。该方案使用两个并联的马赫曾德尔调制器,通过2×2光耦器与两个双并联的集成马赫曾德尔调制器级联,产生可调节的±1~4阶边带,并使用相位调制器对其中一个光波进行相移。通过调整DPMZM的射频驱动信号和直流偏置电压以及PM的直流电压,可以产生相位从0到360°连续可调的2到8次谐波。仿真结果表明,当射频信号频率为10 GHz时,可产生频率为20~80 GHz的微波信号。当相位调制器的直流偏置电压与半波电压比值在0到2间变化时,对应微波信号的相位从0°到360°变化,可以获得约20 dB的大光边带抑制比(OSSR)和电杂散抑制比(ESSR)。此外,分析了调制器消光比对输出微波信号光载波抑制比和电杂散抑制比的影响,以及光载波的波长和功率对微波信号幅度波动的影响。

  • Figure 1.Schematic diagram of the proposed microwave photonic FMPS

    Figure 2.The simulation setup of the proposed MPPS

    Figure 3.Optical spectra of the CS-DSB modulated signal from the MZM1(a) and MZM2(b) and CS-SSB modulated signal from the upper (c) and lower (d) port of the OC1

    Figure 4.(a) Optical spectra of the output of the OC2and (b) electrical spectra of the photocurrent output from the PD at FMF of 2

    Figure 5.Optical spectra of the output of the OC2and electric domain spectra with FMF at 3 (a)(b), 4(c)(d), 5 (e)(f), 6 (g)(h), 7 (i)(j) and 8 (k)(l), respectively

    Figure 6.OSSR and ESSR of the generated microwaves signal with different FMFs

    Figure 7.(a) OSSR and ESSR of the generated microwaves signal varying with power of CW laser and (b) varying with ERs of MZM1

    Figure 8.The relationship between phase and DC voltage of PM

    Figure 9.Measured power of the generated signal at different frequencies of the optical carrier (a) and RF driving signal (c), and phase response of the FMPS at different frequencies of the optical carrier (b) and RF driving signal (d) when FMF=8

    Figure 10.OSSR and ESSR of the generated microwave signal when (a) the modulation index of MZM1is varied from 2.05 to 2.77 and (b) the phase difference between the two input RF signals changes from 16° to 75° when FMF=8

    Table 1.Performance comparison of different schemes

    Ref Phase shift
    Linear phase
    FMF filter stability
    [18] 360 No 4 Yes No
    [19] 360 No 2 Yes No
    [20] 360 Yes 2 Yes No
    [21] 360 Yes 2 No No
    [22] 360 No 4 No No
    [23] 360 No 2/4 No No
    [24] 360 No 2/4/8 Yes No
    [25] 360 Yes 2/4/6 No No
    360 Yes 2/3/4/5/6/7/8 No Yes
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    Table 2.Parameters of DPMZM1 and DPMZM2 setting table

    FMF=4−p+q DPMZM1 DPMZM2
    Order=p−2 θm VDC Vmain p Order=2+q θm VDC Vmain q
    2 −1 π/2 Vπ Vπ/2 +1 1 π/2 Vπ Vπ/2 −1
    3 0 π/4 0 Vπ/2 +2 3 π/2 Vπ Vπ/2 +1
    4 −1 π/2 Vπ Vπ/2 +1 3 π/2 Vπ Vπ/2 +1
    5 −1 π/2 Vπ Vπ/2 +1 4 π/4 0 Vπ/2 +2
    6 −3 π/2 Vπ Vπ/2 −1 3 π/2 Vπ Vπ/2 +1
    7 −3 π/2 Vπ Vπ/2 −1 4 π/4 0 Vπ/2 +2
    8 −4 π/4 0 Vπ/2 −2 4 π/4 0 Vπ/2 +2
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