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杜莹 陈梅蕊 刘禹彤 曹宗新 毛红敏 李小平 孙会娟 曹召良

杜莹, 陈梅蕊, 刘禹彤, 曹宗新, 毛红敏, 李小平, 孙会娟, 曹召良. 基于掩模光刻的液晶波前校正器设计与制备[J]. 188bet网站真的吗 , 2024, 17(2): 324-333. doi: 10.37188/CO.2023-0137
引用本文: 杜莹, 陈梅蕊, 刘禹彤, 曹宗新, 毛红敏, 李小平, 孙会娟, 曹召良. 基于掩模光刻的液晶波前校正器设计与制备[J]. 188bet网站真的吗 , 2024, 17(2): 324-333. doi: 10.37188/CO.2023-0137
DU Ying, CHEN Mei-rui, LIU Yu-tong, CAO Zong-xin, MAO Hong-min, LI Xiao-ping, SUN Hui-juan, CAO Zhao-liang. Design and fabrication of liquid crystal wavefront corrector based on mask lithography[J]. Chinese Optics, 2024, 17(2): 324-333. doi: 10.37188/CO.2023-0137
Citation: DU Ying, CHEN Mei-rui, LIU Yu-tong, CAO Zong-xin, MAO Hong-min, LI Xiao-ping, SUN Hui-juan, CAO Zhao-liang. Design and fabrication of liquid crystal wavefront corrector based on mask lithography[J]. Chinese Optics, 2024, 17(2): 324-333. doi: 10.37188/CO.2023-0137


基金项目: “十四五”江苏省重点学科资助(No. 2021135);北京联合大学科研项目资助(No. ZK70202007);吉林省科技厅重点研发项目(No. 20220203033SF)



  • 中图分类号: O436

Design and fabrication of liquid crystal wavefront corrector based on mask lithography

Funds: Supported by Jiangsu Key Disciplines of the Fourteenth Five-Year Plan (No. 2021135); Research Projects of Beijing Union University(No. ZK70202007); Key R&D Projects of Jilin Provincial Department of Science and Technology(No. 20220203033SF)
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  • 摘要:

    液晶波前校正器通常基于液晶显示器的工艺制备而成,因此其研制成本高、定制难度大。本文基于掩模光刻法制备液晶波前校正器,以实现液晶波前校正器的专用化、低成本研制。基于掩模光刻技术设计并制备了91像素的无源液晶驱动电极,并封装成液晶光学校正单元。设计并制备了驱动连接电路板,实现了液晶光学驱动单元和驱动电路板的匹配对接。对液晶波前校正器响应特性进行检测。结果显示,其相位调制量为5.5个波长,响应时间为224 ms。利用Zygo干涉仪进行球面波的产生和静态倾斜像差的校正。结果显示,其可以产生正负离焦波前,且对水平倾斜像差校正后,Zernike多项式中第一项的值从1.18降至0.16,校正幅度达86%,实现了像差的有效校正。本文的研究工作可为液晶波前校正器的研制提供新思路,进而拓宽其应用领域和场景。


  • 图 1  (a)未施加电压及(b)施加电压的液晶分子排列

    Figure 1.  Arrangement of liquid crystal molecules under the conditions (a) without applied voltage and (b) with applied voltage

    图 2  本文制备的液晶无源驱动电极。(a)驱动电极结构;(b)液晶盒封装结构;(c)电极间走线

    Figure 2.  The liquid crystal passive driving electrode prepared in this paper. (a) Structure of driving electrode; (b) packaging structure of liquid crystal cell; (c) wiring between electrodes

    图 3  驱动连接板设计图

    Figure 3.  Design drawing of the driving connection board

    图 4  (a)、(b)镀金驱动电极不同位置的显微镜照片;(c)封装的液晶盒

    Figure 4.  (a), (b) Different location pictures of gold-plated driving electrodes captured by the microscope; (c) packaged liquid crystal cell

    图 5  制备的液晶波前校正器

    Figure 5.  Fabricated liquid crystal wavefront corrector

    图 6  液晶波前校正器响应特性测试光路

    Figure 6.  Optical layout for testing the response characteristic of liquid crystal wavefront corrector

    图 7  (a)单像素驱动响应结果;(b)驱动通道与像素对应位置关系

    Figure 7.  (a) Response results with single pixel driving; (b) corresponding relationship between the driving channel and pixel position

    图 8  (a)示波器测量的光强变化曲线;(b)时间与相位关系曲线

    Figure 8.  (a) Intensity curve measured by oscilloscope; (b) phase as a function of response time

    图 9  (a)灰度级与相位关系曲线及(b)相位调制误差

    Figure 9.  (a) Phase as a function of gray level; (b) phase modulation error

    图 10  像差校正实验设备

    Figure 10.  Optical setup for aberration correction

    图 11  Zygo干涉仪的初始测量结果及产生的平面波。(a)干涉条纹;(b)原始波面;(c)相对测量波面

    Figure 11.  Initial wave measurement results by Zygo interferometer and the resulting plane wave. (a) Interference fringe, (b) initial wave surface and (c) relative measured wavefront

    图 12  正负离焦像差球面波。(a)、(b)、(c)为施加正离焦的干涉条纹、立体波面及波前;(d)、(e)、(f)为施加负离焦的干涉条纹、立体波面及波前

    Figure 12.  Positive and negative defocused aberration spherical wave. (a) Interference fringe, (b) stereoscopic wavefront and (c) two-dimensional wavefront under positive defocus; (d) interference fringe, (e) stereoscopic wavefront and (f) two-dimensional wavefront under negative defocus

    图 13  水平倾斜像差校正结果。校正前的(a)干涉条纹及(b)波前;校正后的(c)干涉条纹及(d)波前

    Figure 13.  Correction results of horizontal tilt aberration. (a) Interference fringe and (b) wavefront before correction; (c) interference fringe and (d) wavefront after correction

    图 14  校正前后泽尼克多项式系数

    Figure 14.  Zernike coefficients without and with correction

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