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Design of resonant waveguide grating filter with reflection and transmission modes

FAN Li-na,MA Jun-shan

樊丽娜, 马军山. 兼具反射和透射模式的共振波导光栅滤波器的设计[J]. , 2020, 13(5): 1147-1157. doi: 10.37188/CO.2020-0072
引用本文: 樊丽娜, 马军山. 兼具反射和透射模式的共振波导光栅滤波器的设计[J]. , 2020, 13(5): 1147-1157.doi:10.37188/CO.2020-0072
FAN Li-na, MA Jun-shan. Design of resonant waveguide grating filter with reflection and transmission modes[J]. Chinese Optics, 2020, 13(5): 1147-1157. doi: 10.37188/CO.2020-0072
Citation: FAN Li-na, MA Jun-shan. Design of resonant waveguide grating filter with reflection and transmission modes[J].Chinese Optics, 2020, 13(5): 1147-1157.doi:10.37188/CO.2020-0072


  • 中图分类号:O436.1; TN25

Design of resonant waveguide grating filter with reflection and transmission modes

Funds:Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.61775140)
More Information
    Author Bio:

    Fan Lina (1980—), female, born in Yuci, Shanxi. She is a doctoral candidate and an experimentalist. She received her Bachelor's degree from Shanxi Normal University in 2002 and her master's degree from Suzhou University in 2005. She is mainly engaged in the research of micro-nano optical devices. E-mail:lnfan@mail.usts.edu.cn

    Ma Junshan (1967—), male, born in Harbin, Heilongjiang. He is a doctor, professor and doctoral supervisor. He received his doctorate in engineering from Harbin Institute of Technology in 1999. He is mainly engaged in the research of optical instruments and optical-communication photonic devices. E-mail:junshanma@163.com

    Corresponding author:junshanma@163.com
  • 摘要:目前,应用于生物传感系统的共振波导光栅窄带滤波器仅能实现反射或透射的单一滤波模式。为了扩展被检样品的种类和提高样品的检测准确度,本文基于导模共振效应设计了兼具反射和透射模式的共振波导光栅滤波器。首先,基于经典的一维共振波导光栅结构,通过调节入射条件,设计了在同一波长(632.8 nm)处反射-透射模式可转换的滤波器,该滤波器在两种模式下均具有优良的滤波性能,光谱效率高于98%, Q因子大于1000。然后,从物理机制层面出发,分析了同一器件实现两种滤波模式的共振机理。结果表明:不同入射条件下,同一共振波导光栅结构在设计波长处可实现反射-透射窄带滤波模式的转换。

  • 图 1单层共振波导光栅结构示意图 (结构参数:nH= 1.72,nL= 1.50,d= 179 nm,Λ= 564 nm,f= 0.6,nc= 1.0,ns= 1.50)

    Figure 1.Structural diagram of single-layer resonant waveguide grating (Structure parameters:nH= 1.72,nL= 1.50,d= 179 nm,Λ= 564 nm,f= 0.6,nc= 1.0,ns= 1.50)

    图 2不同入射角下的透射光谱图 (a)经典入射; (b)全圆锥入射

    Figure 2.Transmission spectra for different incident angles (a) classical incidence; (b) full conical incidence

    图 3共振波长随入射角变化图。(a)经典入射; (b)全圆锥入射

    Figure 3.Relationship between resonance wavelength and incident angle. (a) Classical incidence; (b) full conical incidence

    图 4不同入射条件下的透射光谱图

    Figure 4.Transmission spectra under different incident conditions

    图 5基于相位匹配条件和本征方程估算的共振位置。(a)方位角0º,入射角22.28º; (b)方位角90º,入射角86.08

    Figure 5.Resonance locations estimated based on phase matching condition and eigenvalue equation. (a) Azimuth: 0º, incident angle: 22.28º; (b) azimuth: 90º, incident angle: 86.08º

    图 6共振波长632.8 nm处电场空间分布图。(a)方位角0º,入射角22.28º; (b)方位角90º,入射角86.08º

    Figure 6.Spatial distribution of electric field at the resonance wavelength of 632.8 nm. (a) Azimuth: 0º, incident angle: 22.28º; (b) Azimuth: 90º, incident angle: 86.08º

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