本文讨论了随机滤光片光谱编码-解码的基本原理与重构方法,利用深度学习欠完备自编码器的自动特征提取机制,构建了高精度、低延时的像元映射变分辨率光谱成像重构网络,通过变换像元映射关系完成了2×2、4×4像元阵列光谱重构网络的并行训练。最后,利用512×512、120谱段(430 ~670 nm)的遥感光谱图像对重构网络进行验证,实现了2×2像元阵列/40谱段重构峰值信噪比达53 dB、均方误差小于0.002、重构用时0.87 s与4×4像元阵列/120谱段重构峰值信噪比达64 dB、均方误差小于10−5、重构用时0.52 s的变分辨率光谱图像重构。实验结果表明像元映射变分辨率光谱成像重构网络具备高精度、低延时的动态变换性能。
Abstract:In this paper, the basic principle and reconstruction method of random filter spectral coding-decoding are discussed. According to the automatic feature extraction mechanism of a deep learning undercomplete autoencoder, a pixel mapping variable-resolution spectral imaging reconstruction network with high reconstruction accuracy and low delay is constructed. The parallel training of a 2×2 and 4×4 pixel array spectral reconstruction network is implemented by transforming the pixel mapping relationship. Finally, the network’s performance is verified by the remote sensing data with 512×616 with 120 bands spectral images. For a 2×2 pixel array with 40 bands, the reconstruction PSNR is 53 dB, the reconstruction MSE is less than 0.002, and the reconstruction time is 0.85 s. For a 4×4 pixel array with 120 bands, the reconstruction PSNR is 64 dB, the reconstruction MSE is less than 10−5, and the reconstruction time is 0.5 s. The experimental results show that the pixel mapping variable-resolution spectral imaging reconstruction network has the dynamic transformation performance of high accuracy and low delay.
Key words:
- variable-resolution spectral imaging /
- pixel mapping /
- random filter /
- deep learning
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