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Slow light in graphene plasmonic time crystals

HE Zhen,ZHUO Li-qiang,LI Zhi,ZHUANG Feng-jiang,SU Shao-jian,LIN Zhi-li,QIU Wei-bin

何真, 卓立强, 李志, 庄凤江, 苏少坚, 林志立, 邱伟彬. 石墨烯等离激元时间晶体中的慢光[J]. , 2022, 15(4): 845-861. doi: 10.37188/CO.2021-0201
引用本文: 何真, 卓立强, 李志, 庄凤江, 苏少坚, 林志立, 邱伟彬. 石墨烯等离激元时间晶体中的慢光[J]. , 2022, 15(4): 845-861.doi:10.37188/CO.2021-0201
HE Zhen, ZHUO Li-qiang, LI Zhi, ZHUANG Feng-jiang, SU Shao-jian, LIN Zhi-li, QIU Wei-bin. Slow light in graphene plasmonic time crystals[J]. Chinese Optics, 2022, 15(4): 845-861. doi: 10.37188/CO.2021-0201
Citation: HE Zhen, ZHUO Li-qiang, LI Zhi, ZHUANG Feng-jiang, SU Shao-jian, LIN Zhi-li, QIU Wei-bin. Slow light in graphene plasmonic time crystals[J].Chinese Optics, 2022, 15(4): 845-861.doi:10.37188/CO.2021-0201


  • 中图分类号:TP394.1;TH691.9

Slow light in graphene plasmonic time crystals

Funds:Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 11774103)
More Information
    Author Bio:

    HE Zhen (1995—), male, from Ganzhou, Jiangxi Province, a master's degree student, received a bachelor's degree in electronic science and technology from Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute in 2018, mainly engaged in the research of photonic crystal materials and optical topological insulators

    QIU Weibin (1971—), male, born in Fujian Province, Ph.D., professor, received his Ph.D. in microelectronics and solid-state electronics and specialty from Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing in 2003, mainly engaged in the research of semiconductor electronic devices, photonic devices, circuits and systems, supramolecules, topology and topological plasmons

    Corresponding author:wbqiu@hqu.edu.cn
  • 摘要:


  • 图 1(a) 慢光波导的三维示意图,顶部是单层石墨烯纳米盘。石墨烯与空气接触,背景材料是 SiO2,衬底材料是Si。对不同的石墨烯纳米圆盘分别加载不同的偏置电压:V1(t),V2(t)和V3(t),右上图为电压的施加方式。(b) 石墨烯纳米盘外加偏置电压随时间周期性变化的曲线

    Figure 1.(a) The three-dimensional schematic of slow light waveguide, with a single layer of graphene nanodisks at the top. The graphene is exposed to air on the top, the background material is SiO2, and the substrate material is Si. Different graphene nanodisks are applied with different bias voltages:V1(t),V2(t) andV3(t). The diagram on the right shows how voltage is applied. (b) The graphene nanodisk’s external bias voltage changes periodically with time

    图 2(a) 石墨烯等离激元时间晶体结构示意图。(b)在一个外加偏置电压变化周期内,石墨烯等离激元时间晶体在4个不同时刻的能带图

    Figure 2.(a) Schematic diagram of graphene plasmon time crystal structure. (b) Energy band diagrams of graphene plasmon time crystals at four different moments in a cycle of external bias voltage change

    图 3(a) 当 $ {\mu _{{\rm{c}}3}} $ =0.6 eV时, $ \Delta {\mu _{\rm{c}}} $ 与t的关系。(d) 5×10石墨烯等离激元时间晶体组成的一个区域,P是激发源的位置。(b),(c),(e)和(f)是传播过程中4个时刻的截图,时间节点分别是 ${t_{\rm{b}}} $ =3.20 e−12s, ${t_{\rm{c}}} $ =4.16 e−12s, ${t_{\rm{d}}} $ =5.82 e−12s和 ${t_{\rm{f}}} $ =8.24 e−12s

    Figure 3.(a) Whenμc3=0.6 eV, the relationship between ∆μcandt. (d) A region composed of 5×10 graphene plasmon time crystals.Pis the position of the excitation source. (b), (c), (e) and (f) Screenshots of four moments in the propagation process at the time nodes of ${t_{\rm{b}}} $ =3.20 e−12s, ${t_{\rm{c}}} $ =4.16 e−12s, ${t_{\rm{d}}} $ =5.82 e−12s and ${t_{\rm{f}}} $ =8.24 e−12s, respectively

    图 4时间晶体在K点分别出现了左旋圆极化(LCP)和右旋圆极化(RCP)的相位分布,表示为电场在Z方向上的分量和面内坡印亭矢量(Px,Py)。(a)和(d)是在 $ \Delta {\mu _{\rm{c}}} $ =0.1 eV时刻,K点的相位分布图;(b)和(e)是在 $ \Delta {\mu _{\rm{c}}} $ =0.12 eV时刻,K点的相位分布图;(c)和(f)在 $ \Delta {\mu _{\rm{c}}} $ =0.14 eV时刻,K点的相位分布图

    Figure 4.The phase distributions of Left-handed Circularly Polarized (LCP) and Right-handed Circularly Polarized (RCP) of the time crystal appear at pointK, which are expressed as the component of the electric field in the directionZand the in-plane Poynting vector (Px,Py). (a) and (d) the phase distribution diagram of pointKat the time of $ \Delta {\mu _{\rm{c}}} $ =0.1 eV; (b) and (e) the phase distribution diagram of pointKat the time of $ \Delta {\mu _{\rm{c}}} $ =0.12 eV; (c) and (f) the phase distribution diagram of pointKat the time $ \Delta {\mu _{\rm{c}}} $ =0.14 eV

    图 5(a) 基于石墨烯等离激元时间晶体构成的Zigzag边界示意图。其中,底部分别是有限周期超胞单元的计算模型和仿真电场分布结果。(b)不同时刻下Zigzag边界模的色散曲线

    Figure 5.(a) Schematic diagram of the Zigzag interface based on graphene plasmon time crystals, in which the bottom is the calculation model of the finite period super cell unit and the simulation electric field distribution results. (b) The dispersion curves of the Zigzag interface mode at different times

    图 6(a) 不同 $ \Delta {\mu _{\rm{c}}} $ 下拓扑边界所支持的边界模色散曲线。(b)不同 $ \Delta {\mu _{\rm{c}}} $ 下群速度随频率的变化关系图

    Figure 6.(a) The boundary mode dispersion curve supported by the topological boundary under different $ \Delta {\mu _{\rm{c}}} $ . (b) The relationship between group velocity and frequency under different $ \Delta {\mu _{\rm{c}}} $

    图 7(a, d, g)t1t2t3时刻电场强度分布截图。(b, e, h) 不同t时刻Zigzag边界处截面电场图。(c, f, j) 光能捕获点处电场变化过程

    Figure 7.(a, d, g) Screenshots of the electric field intensity distribution att1,t2andt3. (b, e, h) Cross-sectional electric field diagrams at the Zigzag boundary at different timet. (c, f, j) The changing process of the electric field at the capture point of light energy

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