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多波长拉曼 对CCD损伤实验研究


刘金生, 刘金波, 李晓文. 多波长拉曼 对CCD损伤实验研究[J]. , 2023, 16(2): 373-381. doi: 10.37188/CO.2021-0228
引用本文: 刘金生, 刘金波, 李晓文. 多波长拉曼 对CCD损伤实验研究[J]. , 2023, 16(2): 373-381.doi:10.37188/CO.2021-0228
LIU Jin-sheng, LIU Jin-bo, LI Xiao-wen. Experimental study on CCD damage by multi-wavelength Raman lasers[J]. Chinese Optics, 2023, 16(2): 373-381. doi: 10.37188/CO.2021-0228
Citation: LIU Jin-sheng, LIU Jin-bo, LI Xiao-wen. Experimental study on CCD damage by multi-wavelength Raman lasers[J].Chinese Optics, 2023, 16(2): 373-381.doi:10.37188/CO.2021-0228

多波长拉曼 对CCD损伤实验研究

基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(No. 22073101);大连化学物理研究所创新基金(No. 202105)


    刘金波(1981—),男,河南郑州人,2010年于哈尔滨工业大学获得博士学位,副研究员,硕士生导师,主要从事受激拉曼 、受激拉曼光谱技术研究。E-mail:hitliujinbo@163.com

  • 中图分类号:TN249

Experimental study on CCD damage by multi-wavelength Raman lasers

Funds:Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 22073101); Innovation Foundation of Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (No. 202105)
More Information
  • 摘要:

    本文开展了多波长纳秒脉冲拉曼 对行间转移CCD相机的损伤实验。分别研究了496 nm、574 nm、630 nm单波长拉曼 与混合输出的多波长拉曼 对CCD的点损伤、线损伤和面损伤情况,测量了不同波长拉曼 的损伤阈值区间,并根据损伤情况统计拟合,获得了不同波长拉曼 能量与损伤概率的关系曲线。实验结果表明:混合波长拉曼 对CCD的损伤阈值低于单波长拉曼 的损伤阈值,不同波长拉曼 对于CCD的损伤阈值也存在区别,其中630 nm拉曼 的损伤阈值低于496 nm ,574 nm 的损伤阈值介于496 nm和630 nm拉曼 之间。在此基础上,通过分析CCD不同损伤情况的显微图像,以及受损伤CCD的电子学特性,对拉曼 损伤CCD的机理进行了探讨。

  • 图 1受激拉曼散射 光源示意图

    Figure 1.Schematic diagram of the experimental setup of multiple Raman lasers in a single Raman cell. L1-L2: lens; DM: Dichroic mirror; PBS: polarized beam splitter; Prism: Pellin-Broca prism

    图 2多波长拉曼 损伤CCD实验装置

    Figure 2.Experimental setup of multi-wavelength Raman lasers damage CCD. DM: Dichroic mirror; BS: beam splitter; DAC: data acquisition card

    图 3多波长拉曼 光谱图

    Figure 3.The spectrum of the multi-wavelength Raman laser used in this paper

    图 4不同波长拉曼 在CCD上的聚焦图像

    Figure 4.The focused spots of Raman laser with different wavelengths on the CCD

    图 5CCD损伤情况下的输出图像。(a)点损伤情况下CCD的输出图像;(b)出现线损伤情况下CCD的输出图像;(c) 面损伤情况下CCD的输出图像

    Figure 5.The output images of the damaged CCD at different severities. (a) Dot damage; (b) line damage; (c) total damage.

    图 6496 nm拉曼 照射CCD形成损伤类型及统计分析。(a)点损伤;(b)线损伤;(c)面损伤

    Figure 6.The damage types and possibility of the CCD focused by the 496 nm Raman laser at different energy densities. (a) Dot damage; (b) line damage; (c) total damage

    图 7574 nm拉曼 照射CCD形成损伤类型及统计分析。(a)点损伤;(b)线损伤;(c)面损伤

    Figure 7.The damage types and possibility of the CCD focused by the 574 nm Raman laser at different energy densities. (a) Dot damage; (b) line damage; (c) total damage

    图 8630 nm拉曼 照射CCD形成损伤类型及统计分析。(a)点损伤;(b)线损伤;(c)面损伤

    Figure 8.The damage types and possibility of the CCD focused by the 630 nm Raman laser at different energy densities. (a) Dot damage; (b) line damage; (c) total damage

    图 9多波长混合 照射CCD形成损伤类型及统计分析。(a)点损伤;(b)线损伤;(c)面损伤

    Figure 9.The damage type and possibility of the CCD focused by the multi-wavelength lasers at different energy densities. (a) Dot damage; (b) line damage; (c) total damage

    图 10496 nm拉曼 损伤CCD显微图。(a)点损伤;(b)线损伤;(c)面损伤

    Figure 10.The micrographs of the CCD damaged by a 496 nm Raman laser at different severities. (a) Dot damage; (b) line damage; (c) total damage

    图 11574 nm拉曼 损伤CCD显微图。(a)点损伤;(b)线损伤;(c)面损伤

    Figure 11.The micrographs of the CCD damaged by a 574 nm Raman laser at different severities. (a) Dot damage; (b) line damage; (c) total damage

    图 12630 nm拉曼 损伤CCD显微图。(a)点损伤;(b)线损伤;(c)面损伤

    Figure 12.The micrographs of the CCD damaged by a 630 nm Raman laser at different severities. (a) Dot damage; (b) line damage; (c) total damage

    图 13混合波长拉曼 损伤CCD显微图。(a)点损伤;(b)线损伤;(c)面损伤

    Figure 13.The micrographs of the CCD damaged by the multi-wavelength lasers at different severities. (a) Dot damage; (b) line damage; (c) total damage

    表 1拉曼池输出的混合 谱线的能量分布

    Table 1.Energy distribution of the mixture laser from a Raman cell

    波长/nm 脉冲能量/μJ 能量占比 聚焦光斑面积/(10−4cm2)
    496 2.8 3.2% 1.07
    532 64.5 73.3%
    574 8.3 9.4% 0.713
    630 11.5 13.1% 1.09
    其他 0.9 1.1%
    混合 88 100% 2.73
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    表 2不同波长 辐照下CCD的点损伤阈值,线损伤阈值和面损伤阈值拟合结果

    Table 2.Fitting damage threshold of dot, line and total damage by different wavelength lasers

    拉曼 波长 点损伤阈值/mJ·cm−2 线损伤阈值/mJ·cm−2 面损伤阈值/mJ·cm−2
    496 nm 8.66±0.13 86.8±2.0 308.6±18.5
    574nm 9.57±0.85 38.85±0.27 113.1±3.5
    630 nm 4.48±0.13 9.23±0.44 33.8±0.2
    混合波长 2.46±0.02 8.53±0.18 35.0±0.0
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