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Femtosecond pulse compression using negative-curvature hollow-core fibers

YU Tao-ying,LIU Xue-song,ANDREY D. Pryamikov,ALEXEY F. Kosolapov,ZHANG Hong-bo,FAN Zhong-wei

庾韬颖, 刘学松, ANDREYD. Pryamikov, ALEXEYF. Kosolapov, 张鸿博, 樊仲维. 负曲率空芯光纤对飞秒超短脉冲光的压缩研究[J]. , 2019, 12(1): 75-87. doi: 10.3788/CO.20191201.0075
引用本文: 庾韬颖, 刘学松, ANDREYD. Pryamikov, ALEXEYF. Kosolapov, 张鸿博, 樊仲维. 负曲率空芯光纤对飞秒超短脉冲光的压缩研究[J]. , 2019, 12(1): 75-87.doi:10.3788/CO.20191201.0075
YU Tao-ying, LIU Xue-song, ANDREY D. Pryamikov, ALEXEY F. Kosolapov, ZHANG Hong-bo, FAN Zhong-wei. Femtosecond pulse compression using negative-curvature hollow-core fibers[J]. Chinese Optics, 2019, 12(1): 75-87. doi: 10.3788/CO.20191201.0075
Citation: YU Tao-ying, LIU Xue-song, ANDREY D. Pryamikov, ALEXEY F. Kosolapov, ZHANG Hong-bo, FAN Zhong-wei. Femtosecond pulse compression using negative-curvature hollow-core fibers[J].Chinese Optics, 2019, 12(1): 75-87.doi:10.3788/CO.20191201.0075





    庾韬颖(1989-), 男, 山西吕梁人, 博士研究生, 主要从事空芯光纤特性、超短脉冲技术和非线性光学方面的研究。E-mail:yutaoying@aoe.ac.cn

    樊仲维(1965—),男,吉林桦甸人,研究员,博士生导师,主要从事固体 技术与短脉冲 技术方面的研究。E-mail:fanzhongwei@aoe.ac.cn

  • 中图分类号:TP394.1;TH691.9

Femtosecond pulse compression using negative-curvature hollow-core fibers


National Natural Science Foundation of China61605215

More Information
    Author Bio:

    YU Tao-ying(1989—), male, from Luliang, Shanxi, has a Ph.D. and is mainly engaged in researching the characteristics of hollow-core fibers, ultrashort pulse technology and non-linear optics.E-mail:yutaoying@aoe.ac.cn

    FAN Zhong-wei(1965—), male, from Huadian, Jilin, is a researcher and doctoral tutor who mainly engages in researching solid-state laser technology and short-pulse laser technology. E-mail:fanzhongwei@aoe.ac.cn

    Corresponding author:FAN Zhong-wei.E-mail:fanzhongwei@aoe.ac.cn
  • 摘要:为了实现对飞秒 器产生的超短脉冲的进一步压缩,对近年来出现的一种新型负曲率空芯光纤展开了研究,并基于该光纤对800 nm飞秒 进行了压缩实验。首先介绍了一种圆形玻璃管包层结构的负曲率空芯光纤,通过有限元方法对光纤的损耗特性进行计算,并与实验测试结果进行对比。然后利用广义非线性薛定谔方程对脉冲在光纤中的传输进行了模拟仿真。最后利用该光纤进行了超短脉冲压缩实验,将脉冲宽度为160 fs的钛宝石飞秒 耦合进一段充高压氩气的圆形玻璃管包层结构的负曲率空芯光纤,通过光纤内反常色散和自相位调制的共同作用,得到84 fs的输出,实现脉冲的压缩,实验结果与仿真计算一致。这种新型的负曲率空芯光纤损伤阈值高、色散、非线性系数小且灵活可调,非常适用于超快领域研究。

  • 图 1圆形玻璃管空心光纤端面

    Figure 1.End face of the circular tube hollow-core fiber

    图 2光纤损耗计算结果

    Figure 2.Fiber loss calculation results

    图 3空芯光纤传输损耗测试结果

    Figure 3.Experimental results of transmittance of the NC-HCF

    图 4空芯光纤在不同气压下的二阶色散

    Figure 4.Second-order dispersion of the hollow fiber at different pressures of argon

    图 5广义非线性薛定谔方程对脉冲在光纤中演变的计算结果. (a)为z=0.5 m时脉冲的频谱分布; (b)为z=0.5 m时脉冲的时域分布; (c)为脉冲在0.5 m长的负曲率空芯光纤中传输时的频域分布; (d)为脉冲在0.5 m长的负曲率空芯光纤中传输时的时域分布

    Figure 5.The calculated evolution of the ultrafast pulse in the NC-HCF with GNLSE. (a)The spectrum output of 0.5 m NC-HCF; (b)The temporary output of the 0.5 m NC-HCF; (c)The spectrum evolution of the 160 fs pulse propagating along the 0.5 m NC-HCF; (d)The temporary evolution of the 160 fs pulse propagating along the 0.5 m NC-HCF

    图 6输出脉冲宽度随光纤长度变化

    Figure 6.Pulse duration evolution varies with fiber length

    图 7实验光路图

    Figure 7.Schematic diagram of light path

    图 8实验与计算的自相关曲线对比

    Figure 8.Comparison of experimentally measured autocorrelation curves and calculated results

    Figure 9.Comparison of spectral output obtained from experimental and calculated results

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