Differential chromatic confocal roughness evaluation system and experimental research
摘要: 为了满足大范围表面粗糙度测量评定的需求,本文介绍了一种基于彩色共聚焦传感器的差动式非接触测量评定系统和方法。在所提出的系统中,两个彩色共聚焦传感器和一个光学平晶构成差动式测量系统,并通过球头球窝连接方式与机械运动平台耦合。使用这种差动式结构可以补偿机械运动平台的直线度误差,并可以有效地提高测量评定精度。在此基础上,本文建立了表面粗糙度测量、误差补偿和测量性能评估的方法。为了验证所提出系统的性能,对标准高度台阶量块和粗糙度量块进行了测量评定实验。台阶高度的测量实验结果表明,在60 mm的行程范围内,所提出系统6次重复测量的标准偏差s为0.16 μm,相对标准偏差RSD为0.054%,机械运动平台的直线度误差得到了有效补偿;在测量粗糙度量块时,粗糙度参数Ra和Rq的测量误差分别为0.032 μm和0.073 μm。所提出系统的粗糙度测量评定能力满足大多数工程应用的需求。Abstract: In order to meet the demand of large-area surface roughness measurement, a non-contact differential measurement system based on chromatic confocal sensors is presented in this paper. In the proposed system, two chromatic sensors and an optical flat, forming a differential measurement structure, are coupled with the motion system with a ball-to-socket connection. Using this differential configuration, the straightness error of the motion system is compensated and the measurement accuracy can be effectively improved. Based on this system, the methodology of surface roughness measurement, error compensation and measurement performance evaluation is established. In order to verify the measurement performance of the proposed system, standard step heights and roughness comparators are measured. For the step height measurement, the experimental results show that in the travel range of 60 mm, the standard deviation of the proposed system in six repeated measurements is 0.16 μm and the relative standard deviation RSD is 0.054%. From the results, it can be concluded that the straightness error of the motion system has been effectively overcome. When measuring the roughness comparators, the measurement errors of Ra and Rq are 0.032 μm and 0.073 μm, respectively. Therefore, the roughness measurement capability of the proposed system meets the requirements of most engineering applications.
表 1 直线导轨选型表
Table 1. Linear guide types and corresponding parameters
名 称 型 号 行 程/mm 闭环分辨率/μm x、y轴位移台 卓立Uksa100 100 0.1 z轴位移台 卓立Ksa050 50 1 从动位移台 THK VRU6210 110 — 表 2 测头技术参数
Table 2. Probe's technical parameters
名称 量程/μm 轴向分辨率/nm 彩色共聚焦测量头1 1000 5 彩色共聚焦测量头2 600 3 表 3 粗糙度Ra对比数据(μm)
Table 3. Comparative data of Ra (μm)
Mahr XR20 本文评定装置 样品 Ra 标准偏差s Ra 标准偏差s 6.3 5.810 0.000577 5.842 0.003971 3.2 2.728 0.001000 2.736 0.002338 1.6 1.471 0.000577 1.493 0.002317 0.8 0.622 0.000577 0.589 0.002251 表 4 Rq对比数据(μm)
Table 4. Comparative data of Rq (μm)
Mahr XR20 本文评定装置 样品 Rq 标准偏差s Rq 标准偏差s 6.3 6.728 0.000577 6.753 0.006623 3.2 3.234 0.001000 3.238 0.003559 1.6 1.737 0.000577 1.746 0.001049 0.8 0.787 0.000577 0.714 0.000753 -
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