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王与烨, 陈霖宇, 徐德刚, 石嘉, 冯华, 姚建铨. 太赫兹波三维成像技术研究进展[J]. , 2019, 12(1): 1-18. doi: 10.3788/CO.20191201.0001
引用本文: 王与烨, 陈霖宇, 徐德刚, 石嘉, 冯华, 姚建铨. 太赫兹波三维成像技术研究进展[J]. , 2019, 12(1): 1-18.doi:10.3788/CO.20191201.0001
WANG Yu-ye, CHEN Lin-yu, XU De-gang, SHI Jia, FENG Hua, YAO Jian-quan. Advances in terahertz three-dimensional imaging techniques[J]. Chinese Optics, 2019, 12(1): 1-18. doi: 10.3788/CO.20191201.0001
Citation: WANG Yu-ye, CHEN Lin-yu, XU De-gang, SHI Jia, FENG Hua, YAO Jian-quan. Advances in terahertz three-dimensional imaging techniques[J].Chinese Optics, 2019, 12(1): 1-18.doi:10.3788/CO.20191201.0001














    王与烨(1983-), 女, 山西朔州人, 副教授, 博士生导师, 2004年于天津大学获得学士学位, 2009年于天津大学获得博士学位, 主要从事太赫兹光子学技术及太赫兹成像方面的研究。E-mail:yuyewang@tju.edu.cn

    徐德刚(1974—),男,山东青岛人,教授,博士生导师,2005年于天津大学获得博士学位,现为天津大学精密仪器与光电子工程学院教授,主要从事全固态 技术、太赫兹技术及其应用方面的研究。E-mail:xudegang@tju.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号:TN29

Advances in terahertz three-dimensional imaging techniques


the National Basic Research Program of China(973)2015CB755403

the National Basic Research Program of China(973)2014CB339802

National Key Research and Development projects2016YFC0101001

National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC)61775160

National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC)61771332

National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC)61471257

China Postdoctoral Science Foundation2016M602954

Postdoctoral Science Foundation of ChongqingXm2016021

Joint Incubation Project of Southwest HospitalSWH2016LHJC04

Joint Incubation Project of Southwest HospitalSWH2016LHJC01

More Information
  • 摘要:太赫兹波具有良好的光谱特性、非电离性和对许多非极性材料具有穿透性,在无损探伤、安检、生物医学诊断、艺术品鉴别等领域表现出许多独特的优点。特别是,太赫兹波三维成像技术能够实现样品内部信息探测,逐渐成为当前的研究热点,并展现出广阔的发展前景。本文重点介绍了太赫兹波三维成像的几种常用技术,包括其基本原理和对应的研究进展,并分析了存在的问题和发展趋势。

  • 图 1(a) Shepp-Logan头部模型;(b)模型的投影正弦图

    Figure 1.(a)Shepp-Logan phantom; (b)Projection sinogram of Shepp-Logan

    图 2(a) 基于THz-TDS系统的太赫兹CT实验装置图;(b)火鸡骨的实物图与太赫兹三维成像图[22]

    Figure 2.(a)Experimental setup for THz CT based on THz-TDS; (b)Physical map and 3D image of a turkey bone[22]

    图 3装有乳糖和酪氨酸的聚苯乙烯层析成像(a)样品示意图和(b)层析成像图[27]

    Figure 3.(a)Schematic representation and (b)tomographic image of the cylindrical polystyrene with lactose and tyrosine[27]

    图 4快速三维太赫兹光谱层析实验示意图[31]

    Figure 4.Schematic of fast three-dimensional terahertz spectral tomography experiment[31]

    图 5高功率连续波量子级联 器的太赫兹CT成像结果[33]

    Figure 5.THz CT imaging results of high-power continuous wave quantum cascade laser[33]

    图 6太赫兹CT在无损检测方面的应用。(a)NASA隔热保护材料[38];(b)古埃及陶器[39];(c)人类腰椎骨[40]

    Figure 6.Applications of Terahertz computed tomography in nondestructive testing. (a)NASA thermal insulation system material[38]; (b)ancient Egyptian sealed pottery[39]; (c)human lumbar vertebra bone[40]

    图 7(a) 干燥鸡腿骨照片(黑线表示断面区域);(b)断面照片;(c)强度断面重建;(d)多峰值平均断面重建[44]

    Figure 7.(a)Digital photograph of the dried chicken femur (the horizontal black line indicates the region of the cross-section); (b)digital photograph of the sectioned chicken femur; (c)Strength section reconstruction; (d)cross-section reconstruction of multi-peak average[44]

    图 8(a) 聚合物颅骨模型照片,使用优化的(b)FBP;(c)SART;(d)OSEM算法重建的三维结构[46]

    Figure 8.(a)Photograph of the polymer skull, 3D visualization of the optimized (a)FBP; (b)SART; (c)OSEM results[46]

    图 9(a) 喷头照片;(b)FBP三维重建结果;(c)SART三维重建结果;(d)ML-TR三维重建结果[47]

    Figure 9.(a)Photograph of nozzle; (b)3D visualizations of FBP; (c)SART; (d)ML-TR results[47]

    图 10(a) 修正带照片;(b)内部机械构造;(c)塑料外表面[48]

    Figure 10.(a)Photograph of correction tape; (b)Internal mechanical structure(ruban(blue) and head of the roller(green); (c)external surface of plastics[48]

    图 11使用(a)传统的算法;(b)修正的算法重建的天然软木塞二维断面图像[50]

    Figure 11.Reconstructed 2D tomographic images of the natural cork stopper (a)without and (b)with correction algorithm applied[50]

    图 12(a) 基于光纤 器的高分辨率太赫兹飞行时间层析实验装置;(b)三张纸的三维层析成像结果;(c)半导体样品示意图;(d)GaAs薄层层析成像图[57]

    Figure 12.(a)Experimental set up for the fiber-laser, high-resolution THz time-of-flight tomography system; (b)3D terahertz-tomography image of three sheets of paper; (c)schematic diagram of the semiconductor sample; (d)GaAs layer tomography[57]

    图 13(a) 太赫兹时域光学相干层析实验装置;(b)样品空间分布示意图;(c)层析成像结果[66]

    Figure 13.(a)Experimental set up for THz time-domain optical coherent tomography; (b)schematic of the sample spatial distribution; (c)tomographic images of the objects[66]

    图 14(a) 藏有手枪的假人;(b)相应的太赫兹图像[72]

    Figure 14.(a)Dummy with a pistol and its (b)corresponding THz image[72]

    图 15断层合成层析实验原理[77]

    Figure 15.Experimental principle of tomosynthesis[77]

    图 16(a) 太赫兹衍射层析实验装置;(b)样品;(c)样品重建图像[78]

    Figure 16.(a)Experimental setup of terahertz diffraction tomography; (b)sample; (c)reconstruction of the sample[78]

    图 17对“T”“H”“Z”字母掩模板的菲涅尔透镜层析成像[78]

    Figure 17.Fresnel lens tomographic imaging using 'T', 'H' and 'Z' masks[78]

    图 18太赫兹三维数字全息实验装置[78]

    Figure 18.Experimental setup for three-dimensional THz digital holography[78]

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