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Room-temperature terahertz photodetectors based on black arsenic-phosphorus

DONG Zhuo,CHEN Jie,ZHU Yi-fan,YANG Jie,WANG Zhong-chang,ZHANG Kai

董卓, 陈捷, 朱一帆, 杨洁, 王中长, 张凯. 黑砷磷室温太赫兹探测器[J]. , 2021, 14(1): 182-195. doi: 10.37188/CO.2020-0175
引用本文: 董卓, 陈捷, 朱一帆, 杨洁, 王中长, 张凯. 黑砷磷室温太赫兹探测器[J]. , 2021, 14(1): 182-195.doi:10.37188/CO.2020-0175
DONG Zhuo, CHEN Jie, ZHU Yi-fan, YANG Jie, WANG Zhong-chang, ZHANG Kai. Room-temperature terahertz photodetectors based on black arsenic-phosphorus[J]. Chinese Optics, 2021, 14(1): 182-195. doi: 10.37188/CO.2020-0175
Citation: DONG Zhuo, CHEN Jie, ZHU Yi-fan, YANG Jie, WANG Zhong-chang, ZHANG Kai. Room-temperature terahertz photodetectors based on black arsenic-phosphorus[J].Chinese Optics, 2021, 14(1): 182-195.doi:10.37188/CO.2020-0175


  • 中图分类号:TN382

Room-temperature terahertz photodetectors based on black arsenic-phosphorus

Funds:Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61927813,No. 61875223,No. 61922082); National Key R & D Program of China (No. 2016YFE015700)
More Information
    Author Bio:

    DONG Zhuo (1994—), male, born in Yingcheng City, Hubei province, Ph. D candidate, School of Nano-Tech and Nano-Bionics, University of Science and Technology of China. He got his bachelor's degree from Hubei University in 2017. His research interests are room-temperature terahertz photodetectors based on two-dimensional materials. E-mail:zdong2018@sinano.ac.cn

    ZHANG Kai (1983—), male, born in Xiantao City, Hubei province Ph. D, Professor, Nano-Tech and Nano-Bionics, Chinese Academy of Science. He got his Ph. D. from Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2011. His research interests are in the areas of narrow-gap two-dimensional (2D) materials and devices, with research activities ranging from the exploration and controllable growth of narrow-gap 2D semiconductors (such as black phosphorus) and topological materials, as well as the development of infrared & terahertz lasers and photodetectors. E-mail:kzhang2015@sinano.ac.cn

    Corresponding author:zhongchang.wang@inl.int;kzhang2015@sinano.ac.cn
  • 摘要:由于太赫兹波与众多物质之间存在着丰富的相互作用,太赫兹技术在众多领域均有应用需求。因此,基于独特物理机制和优异材料特性的高灵敏度、便携式太赫兹探测器的研制刻不容缓。黑砷磷是一种新型二维材料,其带隙和输运特性随化学组分可调,在光电探测领域被广泛关注。目前基于黑砷磷的研究集中在红外探测方面,而对于太赫兹探测的应用未见报道。本文介绍了一种基于黑砷磷的天线耦合太赫兹探测器。实验结果表明,在探测过程中存在两种不同的探测机制,并且两者之间存在竞争关系。通过改变黑砷磷的化学组分可以定制不同的探测机制,使其达到最优响应性能。在平衡材料带隙和载流子迁移率的情况下,探测器实现了室温下对0.37 THz电磁波的灵敏探测,其电压响应度和噪声等效功率分别为28.23 V/W和0.53 nW/Hz 1/2

  • Figure 1.(a) Top view and side view of the b-AsxP1−xcrystal structure. (The armchair (X) and zigzag (Y) crystal axis are shown on the graph) (b) The HRTEM image of the b-As0.1P0.9. (c) The corresponding SAED pattern of the b-As0.1P0.9. (d) EDX result of the b-AsxP1−x(x=0.1 and 0.5) flakes, insert: EDS elemental mapping of the b-As0.1P0.9. (e) Raman spectra of b-AsxP1−xwith different chemical compositions. (f) Plots of infrared absorption of different b-AsxP1−xsamples

    Figure 2.(a) Schematic diagram of the b-AsxP1−xdetector, including the measurement circuit. (b) Schematic diagram of the measurement system. (c) Spatial distributions of the field enhancement factors for the THz antenna. (d, e) False-color SEM image of the b-AsxP1−xdetector

    Figure 3.(a, c) Output characteristics of the b-As0.1P0.9detector (a) and b-As0.5P0.5detector (c), withVGranging from −6 V to 6 V with steps of 3 V. Transfer characteristics for the b-As0.1P0.9detector (b) and the b-As0.5P0.5detector (d) with a fixedVDS= 50 mV

    The electrical properties of the as-fabricated BP detector. (a) Output characteristics of the BP detector as function of differentVGfrom −8 V to 8 V with steps of 4 V. It shows a good Ohmic contact and a large tunable of carrier density by gate voltage. (b) Transfer characteristics for the BP detector with a fixedVDS=100 mV. It exhibits a typical p-type ambipolar transport behavior. The field-effect hole mobility measured from the transfer curve is about 725 cm2/V·s.

    Figure 4.Frequency dependence of the responsivity for the b-As0.1P0.9detector (a) and b-As0.5P0.5detector (c), measured atVG= 0 V. Gate bias dependence of the responsivity for the b-As0.1P0.9detector (b) and the b-As0.5P0.5detector (d), measured at the optimal frequency as obtained from (a) and (c), respectively

    Figure 5.(a) Schema of the detector based on the self-mixing theory. (b) Photo-excitation and relaxation processes of the carriers in the b-AsxP1−xflakes irradiated by terahertz photons and the schematic diagram of the MSM structure based on EIW theory

    Derivative of conductivity multiplied by the resistance, as a function ofVG, in b-As0.1P0.9(a) and b-As0.5P0.5(b) detector. This is the expected responsivity following a plasma-wave detection mechanism. If the domain mechanism is the PW mechanism, the measured shape of theRVcurve should be in excellent agreement with that curves.

    Figure 6.NEP as a function of the gate voltage for b-As0.1P0.9detector(a) and b-As0.5P0.5detector (b), insert:NVas a function of theVG.Transmission images of a key (c) and a pair of metal scissors (d) inside an envelope by the b-As0.1P0.9detector at 0.37 THz

    (a, b) Atomic ratio ofAsandPelements for the b-As0.1P0.9and b-As0.5P0.5, respectively. It proves the b-As0.1P0.9and b-As0.5P0.5have an accurate elemental ratio of about 1:9 and 5:5. (c, d) The AFM images of few-layer b-As0.1P0.9and b-As0.5P0.5nanoflakes on a Si substrate with 285 nm SiO2. It shows clean surface and flat shape, proving the high quality of the mateials. And the corresponding linear scan analysis of height display in the images with a thickness of 14 nm and 16 nm for b-As0.1P0.9and b-As0.5P0.5nanoflakes, respectively.

    The terahertz response characteristics of the same BP detector. (a) Frequency dependence of the voltage responsivityfor BP detector atVG= 0 V. It shows several clear response peaks for the detector and the maximum voltage responsivity located at 0.27 THz.(b, c) Voltage responsivity and noise equivalent power as a function of the gate voltage at 0.27 THz. The maximumRVand minimumNEPof about 8.1 V/W and 1.08 nW/Hz1/2were measured from the curve, respectively.

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