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宋延嵩, 安岩, 李欣航, 董科研, 姜会林. 准直系统中的杂散光分析与抑制[J]. , 2016, 9(6): 663-670. doi: 10.3788/CO.20160906.0663
引用本文: 宋延嵩, 安岩, 李欣航, 董科研, 姜会林. 准直系统中的杂散光分析与抑制[J]. , 2016, 9(6): 663-670.doi:10.3788/CO.20160906.0663
SONG Yan-song, AN Yan, LI Xin-hang, DONG Ke-yan, JIANG Hui-lin. Analyzing and suppressing of stray light in laser collimating system[J]. Chinese Optics, 2016, 9(6): 663-670. doi: 10.3788/CO.20160906.0663
Citation: SONG Yan-song, AN Yan, LI Xin-hang, DONG Ke-yan, JIANG Hui-lin. Analyzing and suppressing of stray light in laser collimating system[J].Chinese Optics, 2016, 9(6): 663-670.doi:10.3788/CO.20160906.0663






    宋延嵩(1983-),男,吉林长春人,博士,研究员,主要从事光电成像跟踪与空间 通信方面的研究。E-mail:songyansong2006@126.com



  • 中图分类号:O439

Analyzing and suppressing of stray light in laser collimating system


Supported by Young Science Foundation of CUSTNo.XQNJJ-2013-12

The 13th Five-Year Plan Project of Jilin provincial Science and Technology ResearchNo.2016368

More Information
  • 摘要:针对不同光学系统中存在的杂散光所造成的假信号或信号饱和影响,本文结合像面照度分析和消光环抑制的方法,对准直系统进行分析,找到产生杂散光的主要原因,设计了3种不同结构的消光环以消除杂散光。仿真实验结果确定了最优形式的消光环结构,边缘杂散光抑制最大下限值为0.38%,平均抑制值5.68×10 -4%;以此模型为基础,进行了杂散光抑制实验。实验结果表明,带有消光环结构的准直系统可以有效抑制杂散光,保证了后续光学系统的功能实现,对其他杂散光抑制系统具有借鉴作用。

  • 图 1准直系统光路仿真图

    Figure 1.Light path simulation diagram of the collimating system

    图 2小范围失对准像面仿真图

    Figure 2.Simulation image of small misalignments

    图 3大范围失对准像面仿真图

    Figure 3.Simulation image of large misalignments

    图 4准直镜光路图

    Figure 4.Light path diagram of collimating system

    图 5最大视场下的光线光路示意图

    Figure 5.Light path diagram at the maximum aperture

    图 6口径不匹配的杂散光像面仿真图

    Figure 6.Image plane simulation diagram of stray light caused by mismatching aperture

    图 73种消光环结构示意图

    Figure 7.Schematic diagram of three kinds of right-angle extinction rings

    图 830°直角消光环结构

    Figure 8.Extinction ring structure of right-angle with 30°

    图 960°直角消光环结构

    Figure 9.Extinction ring structure of right-angle with 60°

    图 1060°全等消光环结构

    Figure 10.Extinction ring of congruent angle with 60°

    图 11失对准下的杂散光像面图

    Figure 11.Stray light image plane diagram at the condition of misalignments

    图 12口径不匹配下的杂散光像面图

    Figure 12.Stray light image plane diagram at the condition of mismatching aperture

    图 13杂散光抑制后像面图

    Figure 13.Image plane diagram after the stray light suppression

    表 1准直系统光学参数

    Table 1.Optical parameters of the collimating system

    Index Value
    Object NA 0.22
    Field/μm 400
    Wavelength/μm 1.064
    The interval between two lens/mm 59.27
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    表 2不同视场下的光束出射角度与极限角度

    Table 2.Divergence angle and limit angle of exit rays at different fields

    The normalized field of view The divergence angleof exit raysθ1/(°) The limit angleof exit raysθ2/(°)
    0 0 2.89
    0.202 0.59 2.42
    0.404 1.15 1.93
    0.45 1.27 1.72
    0.5 1.39 1.60
    0.52 1.45 1.54
    0.53 1.47 1.48
    0.54 1.49 1.46
    0.55 1.52 1.47
    0.602 1.62 1.44
    0.8 2.02 0.97
    1 2.28 0.45
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    表 33种消光环结构抑制效果表

    Table 3.Suppression effect of three kinds of the extinction rings

    No. Name Largest degree of inhibitionon stray light/% Average degree of inhibition on stray light/%
    1 Extinction ring of right-angle with 30° 0.4 1.10×10-3
    2 Extinction ring of right-angle with 60° 0.38 5.68×10-4
    3 Extinction ring of congruent angle with 60° 0.63 1.49×10-3
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