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徐昊宇 姜岩秀 陈星硕 王瑞鹏 张靖 巴音贺希格

徐昊宇, 姜岩秀, 陈星硕, 王瑞鹏, 张靖, 巴音贺希格. 小闪耀角单晶硅光栅结构参数优化及制备工艺[J]. 188bet网站真的吗 , 2024, 17(5): 1139-1149. doi: 10.37188/CO.2023-0056
引用本文: 徐昊宇, 姜岩秀, 陈星硕, 王瑞鹏, 张靖, 巴音贺希格. 小闪耀角单晶硅光栅结构参数优化及制备工艺[J]. 188bet网站真的吗 , 2024, 17(5): 1139-1149. doi: 10.37188/CO.2023-0056
XU Hao-yu, JIANG Yan-xiu, CHEN Xing-shuo, WANG Rui-peng, ZHANG Jing, Bayanheshig. Optimization of structural parameters and fabrication of monocrystalline silicon gratings with small blazed angle[J]. Chinese Optics, 2024, 17(5): 1139-1149. doi: 10.37188/CO.2023-0056
Citation: XU Hao-yu, JIANG Yan-xiu, CHEN Xing-shuo, WANG Rui-peng, ZHANG Jing, Bayanheshig. Optimization of structural parameters and fabrication of monocrystalline silicon gratings with small blazed angle[J]. Chinese Optics, 2024, 17(5): 1139-1149. doi: 10.37188/CO.2023-0056


基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(No. U21A20509);中国科学院关键核心技术攻关项目(No. 20200602051ZP);吉林省自然科学基金项目(No. 20210101139JC);中国科学院科学仪器设备开发项目(No. YJKYYQ20200003);中国科学院青年创新促进会项目(No. 2022218)

    姜岩秀(1987—),女,吉林舒兰人,博士,副研究员, 2015年于中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所获得博士学位,主要从事变栅距全息光栅设计与制作技术研究。E-mail:jiangyanxiup@163.com


  • 中图分类号: TP394.1;TH691.9

Optimization of structural parameters and fabrication of monocrystalline silicon gratings with small blazed angle

Funds: Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. U21A20509); Key Core Technology Research Project of Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. 20200602051ZP); Natural Science Foundation of Jilin Province (No. 20210101139JC); Scientific Instrument and Equipment Development Project of Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. YJKYYQ20200003); Youth Innovation Promotion Association of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. 2022218)
More Information
  • 摘要:

    本文开展了对单晶硅小闪耀角光栅的各向异性湿法刻蚀制备工艺研究,制备了适用于软X射线中波波段的闪耀光栅,以满足国家同步辐射光源的需要。首先,基于严格耦合波法对小闪耀角光栅进行了结构参数优化及工艺容差分析。在晶向对准过程中,先通过环形预刻蚀确定硅片晶向,再基于倍频调整法实现光栅掩模与单晶硅<111>晶向的对准。研究了光刻胶灰化技术及活性剂对光栅槽形质量的影响,并通过单晶硅各向异性湿法刻蚀工艺成功制备了接近于理想锯齿槽形的闪耀光栅。实验结果证明:所制备光栅闪耀角为1°,刻线密度为1200 gr/mm,闪耀面均方根粗糙度在0.5 nm以内。此方法可以应用于软X射线中波波段闪耀光栅的制作,在获得较高衍射效率的同时可以大大减少制作难度及成本。


  • 图 1  不同状态入射光随波长变化的衍射效率

    Figure 1.  Diffraction efficiency of incident light as a function of wavelength under different states

    图 2  不同刻线密度光栅随波长变化的衍射效率

    Figure 2.  Diffraction efficiency of gratings with different grating densities as a function of wavelength

    图 3  不同闪耀角光栅随波长变化的衍射效率

    Figure 3.  Diffraction efficiency of gratings with different flare angles as a function of wavelength

    图 4  设计的光栅槽形

    Figure 4.  Designed grating groove

    图 5  不同平台占宽比下光栅随波长变化的衍射效率

    Figure 5.  Diffraction efficiency of grating with different platform ratios as a function of wavelength

    图 6  不同平台高度h光栅随占宽比f变化的衍射效率

    Figure 6.  Diffraction efficiency of grating with different platform height h as a function of aspect ratio f

    图 7  不同平台高度h下光栅衍射效率随占宽比f变化情况

    Figure 7.  Diffraction efficiency of grating with different platform height h as a function of aspect ratio f

    图 8  晶向对准流程图

    Figure 8.  Crystal alignment flow chart

    图 9  用于预刻蚀工艺的掩模图形

    Figure 9.  Mask patterns for pre-etching processes

    图 10  刻蚀后的硅片及其微观结构

    Figure 10.  Etched silicon wafer and its microstructure

    图 11  刻蚀后条纹宽度

    Figure 11.  Fringe width after etching

    图 12  掩模板对准示意图

    Figure 12.  Schematic diagram of mask alignment

    图 13  对准过程中的莫尔条纹

    Figure 13.  Moire fringes during alignment process

    图 14  光栅制备工艺流程。(a)硅片清洁;(b)氧化层制备;(c)旋涂光刻胶;(d)对准曝光;(e)显影;(f)光刻胶图形转移;(g)氧化层掩模制备;(h)湿法刻蚀;(i)去除表面掩模

    Figure 14.  Grating preparation process. (a) Silicon wafer cleaning; (b) preparation of oxide layer; (c) spin coated photoresist; (d) alignment exposure; (e) development; (f) photoresist pattern transfer; (g) preparation of oxide mask; (h) wet etching; (i) remove the surface mask

    图 15  光刻胶掩模(a)灰化前与(b)灰化后掩模占宽比对比结果

    Figure 15.  Comparison results of mask expansion ratio for photoresist mask (a) before and (b) after ashing

    图 16  (a)未添加及(b)添加异丙醇活性剂的光栅表面粗糙度对比结果

    Figure 16.  Comparison results of grating surface roughness (a) before and (b) after using isopropanol

    图 17  闪耀光栅AFM图样

    Figure 17.  AFM test pattern of prepared blazed grating

    图 18  实际槽型和设计槽形对比

    Figure 18.  Comparison of actual groove shape and designed groove shape

    图 19  设计光栅与制备光栅的衍射效率对比

    Figure 19.  Comparison results of diffraction efficiencies for designed grating and fabricated grating

    表  1  光栅技术指标

    Table  1.   Specification of grating

    指标参数 数值
    波长范围/nm 3~6
    衍射级次 −1
    入射状态 掠入射
    衍射效率 >40%
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    表  2  光栅槽形参数

    Table  2.   Grating groove parameters

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    表  3  AFM粗糙度测量结果

    Table  3.   AFM roughness measurement results (Unit: nm)

    测量点 Rq
    1 0.287
    2 0.436
    3 0.365
    4 0.253
    5 0.220
    6 0.379
    7 0.409
    8 0.293
    9 0.333
    10 0.400
    平均值 0.3375
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    表  4  闪耀角测量结果

    Table  4.   Blazed angle measurement results

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