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赵长福, 丁红昌, 曹国华, 侯翰. 图像辅助汽车制动主缸补偿孔法线测量[J]. , 2021, 14(5): 1212-1223. doi: 10.37188/CO.2020-0219
引用本文: 赵长福, 丁红昌, 曹国华, 侯翰. 图像辅助汽车制动主缸补偿孔法线测量[J]. , 2021, 14(5): 1212-1223.doi:10.37188/CO.2020-0219
ZHAO Chang-fu, DING Hong-chang, CAO Guo-hua, HOU Han. Image aided measurement of the automotive brake master cylinder compensation hole normal line[J]. Chinese Optics, 2021, 14(5): 1212-1223. doi: 10.37188/CO.2020-0219
Citation: ZHAO Chang-fu, DING Hong-chang, CAO Guo-hua, HOU Han. Image aided measurement of the automotive brake master cylinder compensation hole normal line[J].Chinese Optics, 2021, 14(5): 1212-1223.doi:10.37188/CO.2020-0219


基金项目:国家重大科学仪器设备开发项目(No. 2017YFF0105304);吉林省科技发展计划重点研发项目(No. 20200401117GX);吉林省省级产业创新专项资金项目(No. 2018C038-4)




    侯 翰(1994—),男,吉林长春人,博士研究生,在2016年获得长春理工大学的学士学位,同年考取长春理工大学机电工程学院研究生,成为2016级机械工程专业研究生,在2017年申请长春理工大学硕博连读,成为长春理工大学机电工程学院2018级博士研究生。主要从事编码器检测,机电系统控制,自动控制方面的研究。E-mail:345094896@qq.com

  • 中图分类号:TP23

Image aided measurement of the automotive brake master cylinder compensation hole normal line

Funds:Supported by the National Major Scientific Instruments and Equipment Development Project (No. 2017YFF0105304); Key Research and Development Project of Jilin Province Science and Technology Development Plan (No. 20200401117GX); Jilin Province Provincial Industrial Innovation Special Fund Project (No. 2018C038-4)
More Information
  • 摘要:随着道路上汽车的增多,汽车制动系统的可靠性受到越来越多的关注,基于机器视觉的汽车制动主缸补偿孔参数检测精度,是决定汽车安全性和停车可靠性的关键技术,补偿孔作为汽车制动主缸的重要组成部分,可以起到调节汽车制动主缸储液罐与压力室中制动液的重要作用,其尺寸精度和加工质量受到严格的控制,因此如何准确的获取补偿孔的图像是补偿孔参数检测的首要问题。通过将飞机钻铆孔法线找正的方法引入到图像获取中,将四点微平面法线检测方法与图像处理相结合,实现高效高精度的法线找正。实验表明,本文算法法线找正精度高于0.05°,优于传统检测精度的0.5°,检测时间小于1 s。本文提出的算法在满足精度要求的情况下,算法简单,实时性高,同时具有较好的鲁棒性,满足制动主缸生产工业现场对于检测速度和精度的要求。

  • 图 1制动主缸剖面图

    Figure 1.Sectional view of a brake master cylinder

    图 2(a)制动主缸实物图和(b)制动主缸检测系统示意图

    Figure 2.(a) Real picture of brake master cylinder and (b) schematic diagram of brake master cylinder detection system

    图 3图像采集和测距系统

    Figure 3.Image acquisition and ranging system

    图 4曲面法相测量示意图

    Figure 4.Schematic diagram of surface normal phase measurement

    图 5主缸补偿孔处四点微平面。(a)无误差;( b)有误差;( c)图(b)的侧视图

    Figure 5.Four-point micro-plane at the compensation hole of the main cylinder. (a) Error free; (b) with error; (c) side view of (b)

    图 6补偿孔法线检测剖面图

    Figure 6.Normal detection profile of compensation hole

    图 7补偿孔中心和四边形中心检测图

    Figure 7.Compensation hole center and quadrilateral center inspection diagram

    图 8汽车制动主缸补偿孔法线找正流程图

    Figure 8.Flow chart of normal alignment correction for the compensation hole of an automobile’s brake master cylinder

    图 9汽车制动主缸补偿孔光电检测系统实物图

    Figure 9.Prototype of photoelectric detection system for compensation hole in an automobile’s brake master cylinder

    图 10补偿孔中心位置与四边形中心位置偏差

    Figure 10.Deviation between the center of the compensation hole and the center of the quadrilateral

    图 11实验现场图片

    Figure 11.Experimental site

    图 12软件界面显示测量结果

    Figure 12.Measurement results displayed in software interface

    图 13多次测量汽车制动主缸补偿孔法线找正精度

    Figure 13.Multiple measurements of the normal alignment accuracy of the compensation hole of the automobile’s brake master cylinder

    图 14未经过法线找正图像

    Figure 14.Uncorrected image

    图 15四点微平面法线找正图像

    Figure 15.Normal alignment image by four-point microplane method

    图 16曲面拟合法线找正算法

    Figure 16.Normal alignment image by curved surface fitting algorithm

    图 17本文算法图像

    Figure 17.Normal alignment image by proposed method

    表 14种汽车制动主缸补偿方法的孔不圆度、误差大小和时间

    Table 1.Out-of-roundness, error and time of compensating hole of automobile brake master cylinder by four methods

    Detection parameter The elliptical coefficient
    Maximum radius
    ${R_{\max } }/{\rm{pixel}}$
    Minimum radius
    ${R_{\min } }/{\rm{pixel}}$
    Out of roundness
    $\delta {\rm{/}}$%
    The normal
    error /(°)
    Time $t/{\rm{ms} }$
    Taken directly (0.5,0,0.9,−269.8,−437.4,64727) 220.284 175.147 0.2276 0.4572 120
    Micro plane (0.6,0,0.8,−320.1,−401.2,68722) 195.672 174.687 0.1133 0.1871 680
    Surface fitting (0.7,0,0.7,−372.6,−345.2,70916) 180.547 176.398 0.0232 0.0857 1276
    Proposed algorithm (0.7,0,0.7,−366.6,−359.8,71460) 176.536 175.248 0.0073 0.0124 710
    下载: 导出CSV
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