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曹宗新 钱奕龙 刘禹彤 李坤 李子凡 龚君豪 胡五生 张大伟 洪瑞金 毛红敏 陆焕钧 樊丽娜 曹召良

曹宗新, 钱奕龙, 刘禹彤, 李坤, 李子凡, 龚君豪, 胡五生, 张大伟, 洪瑞金, 毛红敏, 陆焕钧, 樊丽娜, 曹召良. 基于变周期光栅法的液晶相控阵指向精度研究[J]. 188bet网站真的吗 . doi: 10.37188/CO.2024-0097
引用本文: 曹宗新, 钱奕龙, 刘禹彤, 李坤, 李子凡, 龚君豪, 胡五生, 张大伟, 洪瑞金, 毛红敏, 陆焕钧, 樊丽娜, 曹召良. 基于变周期光栅法的液晶相控阵指向精度研究[J]. 188bet网站真的吗 . doi: 10.37188/CO.2024-0097
CAO Zong-xin, QIAN Yi-long, LIU Yu-tong, LI Kun, LI Zi-fan, GONG Jun-hao, HU Wu-sheng, ZHANG Da-wei, HONG Rui-jin, MAO Hong-min, LU Huan-jun, FAN Li-na, CAO Zhao-liang. Pointing accuracy research of liquid crystal phase array based on variable period grating method[J]. Chinese Optics. doi: 10.37188/CO.2024-0097
Citation: CAO Zong-xin, QIAN Yi-long, LIU Yu-tong, LI Kun, LI Zi-fan, GONG Jun-hao, HU Wu-sheng, ZHANG Da-wei, HONG Rui-jin, MAO Hong-min, LU Huan-jun, FAN Li-na, CAO Zhao-liang. Pointing accuracy research of liquid crystal phase array based on variable period grating method[J]. Chinese Optics. doi: 10.37188/CO.2024-0097


基金项目: “十四五”江苏省重点学科资助(项目编号:2021135);国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(项目编号:22205155);江苏省自然科学基金青年基金项目(项目编号:BK20220640);江苏省高校基础科学(自然科学)研究面上项目(项目编号:22KJB150011);This work was supported by Jiangsu Key Disciplines of the Fourteenth Five-Year Plan (No. 2021135); the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grants No. 22205155); the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province (Grants No. BK20220640); the Natural Science Research of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions of China (Grants No. 22KJB150011)

    曹宗新(1999—),男,江苏扬中人,硕士研究生,2021年于苏州大学文正学院获得学士学位,主要研究方向为金宝搏188软件怎么用 雷达。E-mail:caozx117@qq.com

    钱奕龙(2003—),男,江苏南通人,2021级苏州科技大学在读本科生,主要研究方向为金宝搏188软件怎么用 雷达。E-mail:2398015652@qq.com



  • 中图分类号: O436

Pointing accuracy research of liquid crystal phase array based on variable period grating method

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  • 摘要:

    液晶光学相控阵被广泛应用于金宝搏188软件怎么用 雷达、金宝搏188软件怎么用 通信以及金宝搏188软件怎么用 武器中,进行金宝搏188软件怎么用 光束的扫描控制。为了实现液晶相控阵的最优设计和金宝搏188软件怎么用 光束高精度控制,本文重点研究工作波长、像素数、像素尺寸及有效灰度数对光束指向精度的影响规律。首先,根据液晶相位调制原理,仿真分析了周期光栅法和变周期光栅法的有效扫描角度和衍射效率;然后基于驱动电压灰度等分相位调制量,仿真分析指向误差随工作波长、像素数、像素尺寸以及有效灰度数的变化规律,推导出多变量普适公式;接着,仿真分析了驱动电压灰度非等分相位调制量时的指向精度,并和等分相位调制量的结果进行对比分析;最后,实验验证了有效灰度数、像素数和指向误差的关系,初步证实了经验公式的有效性。本文的研究结果可为液晶相控阵的设计提供理论依据。


  • 图 1  相息图工作原理:(a)取模;(b)量化

    Figure 1.  Principle of kinoform: (a) Modulus; (b) Quantization

    图 2  非周期光栅法的相位取模和量化

    Figure 2.  Modulation and quantization of the phase for VPG

    图 3  周期光栅和变周期光栅的衍射效率随衍射角度的变化

    Figure 3.  Diffraction efficiency as a function of diffraction angle for period and variable period gratings

    图 4  NG=32时等分相位调制量和有效电压灰度的关系

    Figure 4.  Uniform phase as a function of grey level for NG=32

    图 5  液晶相控阵离散相位产生指向误差示意图

    Figure 5.  Schematic diagram of the pointing error caused by discrete phase for liquid crystal phase array

    图 6  θ=2.06′的量化相位分布:红色实线代表理想分布,蓝色实线代表NG=32时相位分布

    Figure 6.  Quantitation phase distribution at θ=2.06′: the red and blue line represent the distribution of ideal and NG=32 respectively

    图 7  指向误差随偏转角度的变化关系

    Figure 7.  Relation between the pointing error and the rotation angle

    图 8  指向误差随波长的变化关系:PS=17 μm,PN=1024NG =32

    Figure 8.  Pointing error as a function of wavelength at the condition of PS=17 μm, PN=1024 and NG =32

    图 9  指向误差随有效灰度数的变化:λ=1.064 μm,PS=17 μm,PN=1024

    Figure 9.  Pointing error as a function of effective grey levels at the condition of λ=1.064 μm, PS=17 μm and PN=1024

    图 10  指向误差随像素尺寸的变化:λ=1.064μm,NG=32,PN=1024

    Figure 10.  Pointing error as a function of pixel size at the condition of λ=1.064μm, NG=32 and PN=1024

    图 11  指向误差随像素数的变化:λ=1.064 μm,NG=32,PS=17 μm

    Figure 11.  Pointing error as a function of pixel number at the condition of λ=1.064 μm, NG=32 and PS=17 μm

    图 12  10组数据的仿真和计算结果:左侧纵坐标表示仿真值和计算值,右侧纵坐标表示二者的偏移量

    Figure 12.  Simulation and calculation results for 10 groups data: the left and right ordinates represent the pointing error of simulation and computation and the deviation respectively

    图 13  非等分相位调制量和有效灰度数的关系

    Figure 13.  Nonuniform phase modulation as a function of effective grey levels

    图 14  θ=0.41′时的等分和非等分量化相位分布

    Figure 14.  Uniform and nonuniform quantitation phase distribution at θ=0.41′

    图 15  非等分相位的指向误差随偏转角度的变化

    Figure 15.  Pointing error of nonuniform phase as a function of rotation angle

    图 16  不同偏转角度下等分相位和非等分相位的指向误差的差值

    Figure 16.  Difference of pointing error between uniform and nonuniform phase at different rotation angle

    图 17  θ=−0.02′处等分相位和非等分相位的量化相位分布

    Figure 17.  Quantitation phase distributions for uniform and nonuniform phase at θ=−0.02′

    图 19  采集的光斑图像:(a)没有施加电压, (b) NG=32, (c) NG=64, (d) NG=128,(e) NG=256

    Figure 19.  Acquired optical spot image: (a) Without the driving voltage, (b) NG=32, (c) NG=64, (d) NG=128, and (e) NG=256

    图 18  验证实验光路

    Figure 18.  Experimental optical layout

    图 20  实验测量的水平偏转50次光斑质心

    Figure 20.  Measured center of gravity of light spot at horizontal direction with 50 times

    图 21  指向误差随有效灰度数的变化

    Figure 21.  Experiment measured pointing error as a function of effective grey levels

    图 22  采集的光斑图像:像素数= (a) 1024, (b) 702, (c) 512, (d) 320, (e) 200

    Figure 22.  Acquired optical spot image: pixel number= (a) 1024, (b) 702, (c) 512, (d) 320, (e) 200

    图 23  指向误差随像素数的变化

    Figure 23.  Experiment measured pointing error as a function of pixel number

    表  1  随机选取的液晶相控阵多变量数据

    Table  1.   Random selection data for the multivariable of liquid crystal phase array

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