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李天佑, 黄玲玲, 王涌天. 超颖表面原理与研究进展[J]. , 2017, 10(5): 523-540. doi: 10.3788/CO.20171005.0523
引用本文: 李天佑, 黄玲玲, 王涌天. 超颖表面原理与研究进展[J]. , 2017, 10(5): 523-540.doi:10.3788/CO.20171005.0523
LI Tian-you, HUANG Ling-ling, WANG Yong-tian. The principle and research progress of metasurfaces[J]. Chinese Optics, 2017, 10(5): 523-540. doi: 10.3788/CO.20171005.0523
Citation: LI Tian-you, HUANG Ling-ling, WANG Yong-tian. The principle and research progress of metasurfaces[J].Chinese Optics, 2017, 10(5): 523-540.doi:10.3788/CO.20171005.0523







    黄玲玲, E-mail:huanglingling@bit.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号:TP394.1;TH691.9

The principle and research progress of metasurfaces

Funds:Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.61505007);Beijing Nova Program(No.Z171100001117047)
More Information
  • 摘要:超颖表面是一种特殊的二维亚波长阵列结构,具有很强的光场调控能力,兼有超薄、低损耗、易加工等优势,表现出广阔应用前景,近些年吸引了广泛的研究兴趣。本文将综述超颖表面的原理与研究进展,简要分析已报道的超颖表面类型,并重点介绍其在广义折反射、偏振转换、光束轨道角动量操控以及计算全息中的应用。超颖表面设计灵活、功能强大,有望在诸多应用中取代传统光电器件。未来基于超颖表面的新型、宽带、高效率、多功能以及主动可调功能器件等将是其重要的发展方向。

  • 图 1(a)V型天线结构示意图;(b)Y型天线结构示意图[22]

    Figure 1.(a)Schematic of the V-shaped antenna. (b)Schematic of the Y-shaped antenna[22]

    图 2(a)惠更斯表面样品实物图;(b)上半部分:实验测得的辐射图案;下半部分:测得的x-y平面磁场强度分布[26]。(c)光波段各向同性惠更斯超颖表面示意图与单元结构示意图;(d)在1.5 μm波长光照射下的异常折射光的仿真电场分布[27]

    Figure 2.(a)Photograph of the fabricated metasurfaces with anomalous refraction. (b)Upper panel: the measured radiative pattern; bottom panel: the distribution of measured magnetic field inx-yplane[26]. (c)Schematic of an optically thin isotropic Huygens′ metasurface and its unit cell. (d)Simulated electric field distribution of the anomalous beam at 1.5 μm[27]

    图 3贝里相位与偏振演化路径。(a)初态沿不同路径演化到同一终态所对应立体角;(b)当圆偏振入射,经过纳米棒天线阵列,并取相反圆偏振时,光的偏振态演化路径。偏振态演化路径分别经历σφ1σσφ2σ[22],其中φ1φ2分别为两不同天线的方位角

    Figure 3.Pancharatnam-Berry phase and the evolution of polarization. (a) Different polarization evolution path in Poincaré sphere. (b)The polarization evolution path for metasurfaces composed of nanorods array when illuminated with circularly polarized light and selected orthogonal handedness circularly polarized light. The polarization state undergoσφ1σandσφ2σrespectively, whereφ1andφ2are the azimuthal angle for two different nanorods, respectively

    图 4基于贝里相位的几类超颖表面及其应用。(a)手性可调异常透射;(b)手性选择性双极性透镜[36];(c)手性选择性宽带涡旋光束发生器[37]

    Figure 4.Several metasurfaces and their applications based on Berry phase. (a)Helicity-dependent tunable anomalous transmission. (b)Helicity-dependent dual-polarity metalens[36]. (c)Helicity-dependent broadband vortex beam generator[37]

    图 5两类结构互补的超颖表面:(a)颗粒性天线阵列;(b)小孔型天线阵列[22]

    Figure 5.Two types of complementary metasurfaces.(a)An particle antenna array. (b)A complementary aperture array

    图 6一般情况的广义折射、反射示意图,沿界面表面的相位梯度为dφ/dr[1,57]

    Figure 6.Schematic of generalized anomalous refraction and reflection; the interfacial phase gradient is dφ/dr[1,57]

    图 7(a)V型天线阵列SEM样品图像;(b)实验测量的异常折射数据。(c)纳米棒阵列SEM样品图像;(d)入射手性σ=1时正常反射现象与异常反射现象

    Figure 7.(a)SEM image of array of V-shaped antennas. (b)Measured data of anomalous refraction. (c)SEM image of array of nanorods. (d)Ordinary and anomalous reflection with incident helicityσ=1

    图 8(a)V型天线阵列构成的平板透镜[63];(b)反射型超颖表面平板透镜结构单元及其仿真所得焦平面处的电场强度分布[64]

    Figure 8.(a)Flat lens consisting of an array of V-shaped antennas[63]. (b) The unit cell of flat lens made of reflect-array and the calculated electric field distribution on the focus plane[64]

    图 9基于超颖表面的全息。(a)金属小孔阵列,以及入射波长分别为λ1=905 nm以及λ2=1 385 nm的远场再现图[75];(b)利用V型小孔实现的全息的样品SEM图[78];(c)基于贝里相位纳米棒阵列三维全息示意图[21];(d)基于贝里相位的高效率反射阵列全息单元结构及其实验测得的远场全息图[77]

    Figure 9.Hologram based on metasurfaces. (a) an array of metal aperture and the far-field image of metasurface atλ1=905 nm andλ2=1 385 nm, respectively[75]. (b) SEM image of metasurface consisting of V-shaped apertures to realize holography[78]. (c)Schematic of metasurface hologram composed of nanorods array based on Pancharatnam-Berry phase principle[21]. (d)Unit cell of reflect-array metasurfacehologram with high efficiency base on Pancharatnam-Berry phase and the measured image in the far field[77]

    图 10全息图的不同复用方式[79]:(a)可在不同聚焦位置以及旋转角观察全息图的实验装置以及固定观察距离分别在不同圆偏振光入射时所成再现像。(b)同一样品不同z平面再现像;(c)同一样品不同距离以及离轴角观测的再现像

    Figure 10.Different forms of holographic multiplexing[79]. (a)Experimental setup for observing the holographic images at separate focus positions and rotational angles and the reconstructions of image for different incident helicity. (b)The measured images for different incident helicity at differentzplanes. (c)Schematic of the observation for the four encoded objects with separate off-axis angles and reconstruction distances and the experimental reconstruction images

    图 11利用超颖表面生成涡旋光:(a)用V型天线超颖表面构成的相位轮廓以及生成的干涉图案[19];(b)可见光频率空间复用超颖表面示意图[90];(c)开口环宽带涡旋光生成超颖表面SEM图像以及其左旋光与线偏振光入射下测得的透射图案[87];(d)从左至右依次为分割式(Segmented)、插入式(Interleaved)与谐波响应(Harmonic Response)超颖表面及其形成的远场强度分布示意图[91]

    Figure 11.Vortex beam generation based on metasurfaces: (a)A phase profile created using V-shaped antenna metasurfaces and the interference patterns[19]; (b)Schematic of visible-frequency metasurfaces for spatially multiplexing optical vortices[90]; (c)SEM image of the split-ring metasurface which was designed for generating an optical vortex beam and the measured transmitted patterns under the incident beam with left-handed circular polarization and linear polarization, respectively[87]; (d)Schematic of far-field intensity distributions from segmented, interleaved, and harmonic response metasurfaces(from left to right)[91]

    图 12(a)由V型天线构成的宽波段四分之一波片结构示意图;(b)所得圆偏振光的偏振分析[20];(c)THz波段实现线偏振到圆偏振转换样品图;(d)实验所得(c)中样品txxtyy振幅,相位差以及椭偏度[98];(e)用以实现圆-圆偏振转换的样品示意图;(f)仿真与实验所得透射率[102]

    Figure 12.(a)Schematic of a broadband quarter-wave plate consisting of V-shaped antennas. (b)State-of-polarization analysis for the obtained circular polarization light[20]. (c)An image of the fabricated sample which produces the linear to circular polarization conversion at THz band. (d) Experimentally measured transmission amplitude, phase retardation, and ellipticity for the sample exhibited in (c)[98]. (e)Schematic of sample to realize asymmetric transmission and polarization conversion. (f)Simulated and measured transmission[102]

    图 13基于超颖表面旋光应用。(a)实现线偏振旋转的反射型超颖表面示意图;(b)实现旋光的透射型超颖表面示意图;(c)实验测得反射型结构同偏振与正交偏振反射率;(d)实验测得透射型旋光结构正交偏振透射率和同偏振反射率[103]

    Figure 13.Linear polarization rotation based on metasurfaces. (a)Schematic of the metasurface to rotate the incident linearly polarized light in reflection; (b)Schematic of the metasurface to rotate the incident linearly polarized light in transmission. (c)Experimentally measured co-and cross-polarized reflection for the reflection type. (d)Experimentally measured cross-polarized transmission and co-polarized reflection for the transmission type[103]

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