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Design and fabrication of 12 W high power and high reliability 915 nm semiconductor lasers

QIU Bo-cang,MARTIN Hai HU,WANG Wei-min,LIU Wen-bin,BAI Xue

仇伯仓, 胡海, 汪卫敏, 刘文斌, 白雪. 12 W高功率高可靠性915 nm半导体 器设计与制作[J]. , 2018, 11(4): 590-603. doi: 10.3788/CO.20181104.0590
引用本文: 仇伯仓, 胡海, 汪卫敏, 刘文斌, 白雪. 12 W高功率高可靠性915 nm半导体 器设计与制作[J]. , 2018, 11(4): 590-603.doi:10.3788/CO.20181104.0590
QIU Bo-cang, MARTIN Hai HU, WANG Wei-min, LIU Wen-bin, BAI Xue. Design and fabrication of 12 W high power and high reliability 915 nm semiconductor lasers[J]. Chinese Optics, 2018, 11(4): 590-603. doi: 10.3788/CO.20181104.0590
Citation: QIU Bo-cang, MARTIN Hai HU, WANG Wei-min, LIU Wen-bin, BAI Xue. Design and fabrication of 12 W high power and high reliability 915 nm semiconductor lasers[J].Chinese Optics, 2018, 11(4): 590-603.doi:10.3788/CO.20181104.0590

12 W高功率高可靠性915 nm半导体 器设计与制作






    仇伯仓(1962-), 男, 陕西永寿县人, 博士, 研究员。1983年于西安交通大学获工学学士学位, 1986年于北京理工大学获得工学硕士学位, 1998年于英国格拉斯哥大学获得博士学位。现为深圳清华大学研究院高端半导体 器研究中心设计专家, 深圳瑞波光电子有限公司设计总监, 主要从事半导体 器方面的研究, 在行业内的顶级期刊与学术会议上共发表了110篇学术论文, 申请了14项发明专利。E-mail:qiubocang@raybowlaser.com

    白雪(1987—), 女, 山东莱芜人, 硕士, 工程师, 2009年、2012年于河南工业大学分别获得学士、硕士学位, 现为深圳瑞波光电子有限公司项目工程师, 主要从事半导体 器方面的研究。E-mail:baixue@raybowlaser.com

  • 中图分类号:TN248.4

Design and fabrication of 12 W high power and high reliability 915 nm semiconductor lasers


National High Technology Research and Development Program of China2015AA016901

Innovative R & D Team Leadership of Guangdong Province Program2011D040

Shenzhen City Peacock ProgramKQTD201106

More Information
    Author Bio:

    QIU Bo-cang(1962—) received his bachelor's degree in engineering from Xi′an Jiaotong University in 1983, a master′s degree in engineering from Beijing Institute of Technology in 1986, and a doctor's degree from Glasgow University in England in 1998.He is currently a design expert for the Institute of High-end Semiconductor Laser Research of Shenzhen Tsinghua University and the design director of Shenzhen Raybow Optoelectronics Co., Ltd.He is mainly engaged in the research of semiconductor lasers.Dr.Qiu specializes in semiconductor optoelectronic devices, especially in semiconductor laser processes and designs.He has published 110 academic papers in the industry's top journals and academic conferences and applied for 14 invention patents. E-mail:qiubocang@raybowlaser.com

    BAI Xue(1987—) received her bachelor's degree from Henan University of Technology in 2009 and a master′s degree from Henan University of Technology in 2012.She is currently a project engineer at Shenzhen Raybow Optoelectronics Co., Ltd.and is mainly engaged in the research of semiconductor lasers.E-mail:baixue@raybowlaser.com

    Corresponding author:QIU Bo-cang, E-mail:qiubocang@raybowlaser.com
  • 摘要:本文设计并制作了一种高效率、高可靠性的915 nm半导体 器。半导体 器是光纤 器的关键部件,为了最大限度地提高器件的电光转换效率,在设计上采用双非对称大光腔波导结构,同时对量子阱结构、波导结构、掺杂以及器件结构进行了系统优化。器件模拟表明,在25℃环境温度下,器件的最高电光转换效率达到67%。采用金属有机气相沉积(MOCVD)法进行材料生长,随后制备了发光区域宽度为95 μm、腔长为4.8 mm的 芯片。测试表明,封装后器件的效率以及其它参数指标达到国际先进水平,在室温下阈值电流为1 A,斜率效率为1.18 W/A,最高电光转换效率达66.5%,输出功率12 W时,电光转换效率达到64.3%,测试结果与器件理论模拟高度吻合。经过约6 000 h的寿命加速测试,器件功率没有出现衰减,表明制作的高功率915 nm 芯片具有很高的可靠性。

  • 图 1内量子效率与量子阱势垒材料Al组份含量之间的关系

    Figure 1.Relationship between internal quantum efficiency and Al component content of quantum well barrier materials

    图 2量子阱限制因子与SCH总厚度之间的关系

    Figure 2.Quantum well confinement factor versus total SCH thickness

    图 3光束发散角(FWHM)与SCH厚度之间的关系

    Figure 3.Beam divergence(FWHM) versus total SCH thickness

    图 4归一化的功率密度与SCH厚度之间的关系

    Figure 4.Normalized power density versus total SCH thickness

    图 5双非对称波导结构(线1)以及对应的光场分布(线2)

    Figure 5.Double unsymmetrical waveguide structure(line 1) and corresponding light field distribution(line 2)

    图 6远场分布计算结果

    Figure 6.Profile of far-field distribution

    图 7输出功率与腔长以及AR膜反射率之间的关系

    Figure 7.Relationship between output power, cavity length and reflectivity of antireflection(AR) layer

    图 8电光转换效率与腔长以及AR膜反射率之间的关系

    Figure 8.Relationship between electro-optical conversion efficiency, cavity length, and reflectivity of antireflection(AR) layer

    图 9915 nm单管COS模块在20 ℃下的光—电流曲线与电光转换效率曲线

    Figure 9.Photocurrent curve and electro-optical conversion efficiency curve of 915 nm single-tube COS module at 20 ℃

    图 10在准持续(QCW)以及持续(CW)条件下测试的腔面损伤功率

    Figure 10.Cavity damage power tested under quasi-continuous(QCW) and continuous(CW) conditions

    图 1195%能量所对应的光束发散角值

    Figure 11.Beam divergence angle corresponding to 95% of the total energy

    图 12寿命测试记录(器件初始功率为14 W, 测试温度为35 ℃, 电流为14 A)(见彩图)

    Figure 12.Life test record(device initial power 14 W, test temperature 35 ℃, current 14 A)(colour figures is availabe in electro-version)

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