Double-slot ultra-compact polarization beam splitter based on asymmetric hybrid plasmonic structure
doi: 10.37188/CO.EN.2022-0028
为了提高偏振分束器的消光比,提出了一种由混合等离子体水平狭缝波导(HSW)和氮化硅混合垂直狭缝波导(VSW)组成的双槽超紧凑偏振分束器(PBS)。同时,包层材料为二氧化硅,既能防止混合等离子体氧化,又便于与其他器件集成。采用有限元方法仿真HSW和VSW的模态特性。HSW和VSW波导在特定的宽度下TE偏振模式是满足相位匹配的,而TM偏振模式相位不匹配。因此,HSW波导中的TE模式与VSW波导发生强耦合,而TM模式直接通过HSW波导。结果表明:在1.55 μm的TE模式下,PBS的消光比(ER)为35.1 dB,插入损耗(IL)为0.34 dB,在TM模式下,PBS的ER和IL分别为40.9 dB和2.65 dB。所设计的PBS有100 nm的工作带宽,具有高ER,低IL的特点,适用于光子集成电路(PICs)。
Abstract:To improve the extinction ratio of a polarization beam splitter, we propose a dual-slot ultra-compact polarization splitter (PBS) consisting of a hybrid plasma Horizontal Slot Waveguide (HSW) and a silicon nitride hybrid Vertical Slot Waveguide (VSW). The coating material is silicon dioxide, which can prevent the oxidation of the mixed plasma and also facilitate integration with other devices. The mode characteristics of the HSW and VSW are simulated by using the Finite Element Method (FEM). At suitable HSW and VSW widths, the TE polarization modes in HSW and VSW are phase-matched, while the TM polarization modes are phase mismatched. Therefore, the TE mode in an HSW waveguide is strongly coupled with a VSW waveguide by adopting a dual-slot, while the TM mode directly passes through the HSW waveguide. The results show that PBS achieves an Extinction Ratio (ER) of 35.1 dB and an Insertion Loss (IL) of 0.34 dB for the TE mode at 1.55 μm. For the TM mode, PBS reached 40.9 dB for ER and 2.65 dB for IL. The proposed PBS is designed with 100 nm bandwidth, high ER, and low IL, which can be suitable for photonic integrated circuits (PICs).
Figure 2. Influence of waveguide width on the effective refractive index. (a) The real part of the refractive index of TE mode and TM mode varying with width in the HSW and VSW; the field distribution of the TE mode in the (b) HSW and (c) VSW, and the field distribution of the TM mode in the (d) HSW and (e) VSW
Table 1. Performance comparison of the polarization
(nm)[29] 1.55 26.27 17 <1 TM 100 27 TM [30] 1.55 11 27.1 0.41 TE 170 [31] 1.55 4 30 1 TE 100 27 0.18 TM [32] 1.55 14 38.4 3.26 TE 100 20.9 0.14 TM [33] 1.55 16 26.7 0.05 TE 140 21.3 TM [34] 1.55 9.9 45.6 <0.3 TE 100 8.3 20 <0.1 TM [35] 3.5 25 19.78 1.64 TE 400 7.78 2.64 TM This work 1.55 5.2 40.9 2.65 TM 100 35.1 0.34 TE -
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