Volume 14Issue 4
Jul. 2021
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HONG Xiao-rong, CHEN Shan-shan, LI Jia-fang. Deformable optical metasurfaces with dynamic reconfiguration[J]. Chinese Optics, 2021, 14(4): 867-885. doi: 10.37188/CO.2021-0036
Citation: HONG Xiao-rong, CHEN Shan-shan, LI Jia-fang. Deformable optical metasurfaces with dynamic reconfiguration[J].Chinese Optics, 2021, 14(4): 867-885.doi:10.37188/CO.2021-0036

Deformable optical metasurfaces with dynamic reconfiguration

Funds:Supported by National Natural Science Fundation of China (No. 61675227, No. 61975016); Natural Science Foundation of Beijing Municipality (No. 1212013)
More Information
  • Corresponding author:jiafangli@bit.edu.cn
  • Received Date:01 Feb 2021
  • Rev Recd Date:26 Feb 2021
  • Available Online:14 May 2021
  • Publish Date:01 Jul 2021
  • As one type of novel two-dimensional artificial micro-nano structure, metasurfaces have exhibited strong potential for application in light manipulation in recent decades. However, there is a substantial calling for next-generation optical metasurfaces endowed with remarkable reconfiguration capabilities for practical applications in increasingly miniaturized and integrated opto-electronic devices. In this paper, we review the recent progress of deformable optical metasurfaces mainly fabricated by focused-ion-beam-based nano-kirigami and focus on their excellent performance and applications in the active control of phase, polarization, optical chirality, nonlinear radiation, etc. Deformable metasurfaces with their exceptional flexibility and reconfigurability provide a novel and feasible strategy for the design of functional micro-nano-optoelectronic devices, and immensely promote the development of emerging strainoptronics.

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