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Design of optical wedge demodulation system for fiber Fabry-Perot sensor

ZHANG Xiong-xing,LV Wen-tao,ZHANG Tian-yang,KOU Wan-ying,CHEN Qing-qing,WANG Wei

张雄星, 吕文涛, 张天阳, 寇琬莹, 陈青青, 王伟. 光纤法珀传感器光楔式解调系统设计[J]. , 2021, 14(5): 1259-1272. doi: 10.37188/CO.2020-0204
引用本文: 张雄星, 吕文涛, 张天阳, 寇琬莹, 陈青青, 王伟. 光纤法珀传感器光楔式解调系统设计[J]. , 2021, 14(5): 1259-1272.doi:10.37188/CO.2020-0204
ZHANG Xiong-xing, LV Wen-tao, ZHANG Tian-yang, KOU Wan-ying, CHEN Qing-qing, WANG Wei. Design of optical wedge demodulation system for fiber Fabry-Perot sensor[J]. Chinese Optics, 2021, 14(5): 1259-1272. doi: 10.37188/CO.2020-0204
Citation: ZHANG Xiong-xing, LV Wen-tao, ZHANG Tian-yang, KOU Wan-ying, CHEN Qing-qing, WANG Wei. Design of optical wedge demodulation system for fiber Fabry-Perot sensor[J].Chinese Optics, 2021, 14(5): 1259-1272.doi:10.37188/CO.2020-0204


  • 中图分类号:TH741

Design of optical wedge demodulation system for fiber Fabry-Perot sensor

Funds:Supported by Natural Science Basic Research Project of Shaanxi Province (No. 2020JM-560); Key Scientific Research Project of Education Department of Shaanxi Province (No. 20JS060)
More Information
    Author Bio:

    ZHANG Xiong-xing(1979—), male, born in Xiangyang City, Hubei Province. Master’s degree, associate professor. He is mainly engaged in the research of optical fiber sensing and optoelectronic measurement. E-mail:zhangxiongxing@xatu.edu.cn

    WANG Wei(1973—), male, born in Jiyuan, Henan Province. Doctoral degree, professor. He is mainly engaged in the research of optical fiber sensing and optoelectronic testing. E-mail:wangwei@xatu.edu.cn

    Corresponding author:wangwei@xatu.edu.cn
  • 摘要:为了实现光纤法布里-珀罗(简称法珀)传感器腔长的解调,提出一种新型光楔式非扫描相关解调系统,对该系统所采用的器件特性及结构进行分析研究。首先,通过模拟不同光谱分布的光源及不同表面反射率的光楔,分析其相关干涉信号并给出系统器件的最优化结构参数。接着通过对比鲍威尔棱镜与柱透镜在线阵CCD上的光强分布特性,实现更均匀的光谱分布。最后,给出解调系统的具体实施方案及数据处理方法。实验结果表明:光源光谱具有高斯分布且谱宽较大及光楔表面反射率 $ R = 0.5$ 时,相关干涉信号特征明显,便于解调。最终解调系统实现在60~100 μm腔长范围内误差小于0.025%的解调。这种光楔式非扫描相关解调方案可以实现光纤法珀腔的传感解调,并可以提高不同类型光纤法珀传感器功率适应性。

  • 图 1光纤法珀传感器光楔式解调系统示意图

    Figure 1.Schematic diagram of optical wedge demodulation system for fiber-optic FP sensor

    图 2光楔结构示意图

    Figure 2.Schematic diagram of optical wedge structure

    图 33种光谱分布曲线

    Figure 3.Three kinds of spectral distribution curves

    图 4不同光谱分布下相关干涉信号输出分布

    Figure 4.The output light intensity distribution of correlation interference signal under different spectral distributions

    图 5SLED输出光谱

    Figure 5.Output spectrum of SLED

    图 6(a)柱透镜和(b)鲍威尔棱镜光强分布效果图

    Figure 6.Light intensity distributions of (a) cylindrical lens and (b) Powell prism

    图 7柱透镜和鲍威尔棱镜光强分布经CCD探测基底信号图

    Figure 7.Light intensity distributions of the background signals from cylindrical lens and Powell prism detected by CCD

    图 8不同表面反射率的光楔的相关干涉信号对比图

    Figure 8.Comparison of correlation interference signals obtained by the optical wedges with different surface reflectivities

    图 9光纤法珀传感器解调系统的光楔结构。(a)光楔制作示意图;(b)CCD结合光楔实物图

    Figure 9.Optical wedge structure of fiber-optic FP sensor demodulation system. (a) Schematic diagram of optical wedge fabrication; (b) combination of CCD and optical wedge

    图 10光纤法珀传感器示意图

    Figure 10.Schematic diagram of fiber-optic FP sensor

    图 11光纤法珀传感器光楔式解调实验系统。(a) 整体结构 (b) 传感器细节图 (c) 暗盒内部结构

    Figure 11.Experimental optical wedge demodulation system for the fiber-optic FP sensor. (a) Overall structure; (b) detailed picture of the sensor; (c) internal structure of dark box

    图 12光纤法珀传感器光楔式解调系统CCD采集信号图

    Figure 12.Signals collected by CCD in the optical wedge demodulation system for fiber-optic FP sensor

    图 13光纤法珀传感器光楔式解调系统测试结果图

    Figure 13.Test results of optical wedge demodulation system for fiber-optic FP sensor

    图 14不同光源功率下采用鲍威尔棱镜及柱透镜的解调系统的解调范围对比图

    Figure 14.Comparison of demodulation ranges of the demodulation systems using Powell prism and cylindrical lens under different light source powers

    表 1Test data

    Table 1.Test data

    Light source
    Demodulation range of
    Powell prism/μm
    Demodulation range of
    cylindrical lens/μm
    5 59.988~100.163
    6 58.950~97.83 68.612~84.542
    7 59.728~100.531 65.757~86.286
    8 59.728~100.531 65.776~94.506
    9 59.733~101.993 65.637~94.512
    10 60.217~100.739 64.856~93.776
    11 60.306~98.514 65.103~95.525
    12 59.601~98.966 63.339~94.497
    13 59.844~98.817 63.699~95.04
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