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邵洪禹, 李英超, 王超, 史浩东, 刘壮, 李冠霖. 超分辨望远光学系统像差影响及优化设计[J]. , 2020, 13(1): 106-120. doi: 10.3788/CO.20201301.0106
引用本文: 邵洪禹, 李英超, 王超, 史浩东, 刘壮, 李冠霖. 超分辨望远光学系统像差影响及优化设计[J]. , 2020, 13(1): 106-120.doi:10.3788/CO.20201301.0106
SHAO Hong-yu, LI Ying-chao, WANG Chao, SHI Hao-dong, LIU Zhuang, LI Guan-lin. Aberration effect and optimization design of super-resolution telescope optical system[J]. Chinese Optics, 2020, 13(1): 106-120. doi: 10.3788/CO.20201301.0106
Citation: SHAO Hong-yu, LI Ying-chao, WANG Chao, SHI Hao-dong, LIU Zhuang, LI Guan-lin. Aberration effect and optimization design of super-resolution telescope optical system[J].Chinese Optics, 2020, 13(1): 106-120.doi:10.3788/CO.20201301.0106









    邵洪禹(1994-)男, 吉林长春人, 硕士研究生, 2017年于长春理工大学获得学士学位, 主要从事光学设计, 偏振成像等方面的研究。E-mail:1531983483@qq.com

    李英超(1966-)男, 吉林长春人, 工学博士, 教授, 博士生导师, 研究员, 中国宇航协会光电技术专委会常务委员, 主要从事多维度光学特性测试与探测技术, 先进光学成像测试技术。E-mail:hsjlyc@126.com

  • 中图分类号:O435.2;TH743

Aberration effect and optimization design of super-resolution telescope optical system


National Key R & D Program of China2017YFC0803806

National Natural Science Foundation of China Youth Science Foundation61805028

National Natural Science Foundation of China Youth Science Foundation61805027

National Natural Fund Astronomical Joint Fund ProjectU1731240

Special Projects of Science and Technology BusinessKJSP2016010202

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  • 摘要:针对大口径光学系统中像差影响超分辨效果的问题,开展泽尼克波前像差对望远超分辨成像系统性能和超分辨局部视场影响的研究。设计四区型位相光瞳滤波器,在理想光学系统出瞳处分别加入离焦、像散、彗差和球差像差,逐渐增加幅值,通过分析不同类别和幅度的波前像差下焦面光强分布变化,研究超分辨成像性能和局部视场对不同种类像差的容忍程度。结果表明,离焦可以抑制超分辨旁瓣能量,提高超分辨倍率,但对局部视场影响较大;球差可以抑制超分辨旁瓣能量,增大局部视场;像散和彗差使光斑圆对称性明显下降,其中像散对局部视场的影响较为明显;同时加入适量离焦和球差时,超分辨旁瓣能量下降,超分辨倍率提高,且不影响系统局部视场。据此设计了一个F数为10,焦距为12 m的大口径光学系统,通过合理优化球差和离焦剩余量,实现了超分辨倍率由1.21倍到1.31倍的提升,最大旁瓣峰值由0.33下降到0.30,局部视场为38.28 μm。

  • 图 1超分辨位相板工作原理图

    Figure 1.Working principle diagram of super-resolution phase plate

    图 2滤波器结构示意图

    Figure 2.Schematic diagram of filter structure

    图 3超分辨局部视场示意图

    Figure 3.Schematic diagram of super-resolution local field of view

    图 4位相板仿真图

    Figure 4.Simulation diagram of phase plate

    图 5大口径理想光学系统

    Figure 5.Ideal optical system with large aperture

    图 6未加入位相板的PSF仿真图

    Figure 6.PSF simulation diagram without phase plate

    图 7加入位相板的PSF仿真图

    Figure 7.PSF simulation diagram with phase plate

    图 80.08λ离焦像差时PSF仿真图

    Figure 8.PSF simulation diagram for 0.08λdefocus aberration

    图 9xy方向光斑主瓣直径随离焦像差的变化情况

    Figure 9.Main lobe diameter of spots inxandydirections varies with defocusing aberration

    图 10xy方向局部视场随离焦像差的变化情况

    Figure 10.Local field of view inxandydirections varies with defocusing aberration

    图 11未加像差的PSF仿真图

    Figure 11.PSF simulation diagram without aberration

    图 120.05λ离焦像差的PSF仿真图

    Figure 12.PSF simulation diagram for 0.05λdefocus aberration

    图 130.07λ像散时PSF仿真图

    Figure 13.PSF simulation diagram for 0.07λastigmatism aberration

    图 14xy方向光斑主瓣直径随像散的变化情况

    Figure 14.Main lobe diameter of spots inxandydirections varies with astigmatism aberration

    图 15xy方向局部视场随像散变化

    Figure 15.Local field of view inxandydirections varies with astigmatism

    图 160.1λ彗差时PSF图

    Figure 16.PSF simulation diagram for 0.1λcoma aberration

    图 17x方向光斑主瓣直径随彗差的变化情况

    Figure 17.The main lobe diameter of spots inxdirection varies with coma aberration

    图 18y方向光斑主瓣直径随彗差的变化情况

    Figure 18.The main lobe diameter of spots inydirection varies with coma aberration

    图 19x方向局部视场随彗差的变化情况

    Figure 19.Local field of view inxdirection varies with coma aberration

    图 20y方向局部视场随彗差的变化情况

    Figure 20.Local field of view inydirection varies with coma aberration

    图 210.15λ球差时的PSF图

    Figure 21.PSF simulation diagram for 0.15λspherical aberration

    图 22xy方向光斑主瓣直径随球差的变化情况

    Figure 22.Main lobe diameter of spots inxandydirections varies with spherical aberration

    图 23xy方向局部视场随球差的变化情况

    Figure 23.Local field of view inxandydirections varies with spherical aberration

    图 24加入0.02λ球差时的PSF仿真图

    Figure 24.PSF simulation diagram with 0.02λspherical aberration

    图 25同时加入离焦和球差时PSF仿真图

    Figure 25.PSF simulation with defocus and spherical aberration

    图 26地基大口径光学系统

    Figure 26.Ground-based large aperture optical system

    图 271:1中继成像光学系统

    Figure 27.1:1 relay imaging optical system

    图 28MTF图

    Figure 28.MTF diagram

    图 29点列图

    Figure 29.Spot diagram

    图 30场曲和畸变图

    Figure 30.Field curvature and distortion diagram

    图 31有像差,加入超分辨位相板PSF仿真图

    Figure 31.PSF simulation diagram with phase plate and aberration

    图 32无像差,未加入位相板的PSF仿真图

    Figure 32.PSF simulation diagram without phase plate and aberration

    图 33无像差,加入位相板的PSF仿真图

    Figure 33.PSF simulation diagram with phase plate and without aberration

    表 1滤波器参数

    Table 1.Filter parameters

    Filter parameters r1 r2 r3 phase1 phase2 phase3 phase4 S G L/μm
    Value 0.231 0.56 0.769 0 3.141 5 0 3.141 5 0.114 1 1.285 7 38
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    表 2光学系统加工公差范围

    Table 2.Processing tolerance range of optical system

    Type Value
    Fringes(fringe) 1
    Surface irregularty(fringe) 0.1
    Thickness(mm) 0.01
    Surface tilts(arc min) 0.5
    Index 0.0005
    Abbe 0.1
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    表 3光学系统装调公差范围

    Table 3.Assembling tolerance range of optical system

    Type Value
    Thickness(mm) 0.01
    Element decenters(mm) 0.005
    Element tilts(arc min) 0.5
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    表 4蒙特卡罗采样计算结果

    Table 4.Monte Carlo sampling calculations

    Cumulative probability Wavefront(λ)
    98% 0.103634697
    90% 0.094200097
    50% 0.07729033
    10% 0.06107939
    2% 0.05353193
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