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黄郑重 曹良才

黄郑重, 曹良才. 面向高通量的多通道复用数字全息成像技术[J]. 188bet网站真的吗 , 2022, 15(6): 1182-1193. doi: 10.37188/CO.2022-0070
引用本文: 黄郑重, 曹良才. 面向高通量的多通道复用数字全息成像技术[J]. 188bet网站真的吗 , 2022, 15(6): 1182-1193. doi: 10.37188/CO.2022-0070
HUANG Zheng-zhong, CAO Liang-cai. Multi-channel multiplexing digital holographic imaging for high throughput[J]. Chinese Optics, 2022, 15(6): 1182-1193. doi: 10.37188/CO.2022-0070
Citation: HUANG Zheng-zhong, CAO Liang-cai. Multi-channel multiplexing digital holographic imaging for high throughput[J]. Chinese Optics, 2022, 15(6): 1182-1193. doi: 10.37188/CO.2022-0070


基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(No. 82170677)



  • 中图分类号: TP394.1;TH691.9

Multi-channel multiplexing digital holographic imaging for high throughput

Funds: Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 82170677)
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  • 摘要:



  • 图 1  成像空间带宽积拓展。(a)空间域拓展示意,拓展光学系统的空间域成像范围;(b)基于相机阵列的多尺度光学成像系统[36-37];(c)基于相机阵列的大视场生物显微成像系统[38];(d)频域拓展示意,拓展现有光学系统的频率通带范围;(e)基于多角度照明的傅立叶域叠层显微成像系统[40];(f)基于多角度照明的无透镜片上成像系统[41]

    Figure 1.  The expansion of the imaging SBP. (a) Schematic diagram of the expansion in spatial domain to expand the spatial imaging range; (b) the multi-scale optical imaging system based on the camera array[36-37]; (c) the large field of view biological microscopic system based on the camera array[38]; (d) schematic diagram of frequency domain expansion, expanding the frequency passband range of existing optical systems; (e) fourier ptychographic microscopy system based on multi-angle illumination[40]; (f) lensless on-chip imaging systems based on multi-angle illumination[41]

    图 2  传统离轴数字全息示意图,FT为傅里叶变换(Fourier transform)的简称

    Figure 2.  Schematic diagram of conventional off-axis digital holography. FT indicates the Fourier transform

    图 3  数字全息复用技术及其应用示意图。(a)双通道离轴全息复用示意图;(b)基于复用技术拓展成像视场[47];(c)基于复用技术拓展成像分辨率[49];(d)基于复用技术拓展成像深度[50]

    Figure 3.  Schematic diagram of digital holographic multiplexing and its applications. (a) Schematic diagram of dual-channel off-axis holographic multiplexing; (b) expanding imaging field of view based on digital holographic multiplexing[47]; (c) expanding imaging resolution based on digital holographic multiplexing[49]; (d) expanding imaging depth of field based on digital holographic multiplexing[50]

    图 4  数值计算结果。(a)数字全息复用模型,以双通道为例;(b)~(c)2路原始物光相位分布;(d)2通道复用全息图的傅立叶频谱,物光谱与其他项完全分离;(e)~(f)对应(d)的2路重建物光相位分布;(g)2通道复用全息图的傅立叶频谱,物光谱与其他项重叠;(h)~(i)对应(g)2路重建物光相位分布;(j)8通道复用全息图的傅立叶频谱, 4路为物光1,其他4路为物光2,物光谱与其他项重叠;(k)~(l)对应(j)的其中2路重建物光相位分布

    Figure 4.  Numerical calculation results. (a) Digital holographic multiplexing model, taking two channels as an example; (b)~(c) phase distribution of original object; (d) fourier spectrum of the 2-channel multiplexed hologram, and the spectra are completely separated from other terms; (e)~(f) the reconstructed phases from (d); (g) fourier spectrum of the 2-channel multiplexed hologram, the object spectra are overlapped with other terms; (h)~(i) the reconstructed phases from (g); (j) fourier spectrum of 8-channel multiplexed hologram, 4 channels are the object 1, the other 4 channels are the object 2, and the object spectra are overlapped with other terms; (k)~(l) two of the reconstructed phases from (j)

    图 5  数值计算结果。(a)相位重建MSE随采集位深变化的结果;(b)相位重建MSE随参考光振幅值变化的结果

    Figure 5.  Numerical calculation results. (a) The MSE result of phase reconstruction as a function of acquisition bit depth; (b) the MSE result of phase reconstruction as a function of the amplitude value of reference wave

    图 6  高空间带宽利用率数字全息显微镜光路示意图。(a)视场拓展数字全息显微系统;(b)光路复用示意图;(c)视场复用示意图[48]

    Figure 6.  Schematic diagram of the optical path of a digital holographic microscope with high spatial bandwidth utilization. (a) Extended field-of-view digital holographic microscope; (b) schematic diagram of optical multiplexing setup; (c) schematic diagram of field-of-view multiplexing[48]

    图 7  高空间带宽利用率数字全息显微镜重建图像[48]。(a)高通量复用全息图;(b)复用全息图的频谱;(c)高通量定量相位重建结果;(d)传统数字全息显微镜得到的全息图;(e)传统离轴全息频谱;(f)传统离轴全息重建结果

    Figure 7.  Reconstruction images from digital holographic microscope with high spatial bandwidth utilization[48]. (a) Multiplexed hologram; (b) spectrum of the multiplexed hologram; (c) high-throughput quantitative phase reconstruction from (a); (d) the hologram image obtained by conventional off-axis digital holographic microscope; (e) spectrum of conventional off-axis hologram; (f) the reconstruction results of conventional off-axis hologram in (d)

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