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锥形半导体 器研究进展


孙胜明, 范杰, 徐莉, 邹永刚, 杨晶晶, 龚春阳. 锥形半导体 器研究进展[J]. , 2019, 12(1): 48-58. doi: 10.3788/CO.20191201.0048
引用本文: 孙胜明, 范杰, 徐莉, 邹永刚, 杨晶晶, 龚春阳. 锥形半导体 器研究进展[J]. , 2019, 12(1): 48-58.doi:10.3788/CO.20191201.0048
SUN Sheng-ming, FAN Jie, XU Li, ZOU Yong-gang, YANG Jing-jing, GONG Chun-yang. Progress of tapered semiconductor diode lasers[J]. Chinese Optics, 2019, 12(1): 48-58. doi: 10.3788/CO.20191201.0048
Citation: SUN Sheng-ming, FAN Jie, XU Li, ZOU Yong-gang, YANG Jing-jing, GONG Chun-yang. Progress of tapered semiconductor diode lasers[J].Chinese Optics, 2019, 12(1): 48-58.doi:10.3788/CO.20191201.0048

锥形半导体 器研究进展







    孙胜明(1991-), 男, 山东聊城人, 硕士研究生, 主要从事光电子技术与应用方面的研究。E-mail:sunshengming23@163.com


  • 中图分类号:TN248

Progress of tapered semiconductor diode lasers


Jilin Science and Technology Development Plan20180519018JH

Jilin Science and Technology Development Plan20190302052GX

Jilin Education Department "135" Science and TechnologyJJKH20190543KJ

the Innovation Science Foundation of Changchun University of Science and TechnologyXJJLG-2016-07

More Information
  • 摘要:锥形半导体 器具有高功率、高光束质量等特点,因此受到广泛关注并成为研究热点。从3种结构(传统结构、分布式布拉格反射(DBR)结构、侧向光栅条纹结构)的锥形半导体 器出发,对国内外近十年具有代表性研究成果进行综述,介绍其理论研究和实验进展,并对锥形半导体 器的未来发展进行展望。

  • 图 1锥形半导体 器样貌图[10]

    Figure 1.Schematic of the tapered lasers[10]

    图 2器件的阈值电流密度随温度的变化[12]

    Figure 2.Plot of the threshold current density versus temperature[12]

    图 3980 nm锥形 器在不同输出功率时和不同驱动方式时的光束质量因子[13]

    Figure 3.Dependence of the beam propagation ratioM2on the output power for common separate contacting[13]

    图 4不同外延设计的输出功率和光束质量因子M2的关系[18]

    Figure 4.Beam propagation factorM2with the outputpower for different epitaxial designs and experimental value for the symmetric structure[18]

    图 5PCB层结构的锥形半导体 器结构示意图[21]

    Figure 5.Schematic of the tapered lasers based on longitudinal PBC structure[21]

    图 6折射率分布和横向模式强度分布[21]

    Figure 6.Refractive index distribution and calculated mode profiles[21]

    图 74种不同锥角大小结构的P-I-V曲线图[23]

    Figure 7.Data for four different waveguide structures of the devices in a CW mode at room temperature[23]

    图 80°、3°、5°、8°Thz锥形半导体 器电镜图[24]

    Figure 8.SEM image of the tapered THz QCL with tapered angles equal to 0°, 3°, 5° and 8°[24]

    图 93A锥形区电流条件下,不同主振荡器电流条件(0、150、300 mA)的传统锥形 器和DBR锥形 器的近场强度、远场强度分布[26]

    Figure 9.Near-and far-fields intensity for different RW(0、150、300 mA) currents at a taper current of 3 A[26]

    图 101 060 nm锥形半导体 器结构示意图[28]

    Figure 10.Cross-sectional schematic of the 1 060 nm DBR tapered laser[28]

    图 111 030 nm锥形半导体 器结构示图[30]

    Figure 11.Lateral layout of the presented 1 030 nm DBR tapered diode laser[30]

    图 123种不同DBR锥形半导体 器设计[32]

    Figure 12.Illustrations of the lateral layouts for DBR tapered diode lasers[32]

    图 13DBR光栅加热电极[33]

    Figure 13.Heater contact pads for DBR grating[33]

    图 14913 nm双锥形半导体 器结构示意图[35]

    Figure 14.Schematical picture of the device. The scanning electron microscope map(inset) shows the ridge waveguide and the HOSGs on both sides of it[35]

    图 15主振荡器侧向条纹锥形半导体 器结构示意图[36]

    Figure 15.Schematic diagram of a tapered THz QCL with lateral gratings[36]

    图 16带有侧向Cr金属光栅的DFB锥形半导体 器结构示意图[37]

    Figure 16.Schematic diagram of laterally tapered ridge waveguide InGaAsP-InGaAsP MQW DFB lasers with Cr surface gratings[37]

    图 1725 ℃和55 ℃条件下,器件光谱图[38]

    Figure 17.Spectral characteristic of the device at 25 ℃ and 55 ℃ heatsink temperature[38]

    表 13种锥形半导体 器性能

    Table 1.Properties of three kinds tapered laser diode structures

    器件结构 出光功率 M2因子 最大亮度 加工工艺
    传统[14-16] W级 较大, 较不稳定 460 MW·cm-2sr-1 较简单
    DBR[27-28] 10W级 较小, 稳定 700 MW·cm-2sr- 较复杂
    侧向光栅条纹[23] mW级 较小 偏小 较简单
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