Citation: | HUANG Tao, XIA Zhen-ping, PENG Zi-xiong, LIU Yu-jie, LI Chao-chao, GU Min-ming. Mixed lighting based on the linear dimming of three-primary-color LEDs[J]. Chinese Optics, 2024, 17(1): 108-117. doi: 10.37188/CO.2023-0084 |
To provide high-quality, intelligent, and healthy lighting sources, a linear dimming mixed lighting system is constructed using three-primary-color LED light sources. An optimization method for dimming and color mixing is proposed. The light chromaticity and light intensity of the mixed light source are set by color temperature and brightness level, which makes the mixed lighting effect more in line with the demand of "human-centric lighting". In the intelligent optimization of the system, the color temperature is converted into CIE
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