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李红博, 尹坤. 基于量子点的荧光型太阳能聚光器[J]. , 2017, 10(5): 555-567. doi: 10.3788/CO.20171005.0555
引用本文: 李红博, 尹坤. 基于量子点的荧光型太阳能聚光器[J]. , 2017, 10(5): 555-567.doi:10.3788/CO.20171005.0555
LI Hong-bo, YIN Kun. Quantum dots based luminescent solar concentrator[J]. Chinese Optics, 2017, 10(5): 555-567. doi: 10.3788/CO.20171005.0555
Citation: LI Hong-bo, YIN Kun. Quantum dots based luminescent solar concentrator[J].Chinese Optics, 2017, 10(5): 555-567.doi:10.3788/CO.20171005.0555








    李红博, E-mail:hongbo.li@bit.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号:TP394.1;TH691.9

Quantum dots based luminescent solar concentrator


National Natural Science Foundation of China21701015

Beijing Institute of Technology Startup Fund Project2015TPJS003

More Information
  • 摘要:近年来,量子点在结构可控、光谱调节和光学稳定方面的研究进展,表明基于量子点的聚光器件表现出优于基于传统有机染料分子的光输出性能。量子点聚光器成为目前量子点研究领域的新方向。量子点在宏量制备和绿色制备方面的深入研究,使得量子点的制造成本逐步降低,基于量子点的聚光器具有光电转换效率和成本上的优势。本文综述了量子点聚光器的研究进展,主要包括荧光型聚光器的优点、聚光器对量子点光学性质的要求、器件制备的工艺和器件的性能表征方法。重点阐述了量子点的太阳光吸收能力、荧光量子产率和重吸收等关键因素对聚光器件性能的影响,同时介绍了该领域目前最新的研究方向,展望了廉价太阳能窗户在未来城镇建筑上的潜在应用。

  • 图 1(a)由聚合物和嵌在其中的量子点组成的太阳能聚光器, 量子点在聚合物显示出良好的分散状态[61]; (b)由核壳量子点和聚合物构成的聚光器聚光器,在紫外灯照射下工作的照片,重点突出了荧光在边缘聚光的效果,其物理尺寸为60 mm×40 mm×4.5 mm[60]; (c)聚光器的二维示意图。太阳光从器件上方入射。部分光被量子点吸收,假定荧光是在其周围空间均匀发射的。其中一部分荧光可以通过全反射模式进入光导模式,照射到边缘的光伏电池上(路径1)。一部分荧光可以被自身吸收,再发射荧光进入下一轮传输(路径2)。还有一部分荧光直接进入逃逸区域,从聚光器表面损失(路径3)。图中没有考虑界面反射损失和未被量子点吸收的投射光损失

    Figure 1.(a)Schematic representation of LSC device composed of a polymer matrix incorporation of quantum dots(QDs). The QDs are well dispersed and separated in polymer[61]. (b)Photograph of a core/shell QDs-polymer-based LSC (Dimensions:60 mm×40 mm×4.5 mm) illuminated by an ultraviolent lamp. Edge concentration effect is highlighted[60]. (c)Schematic 2D view of a LSC. AM 1.5 photon is incident from the top. The light is absorbed by QDs. Its luminescence is randomly distributed in space. Part of the emission is guided to the solar cell at the edge by total internal reflection(indicated as pathway 1). Part of the emission can be reabsorbed by QDs itself(indicated as pathway 2). The re-emitted photon will start a new round of prorogation. Part of the emission falls into the escape cone(dark color) and is lost form the surfaces of LSC(indicated as pathway 3). Surface reflection and transmission are not considered in this scheme

    图 2模板法制备量子点聚光器的示意图和量子点质量含量为0.3%的聚光器在自然光下的照片[45]

    Figure 2.Schematic representation of the casting procedure for fabrication of QD-LSC and a photograph of the LSC device comprising of 0.3%(mass ratio) QDs under ambient illumination[45]

    图 33种用于聚光器的量子点,通过结构调控实现了较大的Stokes位移

    Figure 3.Three types of QDs applied in LSC with large Stokes shift controlling via structure engineering

    图 4涂布工艺在基地上制备薄膜的原理和基于该方法制备的大面积聚光器,其尺寸为91.4 cm×30.5 cm[46]

    Figure 4.Schematic representation of thin-film deposition using doctor blade method and a photograph of large-area LSC with dimension of 91.4 cm×30.5 cm[46]

    图 5(a)基于硅量子点的柔性聚光器,其尺寸为4.5 cm×20 cm×0.26 cm。柔性聚光器在弯曲前水平状态和弯曲后拱形状态的光输出对比。照片显示的分别是在紫外灯下的聚光器,分别采用紫外光过滤的可见光相机和红外相机拍摄。两组状态下对比的直接视觉显示效果是弯曲不影响光导效果。(b)研究光输出和弯曲后曲率的定量关系。测量点和激发光的距离为20 cm。(c)测量水平(θ=0°)和弯曲(θ=180°)的器件对比示意图。(d)Monte-Carlo光传输模拟结果。对比在水平和弯曲条件下,聚光器在入射光自上方垂直入射条件下的聚光效果。模拟结果显示弯曲曲率对光导输出效率几乎没有影响

    Figure 5.(a)Flexible QD-LSC device based on Si QDs. LSC dimensions is 4.5 cm×20 cm×0.26 cm. photographs were taken with ultraviolet-filtered visible camera(left) and an ultraviolet-filtered infrared camera. (b)Optical output as function of device curvature in terms of central angel(theta) for optical distance of 20 cm between the excitation spot and the slab edge from where the signal is collected. (c)Schematic representation of a flat(θ=0°) and curved(θ=180°) LSC. (d)Visualization of Monte-Carlo ray-tracing simulations of for a flat(top) and a curved LSC(bottom) device. The LSCs are uniformly illuminated from the top, perpendicular to the slab surface(indicated by gray arrows). Photons reaching the output device are shown by red arrows. The simulations confirm that the wave guiding properties are unaffected by the device curvature

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  • 收稿日期:2017-04-07
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