Citation: | XIAO Peng-yi, LIU Ming-xin, YAN Lei, HU Ming-yu, ZHANG Xin. An MTF calculation model under the influence of ghost images[J]. Chinese Optics, 2024, 17(5): 1183-1191. doi: 10.37188/CO.2023-0121 |
To investigate the impact of ghost images on optical system performance, we develope a Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) calculation model under the influence of ghost images generated by secondary reflection. We first introduce the analyzing and describing method of ghost image using the paraxial approximation. Then, starting from the definition of the MTF, and considering the influence of ghost image irradiance on the modulation of the image plane, an MTF calculation model under the influence of ghost images is constructed. By conducting a case study calculation on a system and comparing it with the simulation results, it is found that the maximum mean square error is less than
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