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张奔雷, 杨飞, 王富国, 卢保伟. 基于力矩促动器的镜面半主动光学支撑系统集成优化设计[J]. , 2022, 15(5): 1066-1078. doi: 10.37188/CO.2022-0121
引用本文: 张奔雷, 杨飞, 王富国, 卢保伟. 基于力矩促动器的镜面半主动光学支撑系统集成优化设计[J]. , 2022, 15(5): 1066-1078.doi:10.37188/CO.2022-0121
ZHANG Ben-lei, YANG Fei, WANG Fu-guo, LU Bao-wei. Integrated optimization design of mirror semi-active support system based on Warping Harness[J]. Chinese Optics, 2022, 15(5): 1066-1078. doi: 10.37188/CO.2022-0121
Citation: ZHANG Ben-lei, YANG Fei, WANG Fu-guo, LU Bao-wei. Integrated optimization design of mirror semi-active support system based on Warping Harness[J].Chinese Optics, 2022, 15(5): 1066-1078.doi:10.37188/CO.2022-0121


基金项目:吉林省科技发展计划(No. 20210402065GH);中国科学院青年创新促进会优秀会员(No. Y202053);中国科学院国际伙伴计划(No. 181722KYSB20200001);国家自然科学基金(No. 11973040)


    杨 飞(1982—),男,博士,研究员,博士生导师,2009年于中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所获得硕士学位,2017年于长春理工大学获得博士学位,现主要从事大口径光学工程技术的光机系统研究。E-mail:yangflying@163.com

  • 中图分类号:TH751

Integrated optimization design of mirror semi-active support system based on Warping Harness

Funds:Supported by Science and Technology Development Program of Jilin Province (No. 20210402065GH); Excellent Member of Youth Innovation Promotion Association, CAS (No. Y202053); International Partnership Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. 181722KYSB20200001); National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (No. 11973040)
More Information
  • 摘要:

    基于半主动光学技术的半主动支撑,通过力矩促动器(Warping Harness, WH)弹簧叶片将校正力转换为校正力矩,对由重力、温度等误差源引入的镜面低阶像差进行校正。针对利用传统经验设计反射镜时存在的设计缺陷,提出一种反射镜支撑系统优化设计新方法,即结合结构尺寸优化和经验设计的镜面支撑系统综合设计优化方法,并建立一套基于WH 的半主动镜面支撑系统。首先,按照经验公式设计了支撑系统初始结构;设计了一款L形镂空式WH弹簧叶片,并对其开展了非线性分析及疲劳分析,确定叶片厚度为2 mm、寿命为1.2×106次。然后,通过优化镜面支撑点位置、三角板柔节位置、支撑系统柔性件关键尺寸参数,将光轴竖直及水平状态下镜面RMS值由119 nm和106 nm分别降至13.3 nm和4.8 nm;1 °C温差状态下镜面面形差由2.8 nm降至1.9 nm;一阶谐振频率由80 Hz提升至130 Hz。最后,采用提出的方法对半主动支撑系统的校正能力进行验证。结果表明:本套半主动支撑系统对镜面离焦、初级像散、初级慧差、初级球差的校正率最高可达99%,且校正后各像差幅值均小于1 nm;室温自重状态下对镜面面形RMS值校正率最高可达46.5%;温升10°C情况下的校正率为31.28%。

  • 图 19个支撑点的Whiffletree支撑结构

    Figure 1.Whiffletree support structure of the mirror with 9 support points

    图 2镜面侧向定位方案

    Figure 2.Lateral positioning scheme of the primary mirror

    图 3支撑系统柔性件结构

    Figure 3.Diagram structure of the flexible parts of the support system

    图 4三角板结构设计

    Figure 4.Triangle plate structure design

    图 5镜室结构设计

    Figure 5.Mirror chamber structure design

    图 6WH弹簧叶片结构设计

    Figure 6.Structure design of WH spring blade

    图 7WH弹簧片位移线性分析

    Figure 7.Linear analysis of the displacement of the WH spring blade

    图 8WH弹簧叶片应力分析

    Figure 8.Stress analysis of the WH spring blade

    图 9支撑点位置优化前后镜面变形对比

    Figure 9.Comparison of mirror deformation before and after optimization of the support point position

    图 103种工况下优化前(上)后(下)镜面变形图

    Figure 10.Specular deformation diagrams before (top) and after (bottom) optimization under three working conditions

    图 11镜面支撑系统三维图

    Figure 11.3D view of the mirror support system

    图 12镜面系统有限元模型

    Figure 12.Finite element model of the mirror system

    图 13校正力与镜面像差影响分析平台

    Figure 13.Correction force and mirror aberration impact analysis platform

    图 14各校正力相对Zernike 4~11阶像差Pareto图

    Figure 14.Pareto diagrams of the 4thto 11thorder Zernike aberrations for each correction force

    图 15半主动支撑系统俯仰过程中镜面各像差校正前后对比及校正率图

    Figure 15.Comparison before and after correction and their correction rate of each aberration of the mirror surface during the pitching process of the semi-active support system

    图 16镜面面形与俯仰角度关系图

    Figure 16.The relationship between mirror surface shape and pitch angle

    图 17俯仰过程中镜面校正前(上)后(下)云图

    Figure 17.Cloud maps before (top) and after (bottom) mirror correction during pitching

    图 1810 °C温升状态下镜面面形校正前(左)后(右)变形云图

    Figure 18.Deformation cloud diagrams of the mirror’s surface shapes before (left) and after (right) correction under a 10°C temperature rise

    表 1镜面参数

    Table 1.Primary mirror parameters

    参数 指标
    口径d/mm 500.00
    焦距f/mm 6000.00
    密度(g/cm-3) 2.53
    弹性模量GPa 91.00
    泊松比 0.24
    热膨胀系数(10−6/K) 0.05
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    表 2各柔性件截面积计算结果

    Table 2.Calculation results of the cross-sectional area of each flexible part

    类别 F/N L/mm Amin/mm2
    轴向柔性杆 12 48 0.0014
    三角板柔节 50 28 0.0011
    侧向柔性杆 58 42 0.0020
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    表 3支撑点位置优化结果

    Table 3.Optimization results of the support point position

    项目 参数
    R1/mm 68.3
    R0/mm 206.5
    PV/nm 52.7
    RMS/nm 12.0
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    表 4支撑柔性件结构尺寸最优解

    Table 4.The optimal solution for the structural size of the supporting flexible parts

    项目 参数
    H/mm 2.9
    Rz/mm 1.4
    Rc/mm 0.5
    RMSx/nm 4.8
    RMSz/nm 13.3
    RMSt/nm 1.9
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    表 5柔性杆轴及侧向解耦结果

    Table 5.Flexible rod axis and lateral decoupling results

    项目 参数
    R/mm 1.4
    R/mm 0.50
    S轴轴/mm 0.00030
    S轴侧/mm 0.067
    S/mm 0.014
    满足耦合 满足
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    表 630 °C时镜面面形校正前后对比

    Table 6.Comparison of mirror surface shapes before and after correction at 30°C

    Temp_30°C Before/nm After/nm correct
    RMS 19.2 13.2 31.28%
    Power −13.8 −0.382 97.23%
    Astig0° −0.588 −0.0783 86.68%
    Astig90° 0.0998 0.0680 31.86%
    Coma0° −0.0211 −0.0268 −27.01%
    Coma90° −0.00346 −0.0466 −1246.82%
    Primary spherical −2.43 −0.981 59.63%
    Trefoil0° −12.8 −12.4 3.13%
    Trefoil90° −1.43 −3.45 −141.26%
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    表 7镜室组件前四阶谐振频率

    Table 7.The first four-order resonance frequencies of the mirror chamber assembly

    阶数 1 2 3 4
    频率/Hz 130.5 132.7 199.7 203.3
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