Multiple scattering transmission characteristic of polarized light in ellipsoidal fine particles
Abstract:To investigate the multiple scattering transmission characteristics of polarized light in ellipsoidal fine particles, a simulation and experiment verification system for black carbon aerosol particles was established. The polarization transmission characteristic after multiple scattering of the randomly oriented ellipsoidal fine particles are studied by combining the T-matrix with the Monte Carlo method. A half-real simulation testing environment was established to verify the simulation algorithm, and the ellipsoidal fine particles were prepared by extending ganoderma lucidum spores′ burning time. The size distribution and optical thickness of the ellipsoidal fine particles were measured by Malvern Spraytec and a light power meter, respectively. The simulation results can be proven by combining the experiment with the simulation. The results show that with an increase in the concentration of black carbon ellipsoidal fine particles, the Degree Of Polarization (DOP) of the horizontal, vertical, 45° linearly polarized and the right circularly polarized light all decrease, and the polarization preservation ability of three kinds of linear polarizations are basically consistent. The polarization preservation ability of the circularly polarized light gradually exceeds the linearly polarized light with an increase in concentration. The gap between the linear and circular polarizations becomes larger as it reaches its maximum value at 3.12 optical thickness. When the optical thickness is greater than 3.12, the DOP difference between the circularly and the linearly polarized lights tend to be stable. By calculation, the percent agreement between the simulation and the experiment is better than 70.84%. These results can expand the environmental applicable range of polarization detection and provide theoretical support for studying the polarization detection of atmospheric non-spherical particles.
图 3 椭球细粒子多次散射实验原理图。1-金宝搏188软件怎么用 器,2-衰减片,3-偏振片,4-1/4波片,5-环境模拟系统,6-偏振无关分光棱镜,7-光功率计,8-偏振态测量仪,9-计算机
Figure 3. Experimental schematic diagram of multiple scattering of ellipsoidal fine particles. 1- Laser, 2- Attenuator, 3- Linear polarizer, 4-Quarter wave-plate, 5- Environmental simulation system,6- Non-polarizing beam splitter cube, 7- Light power meter, 8- Polarimeter, 9- Computer
表 1 不同充入时间下的光学厚度值
Table 1. Optical thicknesses under different filling times
Filling time/s Transmittance/% Optical thickness 1 79.5 0.23 2 47.2 0.75 3 24.2 1.42 4 16.0 1.83 5 9.4 2.36 6 4.4 3.12 7 3.0 3.51 8 1.9 3.98 表 2 仿真与实验的符合度
Table 2. Percent agreement between simulation and experiment results
State of polarization Percent agreement 0° linear polarization 71.60% Right-hand circular polarization 70.84% -
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