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Surface plasmon resonance characteristics of a graphene nano-disk based on three-dimensional boundary element method

WANG Shuo HU Bin LIU Juan

王硕, 胡滨, 刘娟. 基于三维边界元算法的石墨烯纳米圆盘表面等离子体共振特性研究[J]. 188bet网站真的吗 , 2021, 14(5): 1288-1304. doi: 10.37188/CO.2021-0004
引用本文: 王硕, 胡滨, 刘娟. 基于三维边界元算法的石墨烯纳米圆盘表面等离子体共振特性研究[J]. 188bet网站真的吗 , 2021, 14(5): 1288-1304. doi: 10.37188/CO.2021-0004
WANG Shuo, HU Bin, LIU Juan. Surface plasmon resonance characteristics of a graphene nano-disk based on three-dimensional boundary element method[J]. Chinese Optics, 2021, 14(5): 1288-1304. doi: 10.37188/CO.2021-0004
Citation: WANG Shuo, HU Bin, LIU Juan. Surface plasmon resonance characteristics of a graphene nano-disk based on three-dimensional boundary element method[J]. Chinese Optics, 2021, 14(5): 1288-1304. doi: 10.37188/CO.2021-0004


  • 中图分类号: O431.1

Surface plasmon resonance characteristics of a graphene nano-disk based on three-dimensional boundary element method

doi: 10.37188/CO.2021-0004
Funds: Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61875010)
More Information
    Author Bio:

    Wang Shuo (1994—), male, born in Binzhou City, Shandong Province. He is a master candidate. He has been studying optical engineering at School of Optoelectronics, Beijing Institute of Technology since 2018. His research interest is full-vector diffraction algorithm. E-mail: 2623967359@qq.com

    Hu Bin (1981—), male, born in Cangzhou, Hebei Province. He is an associate professor and a doctoral supervisor. His main research interests include SPP optics, metamaterials, metasurface devices, graphene-based photonic devices, micro-nano optics, and full-vector diffraction algorithm. E-mail: hubin@bit.edu.cn

    Corresponding author: hubin@bit.edu.cn
  • 摘要: 相对于有限元、有限时域差分等常用的仿真算法,边界元算法具有精度高、占用内存少、善于处理复杂结构的优点。本文给出了三维边界元算法的基本原理,编写了基于C++语言的三维边界元算法程序,并用其研究了石墨烯纳米圆盘结构的表面等离子体共振特性;计算了石墨烯纳米圆盘在不同化学势下的散射截面谱线及共振波长下电磁场分布等物理量,分析了石墨烯纳米圆盘在红外波段的电磁响应性质。考虑到加工过程中产生的缺陷会导致石墨烯材料出现褶皱,故又研究了石墨烯纳米圆盘中心处产生凸起后,凸起结构的几何参数对共振强度、波长等参量的影响,并采用电荷运动的弹簧振子模型对仿真结果进行了解释。


  • 图 1  三维空间散射示意图

    Figure 1.  Schematic of three dimensional scattering

    图 2  石墨烯模型以及面元划分方法(a)石墨烯圆盘模型;(b)凸起石墨烯圆盘模型;(c)石墨烯圆盘建模的网格划分;(d)石墨烯圆盘所建网格的外法向矢量(蓝色箭头所示,见网络彩图)

    Figure 2.  Graphene model and surface-element division method (a) Graphene nanodisk model; (b) convex graphene nanodisk model; (c) mesh generation of graphene nanodisk model; (d) outer normal vectors of the meshes generated in graphene nanodisk (shown by blue arrows)

    图 3  边界元算法流程图

    Figure 3.  Flow chart of boundary element method

    图 4  边界元算法与有限时域差分算法结果对比图。(a)边界元获得的SCS谱线;(b)共振波长下边界元获得的磁场分布;(c)共振波长下边界元获得的电场分布;(d)有限时域差分获得的SCS谱线;(e)共振波长下有限时域差分获得的磁场分布;(f)共振波长下有限时域差分获得的电场分布

    Figure 4.  Comparison of the results from BEM and FDTD. (a) SCS spectrum obtained by BEM; (b) magnetic field distribution obtained by BEM under the resonance wavelength; (c) electric field distribution obtained by BEM under the resonance wavelength; (d) SCS spectrum obtained by FDTD; (e) magnetic field distribution obtained by FDTD under the resonance wavelength; (f) electric field distribution obtained by FDTD under the resonance wavelength

    图 5  SCS对石墨烯化学势的依赖关系。(a) SCS谱线;(b)散射、吸收系数;(c)消光系数与波长平方乘积

    Figure 5.  Dependence of SCS on the chemical potential of graphene. (a) SCS spectrum; (b) scattering and absorption coefficients; (c) extinction coefficient multiplied by the square of wavelength

    图 6  凸起的形状对SCS谱线的影响。(a)SCS谱线与凸起高度的关系;(b)SCS谱线与凸起宽度的关系

    Figure 6.  Influence of convex shape on SCS spectrum. (a) Relationship between SCS spectrum and convex height; (b) relationship between SCS spectrum and convex width

    表  1  Parameters of mesh generation on the upper and lower surfaces of graphene nanodisk

    Table  1.   Parameters of mesh generation on the upper and lower surfaces of graphene nanodisk

    Ring i1234567891011
    Ring width/nm2.753.853.63.353.12.852.62.352.11.851.6
    Number of surface elements per ring44816243648648096116
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