Citation: | ZHENG Hong-ru, MA Yan, ZHANG Shuai, WANG Jian-chao, QU You-yang. Calculation of orbit external heat flow and radiation characteristics of space target[J]. Chinese Optics, 2024, 17(1): 187-197. doi: 10.37188/CO.2023-0033 |
In this paper, the solar radiation, the earth radiation and the earth albedo radiation received by the space target are simulated by Monte Carlo simulation method, and the simulation program is written based on the unstructured tetrahedral grid, and the calculation results are compared and verified. Furthermore, for the orbit external heat flow received by the sun-synchronous orbit satellite, the grid with solar panels is used to analyze the orbit external heat flow received by each surface with or without occlusion. The results show that the average heat flow value of −
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