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Phase modulation techniques for suppressing backscattering noise in resonator integrated optic gyroscopes

HE Yu-ming,YANG Fu-hua,YAN Wei,LI Zhao-feng

何玉铭, 杨富华, 颜伟, 李兆峰. 谐振式集成光学陀螺系统中用于抑制背散射噪声的相位调制技术[J]. , 2019, 12(6): 1403-1417. doi: 10.3788/CO.20191206.1403
引用本文: 何玉铭, 杨富华, 颜伟, 李兆峰. 谐振式集成光学陀螺系统中用于抑制背散射噪声的相位调制技术[J]. , 2019, 12(6): 1403-1417.doi:10.3788/CO.20191206.1403
HE Yu-ming, YANG Fu-hua, YAN Wei, LI Zhao-feng. Phase modulation techniques for suppressing backscattering noise in resonator integrated optic gyroscopes[J]. Chinese Optics, 2019, 12(6): 1403-1417. doi: 10.3788/CO.20191206.1403
Citation: HE Yu-ming, YANG Fu-hua, YAN Wei, LI Zhao-feng. Phase modulation techniques for suppressing backscattering noise in resonator integrated optic gyroscopes[J].Chinese Optics, 2019, 12(6): 1403-1417.doi:10.3788/CO.20191206.1403









    何玉铭(1993—), 男, 河南南阳人, 博士研究生, 2015年于兰州大学获得学士学位, 现于中国科学院半导体研究所攻读博士学位, 主要从事谐振式集成光学陀螺方面的研究。E-mail:heyuming@semi.ac.cn

    杨富华(1961—), 男, 山西太原人, 二级研究员, 博士生导师, 1983年、1988年于南开大学及Paul Sabatier大学分别获得理学学士及凝聚态物理专业博士学位, 主要从事微纳结构太阳能电池芯片及集成、宽禁带半导体大功率器件、纳米结构电子器件及集成, MEMS器件方面的研究。E-mail:fhyang@semi.ac.cn

    李兆峰(1976—), 男, 江苏淮安人, 研究员, 硕士生导师, 1998年、2002年于清华大学分别获得学士、博士学位, 主要从事纳米光子学与光电子学方面的研究。E-mail:lizhaofeng@semi.ac.cn

  • 中图分类号:TN629.1;0436.1

Phase modulation techniques for suppressing backscattering noise in resonator integrated optic gyroscopes


the National Key Research and Development Program of China2016YFA02005003

National Natural Science Foundation of China61274066

National Natural Science Foundation of China61504138

National Natural Science Foundation of China61501421

National Natural Science Foundation of China61474115

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  • 摘要:在谐振式集成光学陀螺系统中,相位调制技术被广泛用于检测陀螺旋转信号。本文详细介绍了近几年来国内外学者为提高陀螺精度、抑制陀螺噪声所提出的相位调制技术。文章首先从理论上分析了谐振环中的背散射噪声,发现载波抑制是抑制背散射噪声的关键因素。然后,详细介绍了近几年来为提高陀螺精度而提出的两类相位调制技术,分别是单相位调制技术和双相位调制技术,并分析比较了其技术原理、噪声抑制能力以及系统的鲁棒性和复杂度。新型的边带锁定技术可以有效抑制陀螺中的背散射噪声。最后通过总结这些相位调制技术的优缺点发现,在陀螺系统中除了需要借助于相位调制技术抑制背反射噪声外,提高对其他类型噪声的抑制是集成光学陀螺性能进一步提高的关键。

  • Figure 1.(Color online) Resonance curves of signal light and backscattered light when gyroscope is (a)static or (b)in a rotating state

    Figure 2.(Color online) Sketch map of single-phase modulation technique

    Figure 3.(Color online) Theoretical signal light intensity after sinusoidal wave modulation when (a)the laser frequency is equal to the resonant frequency and (b)the laser frequency deviates from the resonance frequency

    Figure 4.(Color online) Theoretical signal light intensity after triangular wave modulation when (a)the laser frequency is equal to the resonant frequency and (b)the laser frequency deviates from the resonance frequency

    Figure 5.(Color online) Relationship between the phase modulation index deviation from the carrier component zero point and the normalized amplitude of the carrier component. (a)The results of the sine wave SPMT. (b)The results of the triangle wave SPMT[10,17]

    Figure 6.(Color online)Sketch map of the RIOG based on (a)the single triangular phase modulation technique[17]and (b)sketch map of the RIOG based on the single sinusoidal phase modulation technique[10]

    Figure 7.(Color online)(a)Sketch map of the demodulation method of the trapezoidal phase modulation technique[18], (b)intensity modulation output from resonator under trapezoidal phase modulation

    Figure 8.(Color online) Schematic illustration of a RIOG based on the DSPM technique[21]

    Figure 9.(Color online)Schematic illustration of a RIOG based on the DTPM[20]

    Figure 10.(Color online) Schematic illustration of a RIOG based on the phase difference traversal(PDT) method[22]

    Figure 11.(Color online) Schematic diagram of the closed-loop RIOG based on the hybrid digital phase modulation scheme. (a)The modulation waveforms are sinusoidal and sawtooth waves[23]. (b)The modulation waveforms are triangular waves and sawtooth waves[7]

    Table 1.RIOGs based on different phase modulation techniques with the best bias stability

    Phase Modulation technique Waveform Resonator finesse Measured short term bias stability (deg/s) Measured long term bias stability (deg/s) System complexity System robustness
    SPMT sinusoidal[10] - 0.46 - low low
    SPMT triangular[17] 56 - 0.717 08 low low
    SPMT trapezoidal[18] 82 - 0.09 low low
    SPMT sideband locking technique[27] 59 - 0.004 2 low high
    DPMT triangular[20] 59 - 0.22 medium high
    DPMT sinusoidal[21] 46.3 0.01 - high high
    DPMT triangular(PDT)[22] 82 0.005 5 0.013 low medium
    DPMT sinusoidal wave and sawtooth-wave[23] 34 - 0.05 high medium
    DPMT triangular wave and sawtooth-wave[7] 59 0.22 - medium medium
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