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多元热流体 检测及杂光抑制光路


吕妍, 王迪, 王志国, 王明吉, 李栋. 多元热流体 检测及杂光抑制光路[J]. , 2019, 12(2): 310-320. doi: 10.3788/CO.20191202.0310
引用本文: 吕妍, 王迪, 王志国, 王明吉, 李栋. 多元热流体 检测及杂光抑制光路[J]. , 2019, 12(2): 310-320.doi:10.3788/CO.20191202.0310
LV Yan, WANG Di, WANG Zhi-guo, WANG Ming-ji, LI Dong. Optical path of laser detection and stray light suppression for multiple thermal fluids[J]. Chinese Optics, 2019, 12(2): 310-320. doi: 10.3788/CO.20191202.0310
Citation: LV Yan, WANG Di, WANG Zhi-guo, WANG Ming-ji, LI Dong. Optical path of laser detection and stray light suppression for multiple thermal fluids[J].Chinese Optics, 2019, 12(2): 310-320.doi:10.3788/CO.20191202.0310

多元热流体 检测及杂光抑制光路







    吕妍(1978-), 女, 黑龙江哈尔滨人, 博士研究生, 讲师, 2008年于东北石油大学获得硕士学位, 主要从事光路设计及光电检测方面的研究。E-mail:lvyan330@163.com

    王迪(1992-), 男, 山东济宁人, 博士研究生, 2015年于烟台大学获得学士学位, 主要从事 光谱检测及辐射传输方面的研究。E-mail:15776598521@163.com

  • 中图分类号:O439

Optical path of laser detection and stray light suppression for multiple thermal fluids


Project Funded by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation2018T110267

PetroChina Innovation Foundation2018D-5007-0608

Guide Innovation Fund of Northeast Petroleum University2018YDL-07

Development and Fostering Project of Heilongjiang Education DepartmentTSTAU-R2018018

More Information
  • 摘要:为实现多元热流体组分含量 在线检测,根据多次反射吸收光谱原理提出了长光程开放光路反射阵列光学池,研究了不同光斑直径下光束发散角和对准误差对多元热流体检测系统接收效率的影响,并且针对高温注汽管道内壁产生的杂散辐射提出一种新型消杂光结构。研究结果表明:反射镜镀膜为银膜,光学窗口材料为熔融石英,多次反射结构的最佳反射次数为40次,有效吸收光程为220 cm;对于不同光斑直径的检测光束,发散角与对准误差的增大对系统接收效率的衰减趋势和衰减幅度基本一致;离轴角为5°时,系统点源透射比(PST)为1.21×10 -7。最后通过高温管道内壁热辐射抑制实验验证了杂光抑制结构的有效性。

  • 图 1多次反射吸收光谱模型

    Figure 1.Absorption spectroscopy model of multiple reflection

    图 2(a) 多元热流体在线 检测系统装配;(b)开放光路反射阵列光学池示意图;(c)直角棱镜几何参数

    Figure 2.(a)Assembly of on-line laser detection system for multiple thermal fluids; (b)schematic of open-path reflection array optical cell; (c)geometric parameters of right-angle prisms

    图 3(a) 反射镜镀膜材料反射率;(b)光学窗口材料透过率

    Figure 3.(a)Reflectivity of reflector coating materials; (b)transmissivity of optical window materials

    图 4最低检测限与吸收光程的关系

    Figure 4.Relationship between minimum detectivity and absorption path length

    图 5杂散辐射传输原理

    Figure 5.Stray radiation transmission principle

    图 6具有杂散辐射抑制结构的离轴光学接收系统

    Figure 6.Off-axis optical receiver with stray radiation suppression structure

    图 7消光螺纹的结构参数

    Figure 7.Geometric parameter of extinction threads

    图 8球型滤光腔的布局设计

    Figure 8.Layout of spherical filter cavity

    图 9(a) 系统接收效率与光束发散角的变化关系; (b)系统接收效率与对准误差的关系

    Figure 9.(a)Relationship between receiving efficiency and beam divergence; (b)receiving efficiency varies with the alignment error

    图 10消光螺纹的消光比. (a)基长LET1=1 mm; (b)基长LET2=2.5 mm; (c)基长LET3=3 mm

    Figure 10.Extinction ratio of extinction threads. (a)Base lengthLET1=1 mm; (b)base lengthLET2=2.5 mm; (c)base lengthLET3=3 mm

    图 11(a) 加入消光螺纹的系统PST; (b)加入球型滤光腔的系统PST

    Figure 11.(a)PST of optical receiver after adding extinction threads; (b)PST of optical receiver after adding spherical filter cavity

    图 12高温管道内壁热辐射抑制实验

    Figure 12.Experiment of suppression to heat radiation from high-temperature pipeline inner wall

    图 13测量结果(a)不同实验条件下探测器接收到的原始信号;(b)吸收率函数拟合

    Figure 13.Measurement results. (a)Original signals received in the detector under different experiment conditions; (b)absorptivity function fitting

    表 1不同光学窗口材料的热性能与机械性能

    Table 1.Thermal and mechanical properties of different optical window materials

    Properties Fused silica CaF2 ZnSe
    Melting point/℃ 1 713 1 360 1 525
    Linear expansion coefficient/10-6·K-1@623 K 0.56 7.3 7.8
    Thermal conductivity/W·m-1·K-1@623 K 1.76 9.71 16.9
    Young's modulus/GPa 72.3 75.8 67.2
    Rupture modulus/MPa 64 36.5 57
    Poisson's ratio 0.17 0.26 0.28
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