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对史密斯-帕塞尔自由电子 光栅的研究


孟现柱. 对史密斯-帕塞尔自由电子 光栅的研究[J]. , 2020, 13(2): 381-395. doi: 10.3788/CO.20201302.0381
引用本文: 孟现柱. 对史密斯-帕塞尔自由电子 光栅的研究[J]. , 2020, 13(2): 381-395.doi:10.3788/CO.20201302.0381
MENG Xian-zhu. Study on grating of Smith-Purcell free-electron laser[J]. Chinese Optics, 2020, 13(2): 381-395. doi: 10.3788/CO.20201302.0381
Citation: MENG Xian-zhu. Study on grating of Smith-Purcell free-electron laser[J].Chinese Optics, 2020, 13(2): 381-395.doi:10.3788/CO.20201302.0381

对史密斯-帕塞尔自由电子 光栅的研究





    孟现柱(1968—),男,山东平邑人,教授,硕士生导师,1991年于聊城师范学院获得学士学位,2002年于山东师范大学获得硕士学位,现为聊城大学教授,主要从自由电子 的研究。E-mail:mengxz@lcu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号:O463

Study on grating of Smith-Purcell free-electron laser


National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)11275089

National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)11375081

More Information
    Author Bio:

    MENG Xian-zhu(1968—), male, born in Pingyi County, Shandong Province.Professor, master supervisor.He graduated from Liaocheng Teacher's University in 1991 and obtained his master's degree from Shandong Normal University in 2002.Now he is a professor of Liaocheng University and is mainly engaged in the research of free electron laser.E-mail:mengxz@lcu.edu.cn

    Corresponding author:MENG Xian-zhu, E-mail:mengxz@lcu.edu.cn
  • 摘要:为了研究史密斯-帕塞尔自由电子 的输出频率和光栅槽深、光栅槽长、光栅槽宽的关系,对于基于矩形光栅的史密斯-帕塞尔自由电子 利用粒子模拟软件进行模拟和理论分析。首先,利用粒子模拟软件模拟对于基于矩形光栅的史密斯-帕塞尔自由电子 进行了研究,发现史密斯-帕塞尔自由电子 的输出频率随光栅槽深、光栅槽长、光栅槽宽的增大而减少。接着,对史密斯-帕塞尔自由电子 的光栅槽进行了理论分析,发现每个光栅槽都可以等效为一个LC谐振电路,并发现在史密斯-帕塞尔自由电子 中存在两种辐射,一种是史密斯-帕塞尔辐射,另一种是LC振荡辐射。最后,对光栅槽的LC振荡辐射进行了估算,发现史密斯-帕塞尔自由电子 输出频率的模拟值与光栅槽的LC振荡辐射估算值的数量级均为10 2GHz,且变化规律上一致。据此推测决定史密斯-帕塞尔自由电子 输出频率的应该是光栅槽,而不是谐振腔。

  • 图 1基于矩形光栅的SP FEL的原理图

    Figure 1.Schematic diagram of the SP FEL based on rectangular grating

    图 2基于矩形光栅的SP FEL的模拟图

    Figure 2.Simulation graph of the SP FEL based on rectangular grating

    图 3在不同光栅槽深时SP FEL中电子注的动能沿z轴分布图

    Figure 3.Kinetic energy of beams in bunching state of SP FEL at different slot depths of grating

    图 4在不同光栅槽深时SP FEL的频谱分布图

    Figure 4.Frequency spectra of the SP FEL at different depths of grating groove

    表 1基于矩形光栅的SP FEL的谐振腔参数和电子束参数

    Table 1.Resonator parameters and electron beam parameters of the SP FEL based on rectangular grating

    Parameters Value Parameters Value
    Width of resonator/mm 1.5 Transverse size of beam/mm 0.5
    Length of resonator/mm 36.9 Beam voltage/kV 50
    Height of resonator/mm 0.75 Current/A 10
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    表 2在不同光栅槽深时SP FEL输出频率的模拟值

    Table 2.Simulation values of output frequency of SP FEL at different depths of grating groove

    Parameters Values
    Number of periods 32
    Period length of grating/mm 0.3
    Slot length of grating/mm 1.5
    Slot width of grating/mm 0.1
    Slot depth of grating/mm 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4
    Simulation value of output frequency / GHz 723.379 529.786 483.632 436.827 400.121 370.060
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    表 3在不同光栅槽长时SP FEL输出频率的模拟值

    Table 3.Simulation values of output frequency of SP FEL at different lengths of grating groove

    Parameters Values
    Number of periods 32
    Period length of grating/mm 0.3
    Slot width of grating/mm 0.1
    Slot depth of grating/mm 0.2
    Slot length of grating/mm 0.75 1.5
    Simulation value of output frequency/GHz 727.255 529.786
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    表 4在不同光栅槽宽时SP FEL输出频率的模拟值

    Table 4.Simulation values of output frequency of SP FEL at different widths of grating groove

    Parameters Values
    Number of periods 32
    Period length of grating/mm 0.3
    Slot length of grating/mm 1.5
    Slot depth of grating/mm 0.2
    Slot width of grating/mm 0.1 0.15 0.2
    Simulation value of output frequency / GHz 529.786 515.823 508.692
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    表 5不同光栅槽深时光栅槽的LCR估算值

    Table 5.Estimation values of LCR of grating groove at different groove depths

    Slot depth of grating/mm Estimation value of LCR/GHz
    0.15 302.849
    0.2 224.843
    0.25 178.800
    0.3 148.412
    0.35 126.854
    0.4 110.765
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    表 6不同光栅槽长时光栅槽的LCR估算值

    Table 6.Estimation values of LCR of grating groove at different groove lengths

    Slot length of grating/mm Estimation value of LCR/GHz
    0.75 317.976
    1.5 224.843
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    表 7不同光栅槽宽时光栅槽的LCR估算值

    Table 7.Estimation values of LCR of grating groove at different groove widths

    Slot width of grating/mm Estimation value of LCR/GHz
    0.1 224.843
    0.15 150.806
    0.2 137.482
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