- 拼接镜 /
- piston误差 /
- 圆孔衍射 /
- 图像降噪 /
- 深度降噪卷积神经网络
Abstract:The co-phase error detection of segmented mirrors is currently a critical focus of scientific research. Co-phase detection technology based on a broad-band light source solves the problem of long measurement times caused by the Shackle-Hartmann method’s low target flow rates, thereby improving the accuracy and range of piston error detection. However, in the application of the current broad-band algorithm, the complex environment and the presence of disturbing factors such as camera perturbations cause the acquired circular aperture diffraction images to contain a certain amount of noise, which leads to a correlation coefficient value below the set threshold, reduces the accuracy of the method, and even makes it ineffective. To solve the problem, we propose a method by integrating an algorithm based on Denoising Convolutional Neural Network (DnCNN) into the broad-band algorithm in order to control the noise interference and retain the phase information of the far-field image. First, the circular hole diffraction image obtained by using MATLAB is used as the training data for DnCNN. After the training, the images with different noise levels are imported into the trained noise reduction model to obtain the denoised image as well as the peak signal-to-noise ratios of the circular hole diffraction images before and after denoising. The structural similarity between the two images and the clear and noiseless image are also obtained. The results indicate that the average structural similarity between the denoised image and the ideal clear image has significantly improved compared to the image before processing, and this achieves an ideal denoising effect, which effectively increases the ability of broad-band algorithms to cope with the effects of high noise conditions. This study has strong theoretical significance and application value for exploring the broad-band light source algorithm for applications in practical co-phase detection environments.
Key words:
- segmented mirror /
- piston error /
- circular diffraction /
- image denoising /
图 8 当4组子镜的piston分别为−0.2 μm、0、0.2 μm、2 μm时,不同方法的降噪效果图。(a)清晰图像;(b)噪声图像;(c)使用BM3D网络降噪后的图像;(d)使用WNNM网络降噪后的图像;(e)使用DnCNN降噪后的图像
Figure 8. Plots of the noise reduction effect of different methods for Gaussian noise for four sets of submirror piston errors of −0.2, 0, 0.2, and 2 μm. (a) Clear images; (b) noisy images; (c) images after noise reduction by BM3D network; (d) images after noise reduction by WNNM network; (e) images after noise reduction by DnCNN
图 10 对于piston分别为−0.2 μm、0、0.2 μm、2 μm的4组子镜,不同方法对于泊松噪声的降噪效果图。(a)清晰图像;(b)噪声图像;(c)使用BM3D网络降噪后的图像;(d)使用DnCNN网络降噪后的图像
Figure 10. The denoising effect of different methods on Poisson noise for four sets of submirror piston errors of −0.2 μm, 0, 0.2 μm, and 2 μm (from left to right). (a) Clear images; (b) noisy images; (c) images denoised by BM3D network; (d) images denoised by DnCNN
表 1 4组具有不同piston误差的含有高斯噪声的图像降噪前、后与清晰无噪声图像之间的SSIM值
Table 1. SSIM values between images containing Gaussian noise with four sets of submirror piston errors before and after noise reduction and clear noise-free images
piston SSIM值 BM3D WNNM DnCNN −0.2 μm 0.3527 0.2049 0.9747 0 0.2680 0.1376 0.9811 0.2 μm 0.3639 0.2109 0.9762 2 μm 0.3959 0.2294 0.9810 SSIM均值 0.3451 0.1957 0.9783 表 2 4组子镜piston误差下,PSNR在40 ~20 dB范围内的降噪前、降噪后图像与清晰无噪声图像之间的SSIM值
Table 2. SSIM values between pre- and post-noise reduction images with four sets of submirror piston errors and clear noise-free images when PSNR in the range of 40 dB to 20 dB
piston=-0.2 μm piston=0 piston=0.2 μm piston=2 μm PSNR before after before after before after before after 20 0.2875 0.9747 0.2610 0.9811 0.2892 0.9762 0.2954 0.9810 24 0.4794 0.9766 0.4669 0.9954 0.4858 0.9785 0.4942 0.9811 28 0.6992 0.9753 0.6798 0.9962 0.7001 0.9769 0.6981 0.9824 32 0.8536 0.9739 0.8387 0.9962 0.8537 0.9738 0.8519 0.9785 36 0.9349 0.9735 0.9321 0.9965 0.9354 0.9739 0.9366 0.9761 40 0.9731 0.9726 0.9714 0.9966 0.9726 0.9728 0.9735 0.9750 AVG 0.7046 0.9744 0.6917 0.9937 0.7061 0.9754 0.7083 0.9790 表 3 4组子镜piston误差下的含有泊松噪声的图像在降噪前、后与清晰无噪声图像之间的SSIM值
Table 3. SSIM values between images containing Poisson noise with four sets of submirror piston errors before and after noise reduction and clear noise-free image
piston=−0.2 μm piston=0 piston=0.2 μm piston=2 μm 平均值 BM3D 0.9114 0.8966 0.9334 0.9046 0.9115 DnCNN 0.9998 0.9998 0.9997 0.9998 0.9998 表 4 4组子镜piston误差下,PSNR在30 dB至10 dB范围内的降噪前、降噪后图像与清晰无噪声图像之间的SSIM值
Table 4. SSIM values of pre- and post-noise reduction images and clear noise-free images with PSNR in the range of 30 dB to 10 dB for four sets of submirror piston errors
piston=-0.2 μm piston=0 piston=0.2 μm piston=2 μm PSNR before after before after before after before after 10 0.0726 0.9973 0.0579 0.9970 0.0761 0.9973 0.0838 0.9973 14 0.2046 0.9995 0.2032 0.9996 0.1985 0.9995 0.3131 0.9996 18 0.5811 0.9995 0.5337 0.9993 0.5453 0.9995 0.6148 0.9981 22 0.7555 0.9997 0.8255 0.9998 0.7599 0.9995 0.7926 0.9997 26 0.8767 0.9999 0.9125 0.9999 0.9406 0.9998 0.9617 0.9999 30 0.9543 0.9998 0.9781 0.9998 0.9496 0.9999 0.9307 0.9997 AVG 0.5741 0.9993 0.5852 0.9992 0.5783 0.9993 0.6161 0.9991 -
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