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朱沁雨 陈梅蕊 陆焕钧 樊丽娜 彭建涛 孙会娟 徐国定 毛红敏 曹召良

朱沁雨, 陈梅蕊, 陆焕钧, 樊丽娜, 彭建涛, 孙会娟, 徐国定, 毛红敏, 曹召良. 微透镜阵列衍射效应对夏克一哈特曼波前探测器的影响分析[J]. 188bet网站真的吗 , 2023, 16(1): 94-102. doi: 10.37188/CO.2022-0176
引用本文: 朱沁雨, 陈梅蕊, 陆焕钧, 樊丽娜, 彭建涛, 孙会娟, 徐国定, 毛红敏, 曹召良. 微透镜阵列衍射效应对夏克一哈特曼波前探测器的影响分析[J]. 188bet网站真的吗 , 2023, 16(1): 94-102. doi: 10.37188/CO.2022-0176
ZHU Qin-yu, CHEN Mei-rui, LU Huan-jun, FAN Li-na, PENG Jian-tao, SUN Hui-juan, XU Guo-ding, MAO Hong-min, CAO Zhao-liang. Analysis of influence of diffraction effect of microlens array on Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor[J]. Chinese Optics, 2023, 16(1): 94-102. doi: 10.37188/CO.2022-0176
Citation: ZHU Qin-yu, CHEN Mei-rui, LU Huan-jun, FAN Li-na, PENG Jian-tao, SUN Hui-juan, XU Guo-ding, MAO Hong-min, CAO Zhao-liang. Analysis of influence of diffraction effect of microlens array on Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor[J]. Chinese Optics, 2023, 16(1): 94-102. doi: 10.37188/CO.2022-0176


基金项目: “十四五”江苏省重点学科资助项目(No. 2021135);中国航天科技集团公司第八研究院产学研合作基金资助项目 (No. SAST2020-025);北京联合大学科研项目资助(No. ZK70202007);江苏省自然科学基金青年基金项目(No. BK20220640);江苏省基础科学(自然科学)研究面上项目(No. 22KJB150011)


    曹召良(1974 —),男,河南济源人,博士,教授,博士生导师,2008年于中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所获得博士学位,主要从事液晶自适应光学系统、光学设计、光学实验以及理论分析和模拟工作。E-mail:caozl@usts.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: O436.1

Analysis of influence of diffraction effect of microlens array on Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor

Funds: Supported by the Jiangsu Key Disciplines of the Fourteenth Five-Year Plan (No. 2021135); Industry-University-Institute Cooperation Foundation of the Eighth Research Institute of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (No. SAST2020-025); Academic Research Projects of Beijing Union University (No. ZK70202007); the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province (No. BK20220640); the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions (No. 22KJB150011)
More Information
  • 摘要:

    微透镜阵列的衍射效应会影响夏克—哈特曼波前探测器的探测精度。本文根据惠更斯-菲涅耳衍射理论建立二维微透镜阵列衍射模型,模拟分析使用理想平行光入射微透镜阵列时在焦平面产生的二维衍射光斑阵列。然后,通过计算衍射光斑偏移一个像素的过程中质心的误差,确定最大质心计算误差。接着,利用模式法进行波前重构,获得波前探测误差。仿真结果显示:在偏移0.21和0.79个像素,即波面偏转0.03°和0.13°时,衍射导致的波前误差最大为0.125 λ。最后,实验验证了该误差计算方法的有效性。该研究结果可为夏克一哈特曼波前探测器的设计提供理论依据。


  • 图 1  单个子孔径光斑质心计算示意图

    Figure 1.  Schematic diagram of single subaperture spot centroid calculation

    图 2  微透镜衍射示意图

    Figure 2.  Schematic diagram of microlens diffraction

    图 3  微透镜阵列衍射成像示意图

    Figure 3.  Schematic diagram of microlens array diffraction imaging

    图 4  (a)任一有衍射光斑中心及 (b) 任一无衍射光斑中心光强分布

    Figure 4.  Central intensity distribution of (a) any diffraction spot and (b) any non diffraction spot

    图 5  离散化后的仿真光斑图

    Figure 5.  Simulated spot diagram after discretization

    图 6  (a) 无衍射和 (b) 有衍射的光斑偏移1个像素过程中的质心计算误差; (c) 衍射效应造成的质心计算误差

    Figure 6.  Centroid calculation error in the process of (a) diffraction free and (b) diffraction spot shifting by 1 pixel; (c) calculation error of centroid caused by diffraction effect

    图 7  (a)无衍射的光斑偏移0.79 像素的重构波前;(b) 有衍射的光斑偏移0.79 像素的重构波前;(c) 最大误差波前

    Figure 7.  (a) Reconstructed wavefront with diffraction free spot offset of 0.79 pixels; (b) reconstructed wavefront with diffraction spot offset of 0.79 pixels; (c) maximum error wavefront

    图 8  (a) 无衍射的光斑偏移1个像素过程中的波前倾斜误差;(b) 有衍射的光斑偏移1个像素过程中的波前倾斜误差;(c)衍射效应造成的波前倾斜误差

    Figure 8.  (a)Wavefront tilt error in the process of diffraction free spot shifting by 1 pixel; (b) wavefront tilt error in the process of diffraction spot shifting by 1 pixel; (c) wavefront tilt error caused by diffraction effect

    图 9  相对误差

    Figure 9.  Relative error

    图 10  哈特曼波前探测实验装置图

    Figure 10.  Experimental diagram of Hartmann wavefront detection device

    图 11  (a) 实验光斑图;(b)初始波前;(c)倾斜波前

    Figure 11.  (a) Experimental spot diagram; (b) initial warefront (c) inclined wavefront

    图 12  (a) 实际波前倾斜量与旋转角度的关系曲线;(b) 仿真波前倾斜量与旋转角度关系曲线;(c) 实验波前倾斜量与旋转角度关系曲线;(d) 波前倾斜误差曲线

    Figure 12.  (a) Relation curve between actual wavefront tilt and rotation angle; (b) relationship curve between simulated wavefront tilt and rotation angle; (c) relation curve between experimental wavefront tilt and rotation angle; (d) wavefront tilt error curve

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