Detection method of weak ship wake signals based on the synchronous accumulation method
为适应复杂的动态变化的尾流气泡场环境,提高水下探测装置对舰船尾流微弱信号的探测信噪比与检出率,本文提出了一种基于同步累积法的舰船尾流微弱信号检测方法。利用周期信号的重复性与噪声的随机性,对连续多个周期信号做累积归一化处理,降低随机噪声对探测性能的干扰,提升探测信噪比。建立了针对舰船尾流微弱信号多时间尺度检测能力评估模型,评估本方法在多参量耦合下的探测性能。通过在室内水池、室外湖泊条件下开展大量模拟舰船尾流探测实验,验证了该方法适配稀疏微小的远场尾流气泡至高湍流扰动下的大尺度近场气泡检测。本文方法可实现全时域舰船尾流的跟踪检测,有效提升水下兵器的打击能力,为舰船尾流金宝搏188软件怎么用 探测识别工程实践提供支撑。
- 金宝搏188软件怎么用 探测 /
- 舰船尾流 /
- 信号处理
Abstract:In order to adapt to the complex dynamic changing wake bubble field environment, improve the detection signal-to-noise ratio and detection rate of the weak ship wake signals, and expand the detection range, a method of detecting weak ship wake signals based on the synchronous accumulation method is proposed. By taking advantage of the repeatability of periodic signals and the randomness of noise, cumulative normalization is performed on successive periodic signals, effectively improving the detection signal-to-noise ratio and reducing the interference of random noise on detection performance. In order to evaluate the detection performance of the algorithm under multi-parameter coupling, a multi-time scale detection capability evaluation model for weak ship wake signals is established. By conducting many simulated ship wake detection experiments in large indoor pools and typical outdoor lakes, it is verified that the algorithm is suitable for the detection of various bubbles from smaller ones in sparse and discrete tiny far-field wakes to larger near-field ones under high turbulence disturbance, thus realizing full-time ship wake tracking and detection. This can effectively improve underwater weapon strike capability. It can support ship wake laser detection and identification engineering practice.
Key words:
- laser detection /
- ship wake /
- signal processing
图 8 湖泊水域尾流气泡探测回波及信号处理波形。(a) 原始信号;(b) 10周期累积信号;(c) 50周期累积信号;(d) 100周期累积信号;(e) 500周期累积信号;(f)
1000 周期累积信号Figure 8. Waveforms of wake bubble echo detection and signal process in a lake. (a) The original signal; (b) 10-cycle cumulative signal; (c) 50-cycle cumulative signal; (d) 100-cycle cumulative signal; (e) 500-cycle cumulative signal; (f)
1000 -cycle cumulative signal表 1 室内水池尾流气泡探测信号处理效果评估结果
Table 1. Evaluation results of signal processing effectiveness of wake bubble detection in an indoor pool
周期数信噪比 信背比 检出率 小气泡 大气泡 小气泡 大气泡 全探测过程 原始 0.3182 14.0000 1.0493 3.1690 65.36% 10 0.7905 34.2381 1.0549 3.3792 72.50% 30 1.8034 57.8258 1.0743 3.3815 84.62% 50 2.1925 75.6432 1.0655 3.2582 87.50% 表 2 湖泊水域尾流气泡探测信号处理效果评估
Table 2. Evaluation results of signal processing effectiveness of wake bubble detection in a lake
期数信噪比 信背比 检出率
全过程2 min 4 min 6 min 8 min 2 min 4 min 6 min 8 min 1 3.9828 6.0263 4.9828 1.7403 0.9240 0.9872 0.9049 1.0188 79.88% 10 7.0033 8.1485 7.3742 5.9902 0.9348 0.9430 0.9266 0.9442 89.26% 50 11.7589 12.5028 11.7459 6.0344 0.9147 0.9413 0.9238 0.9463 89.32% 100 11.7314 18.4155 11.7865 7.6769 0.9242 0.9322 0.9208 0.9439 89.19% 500 15.9158 19.0482 12.9746 12.0893 0.9288 0.9151 0.9321 0.9337 89.06% 1000 15.9447 17.6144 11.6551 13.0707 0.9248 0.9168 0.9383 0.9351 88.97% -
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