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李爱武 单天奇 国旗 潘学鹏 刘善仁 陈超 于永森

李爱武, 单天奇, 国旗, 潘学鹏, 刘善仁, 陈超, 于永森. 光纤法布里-珀罗干涉仪高温传感器研究进展[J]. 188bet网站真的吗 , 2022, 15(4): 609-624. doi: 10.37188/CO.2021-0219
引用本文: 李爱武, 单天奇, 国旗, 潘学鹏, 刘善仁, 陈超, 于永森. 光纤法布里-珀罗干涉仪高温传感器研究进展[J]. 188bet网站真的吗 , 2022, 15(4): 609-624. doi: 10.37188/CO.2021-0219
LI Ai-wu, SHAN Tian-qi, GUO Qi, PAN Xue-peng, LIU Shan-ren, CHEN Chao, YU Yong-sen. Research progress of optical fiber Fabry-Perot interferometer high temperature sensors[J]. Chinese Optics, 2022, 15(4): 609-624. doi: 10.37188/CO.2021-0219
Citation: LI Ai-wu, SHAN Tian-qi, GUO Qi, PAN Xue-peng, LIU Shan-ren, CHEN Chao, YU Yong-sen. Research progress of optical fiber Fabry-Perot interferometer high temperature sensors[J]. Chinese Optics, 2022, 15(4): 609-624. doi: 10.37188/CO.2021-0219


基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(No. 91860140,No. 61874119,No. 61905244);吉林省科技发展规划项目(No. 20180201014GX)



    于永森(1974—),男,吉林长春人,博士,教授,博士生导师,2005年于吉林大学获得博士学位,现为吉林大学电子科学与工程学院教授,主要从事光纤传感,金宝搏188软件怎么用 微纳加工研究。E-mail:yuys@jlu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TN253

Research progress of optical fiber Fabry-Perot interferometer high temperature sensors

Funds: Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 91860140, No. 61874119, No. 61905244); Science and Technology Development Project of Jilin Province (No. 20180201014GX)
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  • 摘要:



  • 图 1  多光束干涉原理图

    Figure 1.  Schematic diagram of multi-beam interference

    图 2  典型的(a)IFPI、(b)EFPI和(c)ILFPI结构图

    Figure 2.  Structure diagrams of a typical (a) IFPI, (b) EFPI and (c) ILFPI

    图 3  (a)基于SF和蓝宝石晶片制备的无源EFPI高温传感器[75];(b)双SF和蓝宝石晶片制备的自滤波EFPI高温传感器[12]

    Figure 3.  (a) Sourceless EFPI high temperature sensor based on sapphire fiber and sapphire wafer[75]; (b) self-filtering EFPI high temperature sensor fabricated by double sapphire fiber and sapphire wafer[12]

    图 4  (a)基于SF和蓝宝石晶片制备的FPI高温传感器[34];(b)使用三层蓝宝石晶片直接键合制备的EFPI高温传感器[10]

    Figure 4.  (a) FPI high temperature sensor based on sapphire fiber and sapphire wafer[34]; (b) EFPI high temperature sensor fabricated by direct bonding of three-layer sapphire wafers[10]

    图 5  (a)使用SMF和HCF熔接制备的ILFPI传感器[68];(b)使用FBG和FPI级联制备的混合光纤传感器[83];(c)使用CDF制备的光纤FPI传感器[32]

    Figure 5.  (a) ILFPI sensor fabricated by fusion of SMF and HCF[68]; (b) hybrid fiber-optic sensor fabricated by cascade of FBG and FPI[83]; (c) fiber-optic FPI sensor fabricated by CDF[32]

    图 6  (a)使用FBG和HST插入石英套管制备的FPI传感器[51];(b)使用蓝宝石晶片直接键合制备的FPI传感器[5];(c)使用飞秒金宝搏188软件怎么用 对SMF进行刻槽,然后通过抛光和熔接制备FPI[6]

    Figure 6.  (a) FPI sensor fabricated by inserting FBG and HST into quartz sleeve[51]; (b) FPI sensor fabricated by direct bonding of sapphire wafer[5]; (c) SMF grooved by femtosecond laser, then FPI fabricated by polishing and welding[6]

    图 7  光纤FPI高温加速传感器示意图[84]

    Figure 7.  Schematic diagram of optical fiber FPI high temperature acceleration sensors[84]

    图 8  具有悬臂梁的FPI高温振动传感器示意图[85]

    Figure 8.  Schematic diagram of FPI high temperature vibration sensors based on micro-cantilever beam[85]

    图 9  6H-SiC蓝宝石光纤高温振动传感器示意图[86]

    Figure 9.  Schematic diagram of 6H-SiC sapphire fiber vibration sensor[86]

    表  1  不同IFPI的参数对比

    Table  1.   Comparison of parameters of various IFPIs

    2009[16]25~600 °C68.6 pm/°C
    2010[17]23~1200 °C17.5 nm/°C(OPD)
    2011[18]200~1000 °C1.75×10−5 °C
    2012[19]25~1100 °C39.1 nm/°C(OPD)
    2013[20]24~1000 °C17.7 pm/°C
    2014[21]30~900 °C13.9 pm/°C
    2015[22]400~1000 °C40.7 pm/°C(OPD)
    2015[23]17~1200 °C10 pm/°C
    2018[24]25~1000 °C13.6 pm/°C
    2018[25]500~1000 °C18.6 pm/°C
    2018[26]20~1000 °C13.57 pm/°C
    2018[27]300~1200 °C15.61 pm/°C
    2019[28]100~1100 °C16.92 pm/°C
    2019[4]400~1100 °C15.88 pm/°C
    2019[29]400~1100 °C16.36 pm/°C0~2000 με1.06 pm/με
    2019[30]300~1200 °C15.68 pm/°C
    2019[31]0~1600 °C13.2 pm/°C(1200 °C)
    2019[32]32~1200 °C15.6 pm/°C0~3000 µε1.5 pm/µε(900 °C)
    2020[33]100~1000 °C15.34 pm/°C
    2020[14]15~1000 °C15.4 pm/°C0~2800 με1.04 pm/με
    2020[34]25~1550 °C32.5 pm/°C(1550 °C)
    2020[35]20~800 °C24.52 pm/°C
    2020[36]50~800 °C12.51 pm/°C(800 °C)
    2020[37]200~1200 °C15.42 pm/°C
    2020[38]23~1000 °C17.15 nm/°C(OPD)
    2020[39]400~1000 °C17.1 pm/°C
    注:表中在灵敏度后标注的OPD(Optical Path Difference)为光程差,是通过测量FPI的腔长变化来对外界环境参数进行传感。未进行标注的则是通过测量反射峰的漂移来对外界环境参数进行传感。
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    表  2  不同EFPI的参数对比

    Table  2.   Comparison of parameters of various EFPIs

    2005[40]230~1600 °C2.798 nm/°C
    2010[41]20~1050 °C20 pm/°C(OPD)
    2012[42]100~700 °C0.98 pm/°C0~800 με3.14 pm/με
    2013[43]20~700 °C4.44 pm/°C0~689.5 kPa0.28 pm/Pa
    2014[44]20~800 °C0.59 pm/°C0~3700 με1.5 pm/με
    2016[45]23~600 °C12.3 pm/°C0~2104 με1.74 pm/με
    2017[46]23~600 °C0.51 pm/°C0~3 MPa1.53 nm/MPa(600 °C)
    2017[47]23~1000 °C20.31 pm/°C
    2017[48]19~1000 °C14.68 pm/°C
    2017[49]20~900 °C0.044 pm/°C0.1~0.7 MPa1.14 nm/MPa(800 °C)
    2018[50]20~600 °C0.17 pm/°C0~1.0 MPa−5.912 nm/MPa(600 °C)
    2018[51]20~800 °C14.8 pm/°C0.1~0.7 MPa4.28 nm/MPa
    2018[15]20~800 °C19.8 nm/°C(OPD)0~10 MPa98 nm/MPa
    2019[12]100~1080 °C4.786 nm/°C(OPD)
    2019[52]100~800 °C14.31 pm/°C
    2019[53]20~1000 °C12.26 nm/°C
    2019[6]20~1000 °C108.11 pm/°C(OPD)0~10 MPa70.85 nm/MPa
    2019[5]20~800 °C1.25 nm/°C(OPD)20~700 kPa2.768 μm/MPa(OPD)
    2019[54]20~700 °C0.215 nm/°C0~500 kPa5.22 nm/MPa
    2019[55]20~1000 °C15.41 pm/°C0~1000 µε1.19 pm/µε(900 °C)
    2020[56]25~1000 °C0.77 pm/°C
    2020[10]-50~1200 °C23 pm/°C0.4~4.0 MPa1.2 nm/MPa(1200 °C)
    2020[11]23~1455 °C1.32 nm/°C(OPD)
    2020[57]100~800 °C10.74 pm/°C0~900 µε21.46 μm/µε(800 °C)
    2020[58]100~1000 °C18.01 pm/°C0~450 µε2.17 pm/µε(800 °C)
    2021[59]200~800 °C29.9 pm/°C
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    表  3  不同ILFPI的参数对比

    Table  3.   Comparison of parameters of various ILFPIs

    2009[60]100~600 °C1.4 nm/°C0~400 με5.95 nm/µε
    2011[61]50~750 °C0.6 pm/°C0~950 με2.3 pm/με
    2011[62]25~700 °C13.7 pm/°C0~40 MPa−5.8 pm/MPa
    2015[63]0~700 °C0.45 pm/°C0~10 MPa54.7 pm/MPa
    2015[64]250~1050 °C1.019 nm/°C(1050 °C)
    2015[65]23~900 °C0.85 pm/°C0~1000 με13.9 pm/με
    2016[66]17~900 °C13.97 pm/°C0~600 με1.23 pm/με
    2018[67]100~800 °C17 nm/°C(OPD)0~10 MPa1.336 μm/MPa
    2018[68]0~1005 °C33.4 pm/°C0~1400 με0.46 pm/με
    2019[69]20~900 °C0.82 pm/°C0.3~2.7 MPa4.24 nm/MPa
    2019[70]24~1000 °C535.16 pm/°C
    2020[71]20~1000 °C0.64 pm/°C0~1000 με1.23 pm/με
    2020[72]100~1100 °C16.91 pm/°C0~2400 με1 pm/με
    2020[73]40~1000 °C25.3 nm/°C0~10 MPa356.5 nm/MPa(1000 °C)
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    表  4  FPI高温应变/压力传感器交叉灵敏度对比

    Table  4.   Comparison of cross-sensitivity of FPI high temperature strain/pressure sensors

    2011[61]0.6 pm/°C2.3 pm/με4 με/ °C
    2013[43]4.44 pm/°C0.28 pm/Pa15.86 Pa/ °C
    2015[65]0.85 pm/°C13.9 pm/με0.18 με/ °C
    2018[15]19.8 nm/°C(OPD)98 nm/MPa1490 Pa/ °C
    2018[67]17 nm/°C1.336 μm/MPa−15 Pa/ °C,0.3 °C/MPa
    2019[6]108.11 pm/°C(OPD)70.85 nm/MPa1525 Pa/ °C
    2019[55]0.215 nm/°C5.22 nm/MPa67.6 Pa/ °C
    2019[69]0.82 pm/°C4.24 nm/MPa192 Pa/ °C
    2020[10]23 pm/°C1.2 nm/MPa2×104 Pa/ °C
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